Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3173: The truth is not quite a year

"You guys, wait a while and make a shot together. You must advance and retreat together, and you must do it together. We can't give the Emperor Taichu a chance. We can each be his front opponent, and we will be defeated in ten rounds. Even hit hard, but together, he cannot be our opponent no matter how strong he is."

   Hunyue Emperor Jundao, he reorganized his heart, although his blood was greatly damaged, he was still very strong.

  As the Chaos Innate God Mountain, not all the essence and blood are contained in the heart, but throughout the entire divine body, and now with the help of peerless magical medicine, the essence of the body can be restored to the peak for a short time without fear.

Although he had to admit that the emperor of the early days was really powerful, even the unphased emperor of the year was also killed by the two great emperors of the different races and the seven peerless kings. Moreover, in the case of the ten emperors, the emperor of the early days was impossible It's their opponent, sure to die.

"it is good!"

   The other nine emperors naturally understand this truth, and are also adjusting their aura to the extreme, maintaining the peak fighting state.

In the early days, how could the emperor fail to see the mentality of the ten emperors, and just sneered, and said: "The intangible emperor was killed by the two emperors and the seven peerless emperors of the foreign race? Do you really think this is the truth of the year? "

   "What do you mean?" The expressions of the ten emperors changed slightly, and I always felt that the truth of the fall of the unphased king was not so simple.

   The emperor of the early days smiled, with a proud look: "You have been deceived by the foreign race for too long. In the past, the myth was shattered and the ignorance was the first to bear the brunt. He fought against the foreign supreme alone and was seriously injured."

"You need to know how brave the Wuxiang was back then. Although he was hit hard, he paid the **** price to that alien supreme. He was weakened in the war and was forced into the ancient world. In the Emperor Killing Array."

   "If it weren't for the alien supreme of the year, the ancient emperor's killing formation of the year, do you really think that the two emperors and the seven peerless kings can make Wuxiang seriously injured and dying?"

   "It's ridiculous, it's really ridiculous."

In the words of   , the truth of the year was revealed, and the entire ancient road of origin was shaken.

   There is such a truth in the fall of the phaseless king.

But the unphased king who wanted to go to the past had to fight against the alien supreme alone, and even let the alien supreme blood splash the world, paying a considerable price, and finally was forced into the ancient emperor killing array, and then the two alien kings and the seven peerless kings Host, pay the price of life to make the Wuxiang King seriously injured and dying.

   However, it was an alien supreme who really killed the Wuxiang King himself. He shot and killed when he was seriously injured and dying, and finally succeeded.

   Otherwise, the power of the unphased emperor back then would be really difficult to kill him if the two emperors and the seven peerless emperors cooperated with the previous ancient emperor killing array.

   The ten great emperors were shocked, and the unphased kings back then were so terrifying.

   I think of the Emperor Taichu in front of me again, and when he has reached the level of the unphased emperor, his scalp is numb.

  Because they understand that they will face a terrifying figure like a no-phase king.

   Just thinking about it, my scalp is numb.

   On the ancient road of origin, when they learned the truth, the supreme princes were all shocked, and in an instant, all of them looked at the Emperor of the Beginning with bright eyes.

  Rao is the eternal state of mind of the supreme of the heavens. At this moment, he has to tremble.

  Because the impact of this incident was too great, it was even greater than the emperor's success in proving Dao in the early days, so that the heavens could not keep calm.

  Especially the supreme of the alien side, even more killing intent, without covering up, so that the hundreds of millions of creatures on half of the ancient road of origin can clearly feel it.


   The supreme was angry, and the infinite vision appeared immediately, flooding the boundless earth, unimaginable.

   "Unexpectedly, in the early days of the emperor's failure to prove the Dao Supreme, it was a blessing in disguise. Furthermore, taking this crucial step in the emperor's level and becoming a figure comparable to the intangible emperor is really a mistake."

   An alien supreme spoke slowly, how endless and immeasurable the killing intent was, and he could not wait to rush into the battlefield of the holy prison domain immediately and kill the Emperor of the Beginning.

   The enchantment of the unphased king back then, is so powerful that the sea of ​​chaos is obvious to all.

   Known as the first person under the supreme, universally recognized, and recognized by the sea of ​​chaos, caused heavy losses to the alien supreme.

   And the potential is terrible, just waiting for Ruo Douzhan the second ancestor, waiting for Ruo the rising eternal giant.

   As far as the ancient alien universe is concerned, how could it be possible for such eternal giants to rise.

   That's why there was a subsequent kill, and the Supreme made two shots.

   Now, a primordial emperor who is comparable to the unphased emperor is emerging. With the character of a foreign race, he cannot be allowed to grow up anyway.

  Even, the strongest emperor is about to manifest, the power of the eternal giant is not knowing how terrifying, the entire battlefield of the sacred prison is shaking, and it is about to collapse at any time.

But on the other side, Emperor Yan also appeared, both of whom are giants of the ages, not weaker than others, indifferently said: "Holy, if you dare to make a move, I can guarantee that I will directly enter the Saint Emperor's Uproot everyone under your command, including your eldest son who has become the supreme."

  Who is the Yan Emperor? Although he is a newly promoted eternal giant, he has a strong personality. When he first awakened and returned, he dared to kill the alien Buddha by himself, and even threatened the alien, pulling several immortal king giants to confront each other.

   Now if the strongest emperor emperor dare to make a move, he will definitely do it with Yandi's character.

   On the ancient road of origin, the Supreme Lord of the Heavens could not breathe a bit of cold air. The Emperor Yan is a real domineering tycoon, not a general strong.

  The strongest emperor, Sheng, looked at Yandi coldly, without saying a word, but without the slightest move, he was obviously jealous.

   In the battlefield of the holy prison, Emperor Samsara, Emperor Shura, Emperor Tonggu, Emperor Xuanxu looked complicated, and sighed softly, "No wonder that I was so powerful in the beginning, and I have stepped into this level. It is really enviable."

In the words of   , the envy is not concealed.

   Ye Chen looked suspicious. He didn't know that in addition to the emperor, the unphased king had also entered another level, which seemed to hide a huge secret.

   He was curious in his heart, so he couldn't help but use the reincarnation of the emperor to ask the four emperors.

"do not you know?"

Several great emperors were somewhat astonished, but the reincarnation emperor still said: "In fact, like the eternal quasi-king of the fighting sage, it can also be called the eternal emperor to be accurate at the beginning. It is a peerless eternal emperor. The strong."

  :. :

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