Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3146: Refining the Holy Void

It has to be said that this imperial clan’s magical powers are extraordinary, not to mention that it was created by the strongest emperor, Uranus Wushuang, directly repaired intact because of a spit of blood in the sacred void.


The big world is shattered every inch, and the aftermath is like an extinct flame, sweeping across the sky, tearing the world apart.

The Eternal Sacred Shield collapsed, and the remaining shield body flew out with the sacred emptiness, still never truly perished, nor was it broken to pieces.

Ye Chen stepped forward again, chasing after victory.

At the same time, the world of Weiyang shakes!

Because at the moment when the inner world of the sacred emptiness originated, the entire Weiyang big world attracted worldwide attention, and Ye Chen's unparalleled, chaotic ancient energy was added to his body, like a chaotic god, across the sky, chasing and killing the sacred emptiness.

The traces of power that leaked out of him were too strong, shaking the entire Weiyang world.

If it were not for the Weiyang Great World or the Supreme Great World, it would be extremely stable, otherwise the King World would not be able to bear it, and collapsed for it, the Holy King World could be represented.

It can be seen that the terrifying Sheng Xu was killed so that his body was covered in blood, and the boundless sky was stained red.

The drops of blood contained boundless power, causing the sky and the earth to explode continuously, causing several nearby continents to almost collapse.

This is still Ye Chen worrying about causing charcoal to all creatures. With a single thought, he used the Rhinoceros sword fingers to transform billions of epee awns to annihilate and dissolve all the blood of the sacred emptiness, otherwise it could really cause millions of creatures to be charred.

The blood of the Primordial King is too domineering and powerful, far beyond the ability of ordinary creatures to bear it.

Especially the blood of Sheng Xu, even the power is not necessarily bearable.

Watching everything, there is no shortage of super powers in the Saint Emperor’s Domain, but even Sheng Xu has been chased to pieces, let alone other people, who dared not appear to die at all, they were all captivated by Ye Chen’s boundless power. , Didn't dare to appear, could only watch this scene in secret.

"Master Sheng Xu was chased and killed, and the Saint King of Fighting Battle is so powerful that it can't be done. It's no good. You must have Ephedrine, the emperor who reported to our camp!"

The super powerhouses in the Saint-Emperor Realm camp take out the communication jade card to transmit to the truly invincible people of the Saint-Emperor Realm camp outside, such as the godless kings such as Saint Ancient Emperor and Zushan Emperor.

But the moment the message was sent, it was invalid.

The discoloration immediately changed because he knew that Weiyang Great World was blocked and could not communicate effectively with the outside world.

"So you are here."

Ye Chen sensed all this, his eyes froze, and several bright brilliance burst into his brows.

It is vaguely visible that it is the Heavenly Sword that is condensed by the power of the Divine Soul.


A full six swords of God Slayer appeared, and within the blink of an eye, they traveled through the endless sky and came to the six super powers of the Saint Emperor’s Domain. The weakest was the Seven Tribulations King, and the strongest was even bigger. Perfect quasi-king.

It is a pity that in front of Ye Chen's Sword of God, the eyebrows were pierced, the soul was crushed, and there was no time to make a scream, his eyes were hollow and he fell to the ground, and he fell.

Slash the six superpowers of the Saint Emperor's Domain.

Seeing that the six superpowers of his own camp were killed by a quick finger, Shengxu watched him helplessly.

Because now he can't protect himself, let alone saving other people, which is simply unrealistic.


In the next moment, Ye Chen caught up with Sheng Xu, and the Chaos Shaking Sky shot out his hand. He was extremely powerful, and immediately blasted Sheng Xu to pieces, but the flesh and blood were broken and connected, and it was still not completely shattered.

"As expected to be the emperor's son of the strongest emperor, the vitality is really amazing."

Ye Chen teased, but with a sneer, he didn't need to use any magical powers, he was the strongest in this state.

The fist dances, descends from the sky, brings the heavens and all the ways, and suppresses them together.


Sheng Xu still couldn't bear it after all, so he exploded and broke his body.

The boundless light of blood shook the wasteland of the Weiyang Great World, and almost affected a supercontinent thousands of miles away. Hundreds of millions of living creatures panicked and panicked, thinking that the end of the world was coming.

However, in the depths of the Weiyang Great World, there is boundless power unleashing, falling on this super continent, protecting all living creatures from being affected.

Everyone knew that it was King Tonggu who was taking action, the guardian of this world.

Ye Chen retracted the palm he was about to resist, and nodded slightly towards King Tonggu.


Sheng Xu roared, full of unwillingness and grief.

He is the heir of the strongest emperor, how could he end up in such a situation.

It was so miserable, so desolate, and it was very different from the previous posture.

Not only him, but all the super powers of the two camps were shocked.

The strength of the Fighting Saint King is far beyond imagination, and Sheng Xuzong, the heir of the strongest emperor, has also fallen into such a miserable situation.

It was not easy for Sheng Xu to reorganize Xing Shen in Yuankong, but how could Ye Chen give him a chance to chase him and explode the newly completed Xing Shen once again.

In this situation, no one can see that Sheng Xu is at an absolute disadvantage.

And there is a life crisis.

Ye Chen is too strong to give him the slightest He took advantage of his illness to kill him, and he took this to the extreme.





In a short period of time, Sheng Xu had been bombarded by Ye Chen six times.

Although Sheng Xu was the Primordial King and his origin was strong enough, he couldn't bear so many pieces of bones, and consumed a lot of origin every time.

He felt that he could only endure two broken bones at most, otherwise he would inevitably perish.


The blood exploded and swept across the sky, and I don't know how many miles.

The seventh bombing!

Ye Chen is as majestic as the Chaos Demon God, holding the sun and the moon and picking the stars, the chaos is overflowing, and he can smelt thousands of ways.

This time, after Shengxu had reorganized his body and spirit, he didn't make a bombardment anymore, because he noticed that Shengxu had used a monarch-level taboo magic weapon.


He sacrificed the great halberd and immediately recovered. The emperor's prestige was overwhelming and almost penetrated the entire Weiyang world. The emperor-level taboo artifacts mastered by Shengxu of Birthplace were suppressed, and he could not exert any power.

Because Tianhuang Shendi also awakened.

As a Taoist soldier, Tianhuang Shendi and even the Supreme Emperor's Armament category, even the emperor-level taboo artifacts are far inferior, being suppressed to be unable to explode.

On the contrary, it was Sheng Xu, almost crushed to pieces by this supreme emperor's prestige.


With a soft drink, Ye Chen summoned Wan Dao in the form of a chaotic quasi-king, and constructed a great chaos cauldron in the void. It is no different from the Dao soldiers, but it is not real. to make.

Then the brows bloomed, and the real Chaos Cauldron also appeared, swallowing the Chaos Cauldron, one inside and one outside, superimposed on each other, refining the Holy Void.

(End of this chapter)

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