Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3146: One punch!

Ye Chen, who performed the fifth form of chaos, the unity of the three gods, was the same Ye Chen.

But at this moment, the power that exudes from his body is so powerful, far superior to the past.

The entire world of kings will tremble, and the world instinctively screams, seems to be unbearable for such a powerful existence, and will collapse.

Originally, one Ye Chen had reached the level of five heavens with the help of the promotion secret method, but now the three of them were melted into one, how powerful.

You must know that this is Chaos Taoism. It took Ye Chen not only 30 years, but also all the previous years. Bit by bit of insight, he finally created it, which led to the fact that he is definitely not one plus one plus. As simple as that, the improvement of strength is also increased by geometric multiples, directly reaching an unimaginable level.

At this moment, Ye Chen's strength was far beyond imagination.

It was that he himself couldn't estimate how powerful he was. He only knew that he would be torn apart under one punch and without using the secret method of three gods.

"The peak of the fifth heaven? Or the sixth heaven?"

Ye Chen felt the infinite power that was continuously emerging in his body, and was slightly excited about it.

He only felt that every inch of his body contained the infinite power that could kill the quasi-prince. The power of his whole body was superimposed, and it was not knowing how terrifying it was to judge.

He took a long breath.

Even so, that breath contained infinite power, constantly exploding in the void, tearing the sky apart, and sinking a vast continent in the world within the Holy Void with a radius of nearly a million miles.

Without him, this is the power he has at present, and it can't be called unparalleled.

This scene also shocked everyone.

It would be terrifying to let the supercontinent of millions of miles collapse and sink in just one breath.

can not imagine!

Sheng Xu's expression was extremely solemn, and he only felt that the fighting saint king in front of him was filled with a terrible sense of crisis that made him feel cold.

It seems that an ancient emperor is gradually awakening, showing the monstrous emperor's might!

He felt that with a little carelessness, he might really be caught in a crisis that would never be restored.

"Even though it is not as powerful as the reincarnation of the great emperor, the powerful power of life, but to kill the ordinary king of the ancients, I am afraid that it is only a punch."

The fist is clenched, and the power of the sky is grasping here, as if the thunder is running, it is much more terrifying.

The entire expanse of heaven and earth fell and collapsed in this fist, vulnerable!

Ye Chen raised his eyes and looked at Sheng Xu, who had an unusually ugly look. He grinned and said, "Sheng Xu, you will be the first person to see my secret method of'Three Gods in One'. Of course, you will also be the first. A person who died under this secret law."

The words fell, suddenly moving!

Moving like thunder!


Shengxu's expression changed, because at the same time, Ye Chen had already arrived in front of him. Without using any magical weapons, his fist bombarded with the burning chaotic light, facing his head.

Under this punch, he felt a severe sense of crisis!

"Eternal Shield!"

Sheng Xu shouted loudly, displaying the emperor magical powers of the emperor clan.

Immediately countless avenues of runes condense in front of you into a huge holy shield that is as high as the sky, shining with dark black light and bright holy light, like a combination of light and darkness, eternal immortal, magnificent like the ancient gods, lying across the body before.

Previously, the emperor’s famous absolute defensive powers were as famous as the Maha Wuliangbi of the Maha clan, especially Sheng Xu, the emperor with the purest and strongest emperor’s bloodline, was displayed, and it was even more immortal. Immortal, blooming with immortal light.


However, this side of the eternal sacred shield, which can withstand the attack of the five-layer peak king, was blasted out of a huge hole by Ye Chen's Chaos Sacred Fist, almost being penetrated.

Even the whole body was blasted off, hitting Sheng Xu violently, causing his figure to fly horizontally, his body cracked, blood splashing into the sky, almost torn apart.


The terrifying force continued, and the infinite aftermath escaped, like a layer of ripples on the avenue, spreading and opening, wantonly torn open the boundless world, penetrated the entire inner world, and penetrated the Weiyang Great World.


At the same time, the aftermath continued, spreading to all directions of the big world world. Without the power of the world to maintain stability, the inner world of Saint Void couldn't bear it at all. The boundless earth was cracking, and countless criss-crossing chasms appeared.

What's more, I don't know how many continents have collapsed, submerged in the boundless ocean.

In an instant, the inner world of Shengxu's origin was almost in a state of half collapse.

The world was deserted, Yu Hao was dumbfounded, and the color in his eyes was so shocking that he couldn't believe it!

He never expected that Lord Chen would be so strong this time, even his master, a cosmic overlord of the Primordial King level, should have overwhelmed the existence of the first life, but he was so vulnerable in front of Lord Chen. It's almost broken.

He recalled everything the Wild Ancient Demon Dragon had said, and he really had boundless regrets.

What a glorious glory it would be if you worshiped Mr.

However, the world has never regretted taking medicine.


The wasteland on the edge of the world, the shattered world barrier, the Holy Void fell here, covered in blood, and miserable, where there is the slightest peerless demeanor before.

one strike!

Just a blow!

That's it, he was defeated horribly!

Sheng Xurao is so arrogant and arrogant, and I have to admit that the fighting saint king is really too rebellious, he really is not the opponent of this eternal quasi-king who can stand by the first generation and the emperor.

Ye Chen looked at the Chaos Sacred Fist, and seemed to be a little shocked at how powerful he was after casting the fifth chaos form. Although there was also an increase in the secret technique, he had to admit that after the three gods became one, he would achieve this step.

He believed that even if he didn't use the promotion secret method, his strength was definitely not just as simple as the ordinary five-layered king.

"This power is really intoxicating. It makes me more and more looking forward to how far I can reach when I am promoted to the Prime Minister in the future."

Ye Chen smiled slightly, different from the boundless power of the reincarnation body of the great emperor, it is external after all, and the power at this moment belongs to his own.

It is precisely because of this that he was fascinated by it.


Taking a step forward, it spanned hundreds of millions of miles in a flash, reaching the limit, and came to Sheng Xu, condescending and looking down.



The sky shook, and a big hand that covered the sky tore open the sky, entrained with the ancient chaos, and slapped the sacred emptiness in the wasteland of the shattered world below.

Sheng Xu could only reluctantly lift the eternal sacred shield that had not been crushed. ()

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