Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3167: Three giants

The ancient road of origin, Taishenghuangyu.

  The vast territory governed by the Taisheng Emperor encompassed a full eleven territories.

   Looking at the territory ruled by the great giants of the ancient road of origin, they are absolutely the territory of a giant, and it is indescribable.

   Central territory, Taisheng imperial city.

   In the magnificent and majestic Palace of the Emperor of the Era, a generation of eternal giants, Taishenghuang, sits on the seat of the Supreme Emperor.

  The stalwart figure Yuan Yu Yuezhi, his entire body was submerged by Chaos Qi, while the supreme emperor of all sorts evolved autonomously, surrounded by his body, and the power was overwhelming. Even if the supreme faced him, he would bow his head and claim his court.

   This is the unparalleled posture of Taishenghuang!

   In the daytime, the Supreme Emperor seems to sit upright on the High Emperor’s Seat, overlooking the boundless Supreme Emperor Realm, but in reality, he spends more time closing his eyes, comprehending the Supreme Dao, and trying to attack the last barrier and detach himself.

   At this moment, he opened his eyes, and the Supreme Emperor of all sorts was surging, evolving to a high level of chaos, and the entire era of the era was not covered in front of him.

   He looked at that direction, and a smile gradually appeared on his majestic face.

   "Okay, after the sun boy, you have also begun to preach. Although the years of staying in the emperor's realm are a little short, only a few hundred years, but turning an emperor into nourishment is certain, and you can barely prove the supremacy."

   In the hall, the eleven supreme princes of the Supreme Emperor's Domain are all present.

   Every supreme person is all majestic and majestic, with stunning aura, each has a throne, only slightly inferior to the throne of the Supreme Sage.

Naturally, I also sensed the fluctuations of the emperor's calamity in the battlefield of the holy prison. Earlier, I was still speculating about where the sacred robbery would be. Now when I heard it, I suddenly knew that it was the emperor's emperor in the early days. Congratulations with a shadow holding a fist: "Congratulations, Lord Taishenghuang, the emperor has first attained the Supreme Dao, and my Taishenghuangyu will add another Supreme, even more so."

   One line of double supreme, will be the supreme glory, can shock the ancient and the present.

   After all, throughout the ages, the supreme line rarely has children who can succeed the parents and become the second supreme.

   Even the eldest son of the strongest emperor is nothing but a suspected supreme, which has not been confirmed.

   Of course, this refers to the double supreme of the imperial family.

   If other aspects are included, such as the sun supreme, there is not only one pulse of double supreme, but one pulse of three supreme.

   Even including the entire Tai Sage Emperor's Domain, there are more than a dozen Supreme.

   However, on the ancient road of origin, the reason why most of the Supremes joined the giants' territory was just to fight in groups, and they are not true followers.

   Tai Sage Emperor’s eyes turned back, it seemed that there was a change of epochs, and the reincarnation dissipated, saying: “It’s not that easy to prove the Dao in the early days. Some people don’t want me to have more supreme being born on the side of the world.”

   Fighting the sanctuary.

   The most magnificent battle hall in the central territory, like a palace of war emperors, full of the atmosphere of warriors.

   Fighting ancestors like the giant Pangu who created the world, the emperor's posture is proud of the heavens, and the battle power tops the ancient and modern world. At this moment, he is laughing, full of joy.

   "What a great emperor, his son also proclaimed the Dao Supreme at the beginning, but I don't know if the Wuxiang boy can prove to the Dao Supreme as soon as possible, it would be better if he becomes the strongest emperor."

Under the command of   , the Twelve Great Sovereigns of Fighting Sanctuary were silent, but their heart was shocked.

   If the Great Disciple of the Fighting Saint Ancestor, the Wuxiang King, proves that Dao is supreme every day, I am afraid he will directly become the strongest emperor.

   After all, he is just an emperor, but his combat power is no less than the real supreme.

   If this is true, a double giant will really shock the world!

   In Yandi City, Yandi laughed likewise: "That kid from the beginning, it's time to prove that Dao became Emperor."

   "But in my opinion, those alien scumbags won't easily allow the early proving Dao to become the emperor. I should leave."

   Yandi moved and disappeared from Yandi City.

   At the same time, the Eight Supreme Sovereigns of Yandi Region also set off, following Yandi to the battlefield of Saint Prison Region.

   On the other hand, the foreign races all looked gloomy, but they knew that it was the battlefield of the holy prison, and the Yandi was the most powerful emperor who was guarding them. They had no chance to stop the emperor from the early days of the supremacy.

   In the place of the Four Great Emperors, the battle between the two camps has long ended, and the result is naturally the victory of the Yan Emperor domain camp.

  It can be said that the Saint Emperor’s Realm camp, as long as the strongest who entered the land of the four great emperors, from the most sage, to the primordial emperor, were killed, none were left, and completely emptied.

Although Ye Chen hopes to suppress and enslave a few super kings, this incident is still too shocking, and there are too many Primordial kings enslaved. Once it is discovered that he is enslaving the Primordial kings and refining king puppets, the number exceeds The number of twenty will inevitably suffer from the joint conquest of the ancient kings on the ancient road of origin, and Emperor Yan may not be able to keep him.

   Therefore, Ye Chen could only watch helplessly as the super king of the Saint Emperor's Domain was killed, blood-stained endless space turbulence.

   However, for those who were killed in the Saint Emperor Realm camp, many people are destined to send their corpses to the treasure house to exchange the corresponding treasure value, and then exchange the treasure, Ye Chen may also obtain the corpses of several kings.

   Even if you are lucky, it is not impossible to get the body of the super king.

   As for the four emperors——

Emperor Dongxu was swallowed and refined by the emperor of the early days, and turned into the nourishment of the supreme witness. The other three emperors also ended all were suppressed, and under the action of the five emperors, they were suppressed inside the emperor. Suppress it with the five supreme powers of the emperor star.

Of course, it’s not that they don’t want to kill, but these emperors want to really kill, it is really difficult, each has a back hand, and even has the secret treasure granted by the supreme, it is difficult to kill the supreme, let alone they, only It can be suppressed temporarily, and other measures will be adopted in the future.

   As for the fall of Emperor Dongxu, it was just that he was not lucky, and more importantly, he was not killed by the Emperor of the Beginning, but he burned the Xing Shen, and was also bombarded and killed by the Emperor, completely lost.

   Otherwise, the Emperor of the Beginning would not be able to kill Emperor Dongxu in a short time.

   The reincarnation of the great emperor, the reincarnation emperor and other five emperors naturally did not stay in the place of the four emperors for long, but left and appeared on the battlefield of the sacred prison area, each standing in one position, protecting the way for the emperor of the early emperor to cross the catastrophe.

In the dark, the four supreme immortal obsessions that perished in the past looked at the boundless emperor's robbery in the sky, and immediately shifted their eyes, looking outside the battlefield of the holy prison, as if they saw a series of supreme emperor shadows. Ups and downs, with the dark supreme of a foreign race, his eyes instantly became gloomy many times.

   "I hope that all these years of waiting have not been in vain. Even if the obsession dissipates, a few people will be dragged down for funeral."

   The inexorable voice is indifferent and ruthless, and there is a monstrous killing intent.

   Unable to perceive, in the four great emperor retreats where all the powerful capitals of the Yandiyu camp retreated one by one, the three thousand illusory worlds are slowly blooming with hazy brilliance, and an unprecedented unparalleled fluctuation quietly emerged.

   All of this was imperceptible, because it was completely covered up by the emperor's calamity fluctuation.

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