Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3168: 10 The Great Emperor Invades

In the early days, the emperor rushed to the Supreme, and the emperor's calamity was boundless, and one journey was nine days and nine nights, which was very long.

   And the more the Emperor's Tribulation reached the later stage, the more terrifying, the more flaming, and the more extensive, it caused a terrible shock for half of the ancient road of origin.

  Eternal attention!

   Everyone can vaguely see that the emperor in the early days was covered in blood during the Tribulation, was crushed a dozen times in the Tribulation, and was on the verge of death, but he was always tough and immortal and survived.

   The reorganized form and spirit is far better than the past. There is a real supreme aura blooming in the body, and the spirit is also undergoing transformation towards the emperor soul, and is about to take the next step, truly complete, and proclaiming the supremacy.

   At this moment, it is already the end of the emperor's robbery. No surprise, the emperor in the early days will become the supreme.

In the immeasurable emperor robbery, the emperor of the primordial emperor took the center of the emperor, and his body turned into a light cocoon, big as a star, the light of the emperor was permeated, and it crazily swallowed the power of the emperor, restored, and made himself more complete. .

   It can be seen that he is at a critical moment. Once he fights for the final emperor's calamity, he will be the majesty of the world!


   Suddenly, the battlefield of the holy prison was torn apart, and there was a horrible figure descending, accompanied by strands of supreme emperor prestige, faint emperor light added, and the emperor descended.

   And not just one person, but three people.

They stared at the light cocoon of Emperor Taichu that had been transformed in the emperor's robbery, and their eyes revealed incomparable hotness: "I can feel that the Supreme Dao Fruit of the Emperor of Taichu is condensing. Once I get the hand, I will be able to prove the Supreme Dao. !"

   They began to rush towards the emperor, to launch a terrible offensive against the emperor of the early days.

   In the giant-level domain battle, the supreme can't make casual moves, but there is no such restriction under the supreme.

Moreover, the emperor in the early days was in the most critical moment of proving the Dao, and was condensing the Supreme Dao fruit, even if it was only a semi-finished product, it was fatal to the emperor. Once they got the hand, they could have a few more opportunities to prove the Dao. .

   "You are not allowed to fight against the Lord Emperor Taichu!"

   In the Yan Emperor domain camp, in the palace temple of the day, many powerful men appeared and blocked them.

But as far as the emperor is concerned, it is very vulnerable. One of the emperors just slapped a slap in the air. In an instant, Hong Hai shot to the sky and killed the two Primordial emperors and a dozen quasi-emperors of the Yandi Domain camp. Shattered to pieces.

  Only the two great ancient kings were not killed in the first time, and they struggled to reorganize their bodies and spirits. As for the quasi-princes, they could not die again.

   The emperor’s blow was far beyond the quasi-prince’s ability to stop it.

   "Let's do it, use the secret treasure given by the supreme body to protect you from the emperor's attack for a certain period of time."

   The three great emperors set off, ignoring the two great ancient kings, preparing to enter the emperor's robbery.


At this time, the reincarnation body of the great emperor was suddenly blocked in front of them, and the ruthless cold light on his immature little face was gushing out: "Dare to kill my strong in the Flame Emperor Realm, and even interfere with the emperor of the primordial emperor. Your courage is really not small. ."

   "Holy King Lord?"

   The three emperors have also vaguely heard some legends about the reincarnation of the emperor, but even if the other party is the emperor, they have set foot on the emperor’s countless old antiques, and they are still three. How can they be afraid.

   "The point of acquaintance is to withdraw by yourself. We don't want to do it yet, otherwise you will feel better."

   The three emperors spoke indifferently and went straight to the emperor's robbery.


   The reincarnation body of the great emperor, without saying anything, sacrificed the emperor star and smashed it directly over. With a few loud bangs, the three emperor figures flew up and down, were killed by surprise, and even vaguely blood appeared in the corner of his mouth.

"you dare!"

   The three emperors were furious in an instant, and a sacred ruler dared to be impatient with them.

   shot immediately, but when he saw the reincarnation body of the emperor once again held the emperor star, only then did he realize that it was a treasure of the emperor's path, possessing infinite power of the emperor's path.

   It's just that the three emperors entered the battlefield of the holy prison area because there are other supreme and even eternal giants' instructions behind them. Naturally, there are corresponding means to deal with it, and the supreme emperor's soldiers will be sacrificed to resist.

   An emperor holds the Supreme Imperial Soldier in his hand to deal with the reincarnation of the great emperor, and the other two rush over.

   Emperor Shura and Emperor Tonggu appeared and blocked them.

   There are five emperors in the Yandiyu domain camp. How can these people interfere with the most critical moment of the Taichu emperor’s proving Dao Supreme?

   "Where are the four of Shenggu, Zushan, Dark Lord, and Dongxu?"

   On the side of the Saint Emperor Realm camp, there is naturally supreme observing in secret, seeing that the four great emperors familiar to the Yan Emperor Realm camp have appeared one after another, but the four great emperors of their own camp have not appeared to stop, there is a bad premonition.

   And I found that Emperor Shura and Emperor Tonggu are quite strange, even more so.

  Another Supreme said solemnly: "Let everyone else do it. Don’t let the Emperor of the First Time successfully prove the Supreme."

   Silently, the barriers of the battlefield of the holy prison were torn apart, and one after another emperor figures appeared one after another, but they were invited by foreign races to take action.

   In the end, a total of seven emperors appeared. In addition to the three emperors who shot earlier, there are a total of ten emperors, which can be described as an extremely terrifying lineup.

   In the case of the supreme being unable to come out, who can stop the ten emperors.

Looking at the light cocoon in the emperor's robbery, the seven emperors also flashed an undisguised hot meaning, saying: "This time, in order to prevent the emperor of the early days from proving the Taoist Supreme, those alien primates did not hesitate to pay great The price is not only the promise of the rich conditions, but also the Supreme Dao fruit condensed by the Supreme Emperor of the Primordial Emperor's Enlightenment Dao, so this time, we can only offend the Emperor of the Primordial Emperor."

   are all emperors, naturally wishing to go further and become supreme.

  This temptation, no emperor can stop it.

   And even if there is Emperor Yan behind the Emperor Taichu, and the father of the eternal giant Taishenghuang, not to mention the Emperor, even the supreme dare not make a move.

   But one of the rich conditions promised by foreign races is to protect them from being targeted by the three giants of the sealed world, and the strongest emperor promised to support them to achieve supremacy, so he started cruelly.

   "Let's do it, kill the emperor of the early days and seize his supreme Taoist fruit."

The seven emperors are like seven heroes in troubled times, each of them does not conceal their infinite power, with a faint emperor light all over their body, and that monstrous power spreads wantonly, reviving the secret treasure bestowed by the supreme, and breaking into the emperor directly Robbery.


   Their intrusion directly caused the Emperor Jie Lei Hai to boil, and it was torn open a huge gap.

   Seven people rushed into the emperor's robbery, but they possessed the deceiving secret treasure specially given by the supreme, so that the emperor's robbery could not be sensed, so they could not come to an effective emperor's robbery to stop them.


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