Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3174: Eternal emperor

The eternal road is not a true ancient road, but a unique pronoun. It only represents the hope of transcendence when setting foot on the eternal road.

   Once successfully set foot on the path of eternity, the strong will have a fighting power far superior to others in the same level.

   At this point, even the Dzogchen Supreme Tianjiao in the same level is far inferior.

   Of course, if you want to become an eternal emperor, although it is much easier than an eternal quasi-monarch, it is still relatively few in the past.

   In the last epoch, the Wuxiang King was known as the first person under the Supreme, because he was the eternal emperor.

   is of course the end of the mythical era.

   In fact, there are often several eternal emperors born in an era. As long as there is no accident, at least they are supreme, and there is even a possibility of becoming the strongest emperor or fairy king.

   There are related records in the oldest ancient books.

   "Eternal Emperor..."

   On the other hand, after Ye Chen got the relevant information, he didn't expect that whenever he was contaminated with the word eternity, it means that the emperor has the ability to overcome other emperors, and even the supreme in World War I.

   But I think of myself, the eternal quasi-king, not only the Primordial King of the First Battle, but even the King of Six Heavens by all means. Doesn't it just show how superpower the people who set foot on the path of eternity are.

   "Since you all shot today, that's fine, I will kill you today!"

   The emperor of the primordial primordial emperor is overwhelmed by the world. At this moment, stepping forward and walking proudly, the whole person is sprinkled with a bright primordial light, demonstrating the uniqueness between heaven and earth.

   "The beginning is divided into heaven and earth!"

   He was just a magic trick, the light of the beginning turned into a sword of heaven and earth, crossed across, and the emperor with the sharp angle of Bixia was cut in half, and the two halves were separated.

  The power of the emperor in the early days overwhelmed the past and the present, making the world horrified, and making the emperor's scalp numb.

   Just a blow, cut an emperor in half.

   Such combat power is simply appalling.

   How dare the other emperors be careless, they quickly stepped forward to protect the emperor who was cut in half, and took precious time for them to swallow the peerless pill to recover their injuries.

   Because the blow of the emperor in the early days contained a special power, it was quite difficult for the emperor to overlap the two halves.

   The emperor in the early days was not in a hurry, stepped forward, and approached slowly and forcefully.

Although    didn't really make a move, it gave people a terrible sense of oppression on the top ten emperors, such as Mount Tai!

In addition, an emperor saw through the current state of the emperor in the early days, and said: "Everyone should not be too panic. Although the emperor in the early days is very powerful, it is impossible to kill me, whether it is against the emperor Hunyue or Bishen. The Emperor of Heaven must have used the strongest combat power, otherwise it would be impossible to achieve this step.

In fact, it is true. The emperor in the early days was only broken at the most critical moment of proving the supremacy. He slipped into the realm of the emperor and suffered serious damage to some extent. It is impossible to fully display the eternal emperor’s power. The strongest combat power.

   Hearing this, the other nine emperors also nodded, and felt that this statement was very reasonable, and looked at the emperor of the early days with a little less fear.

  Because they all know that if the Emperor Taichu was in this strongest fighting state, it would undoubtedly be very detrimental to himself, it would not last long, and it would probably have to pay a certain price afterwards.

   "What about it?"

   The emperor in the early days spoke indifferently and approached step by step. The unparalleled power gave people an irresistible sense of oppression, which was even more terrifying than the pressure on the top of the mountain, making the figures of the ten emperors slightly stiff.

   "But it's enough to kill you and wait!"

   In the words, there is endless domineering!

   This is the domineering emperor of the eternal, dare to be called the emperor of the ancient, let alone the emperor, more confident can be defeated!

   "Bishentian, you perform a spirit attack, I will fight it physically, and others will wait to attack from the side!"

The emperor Hunyue, who had finally reorganized his heart after depleting his origin, yelled. He metamorphosed into his body, and an unknowingly towering chaotic mountain appeared. It was like a big world, filled with blazing chaotic light, like an incomparably huge Dao. The weapon of war slammed into the Emperor Taichu!

   This blow, even the emperor did not dare to face it easily.

   On the other side, Bishen Tiandi performed the most terrifying divine and soul attack, and he and Hunyue Emperor both launched the most aggressive attack.

   had to admit that the combination of the attacks that the two were good at increased their power by a full level.

   The other eight emperors swept the formation from the side and moved towards the emperor of the early days.

  Ten emperors, each of them is an unparalleled figure in the world, usually in the territory of the supreme, they are second only to the supreme existence, can look at the heavens, can horizontally originate the ancient road, it is difficult to find enemies.

It is almost impossible for people like    to join forces. After all, they are all transcendent existences that can prove Dao supreme. Even if they broke into the emperor's robbery and attacked the light cocoon earlier, it was just a little joint force.

   Now, they are united in an all-round way, which is simply unimaginable. It is unprecedented. Even in the face of the real supreme, the unity can be a battle. Absolutely gods can block and kill gods, Buddhas can block and kill Buddhas!

   The emperor of the early days did not retreat, and said indifferently: "Do you really think that ten people can kill me? Even if the Wuxiang brother was here, you can't kill it."

   With a sudden movement of his figure, he slammed into the body formed by Emperor Hunyue, and violently collided with the chaotic innate sacred mountain.


   Visible to the naked eye exploded in the boundless brilliance, the runes of the billions of avenues were spreading, and the incomparably towering Chaotian Mountain was directly knocked into flight, shaking violently, as if to be crushed by life.

   The front is hard, and Emperor Hun Yue is still defeated!

   At the same time, a war sword flew out of the emperor's eyebrows in the early days, a war sword made of pure spirit power.

   But as soon as this sword came out, Emperor Bishentian immediately changed his expression.


   With a slash of the Divine Mind War Sword, the Divine Mind Attack of Emperor Bishen Tiandi was cut in half.

  Bishen Tiandi screamed, and he fell down, almost unconscious.

   In the blink of an eye, Emperor Hun Yue and Emperor Bi Shen Tian who were the first to bear the brunt were either hit by flying or were severely injured.

  His power is beyond everyone's imagination. Wherever he goes, the void is annihilated, the world is annihilated, nothing can be blocked.


   After a short while, the emperor in the early days appeared in front of the emperor with a scaly tail, raised his hand and slammed his fist over, hitting the emperor’s head.

   The expression of the emperor changed drastically. The moment the emperor appeared before him in the early days, he sensed the imminent crisis, and he felt terrified, his hair exploded, and he turned and retreated.

  PS: Regarding some recent explanations about adding a new realm and the eternal road, due to the length of the space, I will publish it on the public account: qianxunyue1314.

  :. :

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