Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3147: Holy Xu's Treasure House

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Sheng Xu, the third son of the strongest emperor, contains the power of the strongest emperor's bloodline, which is stronger than the reincarnation emperor.

Because it has reached the realm of the Primordial King, it has long activated its strongest emperor bloodline to the point of almost perfection.

You must know that the power of these emperor's bloodlines has a certain effect on promoting the growth of chaos for Ye Chen.

What's more, Sheng Xu, the Primordial King, contained the strongest emperor bloodline power in his body even more powerful.

Ye Chen stayed on the edge of the world, and the great chaotic cauldron swallowed the heavens and the earth, and thousands of paths rolled out and turned into the flames that burned the heavens, continuously poured into it, burning the sacred emptiness here to be refined.

Boom boom boom boom boom--

In the Great Chaos Cauldron, Sheng Xu desperately hit the Great Chaos Cauldron to break free, otherwise he would really be refined and completely perished in the long run.

It’s just that Ye Chen is so strong today that he is comparable to the Sixth Heaven King. His strength is extremely powerful. Sheng Xu is not his opponent at all, and after being bombarded so many times, his origin is weak to the extreme, how can he break through the chaos? Ding's prisoner, broke free.

Get world attention!

The entire Weiyang Great World paid close attention to this scene.

Ye Chen stayed here, motionless, letting chaos flow, letting time flow, still motionless like a mountain, running the most terrifying power, refining the Holy Void.

In the end, Sheng Xu was really scared, because he truly felt the crisis of death.

This is the first time I have felt it in my life.

He is the son of the strongest emperor. He has high hopes since he was born. In the future, he will have the opportunity to prove that the son of the Supreme Dao is the son of heaven. Will he die here today?

He didn't want all of this to happen, but he couldn't stop it.

In this way, after a full seven days and nights passed, Ye Chen refined it so that only a trace of true spirit remained, and stopped.

Because Sheng Xu's elder brother Sheng Gu Dijun is still watching closely outside the Weiyang Great World, if he kills Sheng Xu, Sheng Gu Dijun will definitely enter it.

For Shenggudijun, he has the reincarnation body of the great emperor and is naturally fearless, but it will affect his plan to compete for the supreme inheritance.

Moreover, he felt that the strongest emperor would probably leave Sheng Xu with the corresponding hole cards. Once he really wanted to completely obliterate his hole cards, his hole cards would also emerge, which was not what Ye Chen wanted to see.

If he really wants to kill Sheng Xu, he must be by Yan Emperor's side, so that he can be foolproof.

With a simple move, he shrunk the great chaos cauldron to the size of a fist, and put it in the heart of his eyebrows, and said indifferently: "For the time being, I will spare your life.

Ye Chen turned and left.

As for Yu Hao in Sheng Xu's inner world, he didn't even look at it.

Yu Hao, who was at the level of the Second Tribulation God King, didn't put it in his eyes.

This scene was naturally seen by Yu Hao, yelling in grief and indignation.

He is the strongest arrogant in the Weiyang Great World in ancient times, but now he is regarded as an ant. It is an insult to not be seen in the eyes.

However, he was also helpless.

Because Lord Chen does have such qualifications to ignore him.

This incident naturally shook the entire Weiyang world and caused great waves.

Because Ye Chen was too strong and too strong, he captured Sheng Xu, the strongest of the Saint Emperor Realm camp, and nearly killed him. With such a patience, no one can compare.

What's more, he killed the six superpowers of the Saint Emperor's Domain camp with his fingers.

Even King Tonggu was shocked for a while.

Moreover, the super powers of the Saint Emperor Realm camp cannot contact the outside world at all. This world is blocked, and they dare not appear easily, worrying about being found by the fighting king and directly destroying it.

So far, the Saint Emperor’s Realm camp has left out of ten strong people in the Weiyang Great World, and the Yan Emperor’s Realm camp is the only one.

After the battle ended, Ye Chen also closed for ten days and nights before leaving.

Because the chaotic secret method of the three gods is too unreasonable, it is precisely because of this that it has a cost, even more than the cost of upgrading the secret method.

Of course, Ye Chen could bear it, and the price was just a period of weakness, which was not a problem for him.

Naturally, this post-war also gained a lot.

After suppressing Sheng Xu, only a trace of true spirit remained, and he gained his treasure house.

Shengxu, as the ancient emperor, is the heir of the strongest emperor. The treasure house possesses such a wealth of gods as to rival the emperor.

Even the chaotic fairy gold has found several kinds, the least of which is the size of a fist, and the largest one is even the size of a human head. It is shining with chaotic fairy light, extremely bright, and even the most venerable is a peerless fairy material.

"It deserves to be the heir of the strongest emperor. As expected, the gods are astonishing. These chaotic immortal golds may be used by the Zhidao Supreme to refine the Supreme Emperor's soldiers in the future."

Ye Chen held several chaotic immortal golds, almost enough to refine a Taoist soldier.

In addition, there are a large number of artifacts in the treasure house, many of which are king-level Taoist fairy materials, and even an ancient mine. The entire mountain range is full of that kind of magical materials, and the reserves are extremely amazing.

As for other treasures, such as elixirs, magical spells, Taoist weapons, elixir, wild animal eggs, etc., there are countless countless treasures, and the wealth is amazing.

Even the Heart of the World found several.

And they are all the heart of the world of the king, not the plane world.

It is a pity that Ye Chen's original universe is in a state of fullness, and at least he is in the realm of a quasi-monarch that is difficult to swallow.

"Although I can't swallow the world at the moment, and the great world of kings has little effect on me, it can repair the realm of Nirvana."

Ye Chen felt that the heart of the world was still very useful, and put it away, in the future, to repair the dying emperor realm in the reincarnated body of the emperor.

At the same time, he emptied the treasure house of Sheng Xu directly and moved directly to his original universe and he once again sacrificed the Great Chaos Cauldron and the Sealed Gate.

After spending the many precious divine materials obtained from the Saint Void Treasury, whether it is the Great Chaos Cauldron or the Sealed Gate, it has gained a certain degree of improvement.

The Great Chaos Cauldron is the main soldier of the same origin. Following him, he has swallowed the origin mark of many superpowers and the essence of Dao soldiers. He has long been transcendent and sanctified. Once he is promoted to the Primordial King, this cauldron will also change. , Truly extraordinary.

Although the Sealed Gate was inferior to the Great Chaos Cauldron in nature, it also raised a level with the help of many divine materials.

The ten king puppets are even more sturdy and immortal, enough to rival the emperor's immortal soldiers.

Not long afterwards, in the Chaos Tianfu, Doumen God King came personally.

"Farewell to Master Chen!"

In the main hall of Chaos Tianfu, the Doumen God King bowed his body to salute, showing the greatest etiquette.

Even if for 30 years, he used the black dragon ancient monarch's king world and occasionally received Ye Chen's guidance, just like the barren ancient monster dragon, he went further, and is now at the level of the Six Tribulations God King and is about to enter the Seven Tribulations Super God King level. , But Ye Chen still holds the highest heart of awe for the Ye Chen who gave it all.

Because he always understood that without Ye Chen's gift, he was afraid that it would be difficult for him to achieve this step in his life.

What's more, even if you completely refine the heart of the world, completely smelt everything with the heaven and earth in your own body, and have the opportunity to surpass the **** king and become a quasi king, he is not the one general of Chen Lord.

Regarding the power of the Lord Chen, even if he only knew a small amount of power, he was beyond his reach.

Ye Chen faintly smiled and said, "Since you are an old friend, you don't need to salute. Is there news from the Supreme Heritage?"

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