Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3127: King Tonggu

Yun Tianjun, who looks like a young man, is actually a peerless old antique who has lived for tens of thousands of years. It is scary and terrifying as well. He has been in the realm of the Primordial Sovereign for a long time, and he does not know how many tens of thousands of years. Unfathomable.

At this moment, his deity was born, manifesting his true body, wearing a clouded armor, holding a Fangtian painted halberd in his hand, the wind and clouds are vast, shaking several vast continents.

All the world's attention.

The entire Weiyang big world was shaken, and countless eyes stared at the sky, only seeing endless visions, overwhelming the sky, as if the world were annihilated.

Yun Tianjun stepped out, and instantly stood on the sky, unattainable, looking down, coldly said: "Isn't it just killing a few mighty powers? They are all creatures in the illusory world, dare to kill my holy emperor? The strong in the realm camp, really don't pay attention to this monarch."

The emperor was angry, and buried hundreds of millions.

The Tianyang Continent below was about to fall apart, and the mighty power of terror descended from the sky. Suddenly, there were no knowing how many lives were killed and wounded, and it was counted at every turn.

As if the end is coming, I can hardly imagine it.


On the Tianyang Continent, the Hunshan God King is the ancient God King of this continent. He felt the boundless heavenly power descend from the sky, and with a roar, the power of the infinite God King was blooming, and he wanted to contend with the Emperor Tianwei.



"Why do you do this to us?"

The eyes of the **** king of the mixed mountains were full of blood and tears, and they asked three why, full of sorrow, full of anger, and full of helplessness.


Yun Tianjun just glanced at the God King Hunshan, and a swell of the king's heavenly power fell, directly blasting him from the sky to the ground, smashing a huge pit.

The god-king Hunshan almost fell to pieces and fell apart.

The **** king Hunshan was covered in blood, but he forced a sigh of relief. The whole person was alive. The spirit of the **** king appeared, almost burning, and roared towards the sky: "Outsiders, you won't have good results like this."


Under the gaze of hundreds of millions of creatures in the Great World of Weiyang, the God King Hunshan was burning with the dazzling fire of the avenue, soaring into the sky, and slammed into the heavenly Lord Yuntian on the sky, deriving a power of transformation. It is to bring Yun Tianjun together to transform the Tao.

"Hunshan, don't—"

On other continents, there is the sorrow of the ancient **** king.

The great powers on the Tianyang Continent also cried out sadly.

"God? But ants."

Yun Tianjun was condescending, looking at the God King Hunshan who was struggling to the sky below, he sneered, and immediately pointed out with a finger.

That finger suddenly turned into a sky-shielding giant finger, huge and boundless, more magnificent than the Optimus Pillar, I don't know how many times it contains the absolute supreme king Tianwei, which descended from the sky and landed on the mountain **** king below.


Seeing this scene, the ancient gods and kings of the other eight continents all exclaimed.


The Hunshan God King who burned the fire of Huadao was completely broken and destroyed, and even his soul was annihilated.

A generation of Hunshan God King, perished.

The **** king fell, and the infinite vision suddenly emerged, and the world was crying, and the impact was unknown.


On the Tianyang Continent, hundreds of millions of creatures mourned for it.

That was the God King Hunshan, the ancient God King who had guarded the Tianyang Continent for thousands of years, but was killed today.

On the Tianyang Continent, there are more than twenty powerful powers rising into the sky, with anger, even if they know that they are invincible, they will go up against the sky and rush towards Yun Tianjun.

"Hehe, there is another group of ants."

Yun Tianjun sneered, this time he just stomped his feet, the boundless might derive from the heaven and the earth, swept over with mighty power.

Boom boom boom boom boom--

In the blink of an eye, the many great abilities that rose up into the sky are all shattered and perished.

The world trembled, and people from the other eight continents were full of anger when they saw it.

But after clenching his fist, he felt helpless.

Because the other party is too strong, high above, overlooking the world, it is invincible.

The ancient **** king is not one of them.

Even if all the ancient **** kings in the entire Weiyang Great World add up, they cannot be Yun Tianjun's opponent, and the result will not be any different from the Hunshan God King.

In Doumen World, Ye Chen was also startled. He opened his eyes and pierced through Doumen World directly. He saw the outside world and saw the aloof Yun Tianjun. He shook his head and said, "I really think that Emperor Taigu can do whatever he wants here? Weiyang is an illusory world?"

"It's ridiculous, it's really a death, even Sheng Xu didn't dare to do that. The Primordial King of the Saint Emperor Realm camp is purely seeking death.

as expected--

The Weiyang big world, which is like an extinction of the sun because of Jun Tian, ​​suddenly has infinite power blooming, and with an extremely astonishing speed, it broke through the blockade of Jun Tianwei, the king of Yuntian, and became even more powerful. many.

With a loud bang, the entire Weiyang Great World seemed to rise up in a vast round of sky, traversing the heavens and the earth, completely suppressing Yuntianjun's King Tianwei.

A figure appeared on the highest point of the sky, with sloppy clothes and a black gourd on his back, like a beggar.

But it is such a figure, at this moment, what a terrifying power is blooming.

It is completely overlaid on God King.

Do not,

To be more precise, it should be called King Tonggu, he possessed the heavenly power of the king, and he was not an ordinary king of the ancients, he was incredibly powerful.

King Tonggu no longer looked hazy and dreadful at this moment. Although he still looked like a beggar on the surface, his power was unbelievably terrifying, and it was simply shocking.

It was Yun Tianjun, facing the power of the Tonggu king at this moment, and was completely suppressed, even with a hint of astonishment in his shock, as if he was shocking the Weiyang big world. The strong.

King Tonggu's eyes were absolutely indifferent and ruthless, and said: "Not long ago, I just blasted you directly for a little punishment. I didn't expect you to care about it, but now I am a cultivator who dared to slaughter my Weiyang world. Do you think Weiyang Great World can let you wait for the bullying to fail?"

"What, you did it in the first place?" Yun Tianjun only reacted at this time, and his panic was even worse.

King Tonggu said coldly: "Since you gave a slight punishment that day, you don't care, I will take action today, so that you will never forget it."


The boundless brilliance flooded the vast sky, overwhelming the sky, and the Emperor Tonggu shot.

No one knows what happened in the dazzling light. Even the Primordial King couldn't penetrate it, but in the end, when the light dissipated, Yuntianjun disappeared, leaving only Tonggu King.

Where's Yuntian Junren?

The indifferent and ruthless voice of Emperor Tonggu spread throughout the entire Weiyang Great World: "From now on, if anyone dares to attack my people in the Weiyang Great World without authorization and interfere with everything, I can't blame me for being ruthless and killing."

The words spread to everyone's ears. ()

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