Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3172: Comparable to the unphased king

Once the condensing of the Supreme Dao Fruit is successful, you will surely be congratulated by the Heavenly Dao, descending to the eternal color, and illuminating the heavens and the world.

   None of this happened, indicating that the emperor in the early days was not the real supreme.

   Another supreme gaze flickered, saying: "Although the emperor was not a true supreme in the early days, no one has ever done so beyond the ability of the emperor. Don't forget the person back then."

   "You mean him? Could it be—" You Zun was surprised.

   "Yes, Qin Wuxiang of the past fought against Emperor Hunyue in the last epoch. In today's scene, the physical body is shaken hard, and even completely suppressed, which caused the Hunyue Emperor of the same level to be hit hard."

  'S words reminded many supreme of a forbidden character——

   King of Kings, King of No Phase!

   Too enchanting, too perverted.

   In the last epoch, the unphased emperor was at the emperor level, but at that time, he was called emperor to the outside world. In fact, he was terrible in combat power, far surpassing emperors, possessing the ability to kill emperors, and even fighting the supreme.

   Because of this, he was extremely jealous of the foreign race, thinking that he would become the second fighting ancestor, painstakingly designed, arranged many traps, and paid a heavy price before letting the king of no phase fall.

   However, there are rumors that the forbidden character Wuxiang King has been resurrected and is stronger.

"I have a kind of suspicion. It is very possible that the emperor of Taichu now has such a terrifying and terrifying combat power after setting foot on the same level as the unphased emperor of the year. Of course, whether this is the case, we need to continue to see." Supreme said, It also aroused the resonance of the other supreme, which made sense.

   is just a tremor in the heart, if the emperor in the early days really reached this step, the impact on the emperors of the heavens would also be huge.

   The eyes of the supreme heavens broke through the endless sky and continued to fall on the Emperor Taichu in the battlefield of the holy prison.

   The supreme of the natural alien side looked gloomy and cold, and his eyes were gushing with murderous intent.

   If the emperor in the early days really reached the step of the unphased king in the past, he would have to spend infinite cost to kill him.

   They will not let any person with the strongest emperor potential rise successfully, especially the hostile universe.

   On the battlefield of the holy prison, the emperor of the early days was still in white clothes, standing on the red dust, looking at the unbelievable emperor Hun Yue, and said lightly: "There was nothing that could do it, why can't I do it."

   Hunyue Emperor changed his color in amazement: "You said you have reached the level of the unphased king?"

   Thinking back to that person back then, but the only surviving existence whose body completely crushed him in the same level, he still has lingering fears.

   Now someone else has reached this point.

It's just that he shook his head: "No, it's impossible. The unphased king back then was just physically stronger than me in the realm of kings. Now I become the emperor, and my physical body is far stronger than in the past, even if he comes in person. It is impossible to break my defenses, you must have become the supreme, otherwise it is impossible to be so strong."

   "Hehe, if the unphased king comes and is in the emperor level, he will only be stronger than me, and kill you easily." Taichu Emperor dismissed it.

"Do not--"

   Hun Yue Emperor roared, rushing up, and the majestic shadow of the mountain appeared vaguely in the whole person, and he arrived horizontally, much more terrifying than the emperor's attack.


   The emperor in the early days covered the sky with his hand, and the big hand was shot down, and he directly shot the emperor Hunyue into the air. The mountains behind him collapsed, and his body cried loudly, and the silver emperor's blood did not know how much he spilled.

   Then he squeezed his fist print, with a thick layer of emperor light on his white fist, and punched Emperor Hunyue on his chest.

That is one of the hardest parts of the Chaos Emperor's body. It is protected by the armor formed by the essence of the Chaos Mountain. It is harder and more immortal than many of the Emperor's armors, but at this time, the fist mark actually broke the armor. .

   The emperor of the early days made another move, and under three punches, he broke completely, punching a hole through his chest, the heart of stone was caught in the palm of his hand, and the heart of stone was pounding non-stop.


   The heart of the stone was squeezed out of thin air. That was where the emperor Hunyue's body was three or four out of ten, but now he was squeezed by life and blood was greatly damaged. The emperor Hunyue was directly slumped and suffered severe trauma.

   Then all the silver emperor Hunyue's essence and blood turned into a dazzling glow, submerged in the body of the emperor of the early days.

   It can be seen that in the early days of the emperor's complexion, the expression of his paleness was reduced a bit.

   This scene makes people feel chills. The Emperor Hunyue, the emperor transformed by the Primordial Chaos Mountain, was severely injured in an instant, let alone other people, I am afraid they are not their opponents.

   "Don't panic, we have seven people, now we can make a concerted effort, and we will definitely kill him!" Bixia's sharp-horned emperor shouted, even though he was hit hard by the soul before, he still forcibly increased his momentum and rushed forward.

  The emperor of the early days wins snow in white clothes, carrying a picture of yin and yang, and his figure is so magnificent and majestic. His eyes are as deep as the starry sky, without sorrow or joy, looking at the seven emperors plainly.

   Within a few breaths, three of the seven emperors were severely injured, and there were only seven of them, so how could they compete with him.

   As for the three emperors who were originally controlled by the reincarnation of the emperor, they were also deeply jealous, and did not rush forward in the first time to avoid disturbing the pond fish.

   "Three, don't come here now, or if the emperor in the early days is really destroyed, I will Do you still have a way to escape?"

   An emperor yelled, and the three emperors looked at each other. They also witnessed the terrifying power of the emperor in the early days, and they were indeed deeply worried.

   hesitated a little, then nodded and rushed over.

   But the reincarnation of the great emperor, how could the five emperors let go and rush to stop them immediately.

   The emperor of the early days said: "It's okay, I also want to test how strong I am now."

   The five emperors can only nod their heads, but secretly raise their spirits and spirits to the extreme. Once an abnormal situation occurs, they will be rescued immediately.

   The ten emperors co-appear, it can be described as the most terrifying lineup, enough to overwhelm the ancient and modern, sweeping under the supreme.

   Even facing the real supreme, it is absolutely enough to fight.

   On the ancient road of origin, the Supreme Lord of the Heavens paid close attention to this scene.

It’s just that the Yandiyu, Taishenghuangyu, and Douzhan Shengyu all have worries, although they all suspect that the Taichu emperor may have reached the stage of the innocent emperor in the past, and it can be worthy of the emperor. But it is not optimistic.

   You need to know that the unphased king of the year was known as the first person under the supreme, and he was not used by a foreign race to use the two emperors and seven peerless kings to jointly shoot, cooperate with the killing array, and kill a serious injury and dying.

   There are now a total of ten emperors, which is more than twice as serious as the situation faced by the unphased kings.

   The emperor of the early days rushed to face the ten emperors, in the eyes of many supreme, it was just an act of seeking death.

  :. :

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