Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3184: Sealed Universe True Name

The strongest emperor's eyelids twitched and said, "Emperor Yan, let him go!"

   Yandi said indifferently: "Why, he is not you."


   once again squeezed, even as the supreme, vitality is far superior to all, can be resurrected many times, but under the giant, the number of such resurrections will inevitably be reduced a lot, and there is no escape.

   At this moment, the people of the world really understand the terrible things of the eternal giants, why they can be called giants, why they can be universally invincible, this is not without reason, in the final analysis, it is essentially the existence of transcendence.

  The strongest emperor Sheng shouted: "Emperor Yan, you must know that as a giant, you can't easily attack the Supreme, otherwise you will violate the rules of the ancient road of origin and will be killed by the joint efforts of the major giants. Don't make mistakes!"

   Indeed, there are corresponding rules on the ancient road of origin, which are also rules jointly formulated by the giants of all parties and the supreme to avoid excessive massacres. Therefore, it has been formulated that the strongest emperor, the fairy king and other eternal giants cannot easily attack the supreme and the supreme.

   The Supreme cannot easily attack the Supreme.

   The emperor cannot easily attack the emperor.

   The king is the same!

   When the quasi-king is reached, this point is no longer restricted.

   This is a restriction on the realm, to avoid excessive killing and affect the situation of the entire ancient road of origin.

  Because in history there have been giants of the ancients who relied on the strongest emperor's combat power to slaughter at will. They once plunged the ancient road of origin into a very **** period. There were more than tens of millions of charcoal creatures, and the supreme all fell by no less than their hands.

   later aroused the anger of the giants of all parties, and jointly shot the strongest emperor, and also had the later rules of the ancient road of origin.

   Now, the strongest emperor is obviously going to use this ancient rule of origin to coerce Emperor Yan.

The Emperor Yan said indifferently: "Holy, are you intimidating this emperor? The supreme can't take action against the emperor. Since these scumbags dare to attack the emperor of my Flame Emperor domain, what about the supreme? Even if the giant comes, this emperor will also take action. Please be fair."

  While speaking, the supreme in the palm of his fingers was squeezed again and again, and the blood rushed into the sky, shaking the ancient road of origin.

   The sky is crying!

   The infinite vision appeared, and it was many times more amazing than before.

   Because this is the vision of the Supreme Fall.

   Yandi, a strong town killed a supreme, demonstrating a strong and invincible power.


The strongest emperor was furious, because the supreme was the supreme under his command. He was killed in this way, his body and spirit were destroyed, and he was truly lost. No trace of the emperor’s soul escaped. Let him be this The giant is also angry.

   In an instant, endless scenes of Skywrath emerged, stretching a full half of the ancient road of origin, covering an unknown number of supreme territories, shocking people.

   "Holy, you dare to make a move, today this emperor will directly blow you up!"

  The flames of Emperor Yan of Chaos Emperor erupted, sweeping through the thirty-three heavens, burning the boundless Xiao Han, and it was truly terrifying. Numerous visions between the heavens and the earth were burned in Chaos Emperor flames.

   He proved his strength with practical actions, fearless of everything, whoever dares to provoke him must bear all the consequences.

   Even if the strongest emperor wants to go to war, he will not hesitate!

   At the same time, he directly infiltrated the smashed flesh, bones and fragments of the emperor soul of this fallen supreme emperor directly into the body of the emperor of the early primord. Under the flames of the chaos emperor, even the supreme body and spirit was quickly refined into pure power.

   The original weak state of the emperor in the early days was directly restored, and he was elevated to the extreme.

   More importantly, he was just lucky enough to embark on the path of eternity, and he has not yet fully established himself, but after the infusion of the Supreme Xing Shen, he directly stabilized and climbed to the top.

   At this moment, he does not need to forcibly improve, and he has reached the peak combat power comparable to the unphased king of the last era.

   Moreover, there are some supreme powers in the body that have not been completely refined. Once refined, there may be hope for further progress.

   "Thanks to the predecessors of Emperor Yan!" The Emperor Taichu held his fists to give a big gift. How to give a generous gift is to be a gift, and it is inscribed in his heart.

Yandi laughed and said, "It's okay, you are the emperor of the universe, and I have the hope of becoming a giant of the ages. I will naturally not sit idly by, and hope that you can reach the height of me and your father as soon as possible. In this way, you can kill side by side. The foreign scumbag is the most enjoyable thing."

   "The younger generation will certainly live up to the high expectations of the predecessors." The Emperor Taichu solemnly said.

   "Emperor Yan!"


Is the strongest emperor sage a good stubble? The giant's aura is trembling from the past to the present, and the years are trembling violently, as if unbearable, the real body directly broke into the battlefield of the sanctuary, and the terrifying giant aura made the entire sanctuary. The battlefield collapsed directly and began to disintegrate.

"Emperor Yan, although our ancient universe is not fully prepared yet, you really think that our ancient universe is a bully. I don't know how many chaotic ancient universes have been pierced through the ages. Even your sealed universe is unbearable in front of our ancient universe. Hit, the myth is shattered!"

He mentioned the terrifying deeds of the ancient alien universe that shook the eternal era. This is the horror of the strongest chaotic ancient universe in the sea of ​​chaos. The ancient chaotic universe has not only destroyed one party, but the primitive world of chaos is even more unknown. How many.

As powerful as the sealed universe of the year, how prosperous and prosperous, the emperors stand side by side, the strongest emperor is more than one or two, and all aspects can catch up with the most powerful ancient Chaos universe, but the final result is not ancient by a foreign race The universe has moved straight into it, killing the heavens.

Speaking of the great destruction of myths back then, Yandi’s majestic face was directly gloomy, and he said coldly: “If it hadn’t been for the **** black hand of the first generation to summon the supreme of each even before the giants. Coming, caused the emperor to be delayed, and even the Chaos Sea and other people took the opportunity to take action. Do you really think that the universe of our world will be afraid of your alien race? Don’t forget that in the past era, the universe of our closed world was not called the closed world, and It's Pangu universe!"

   The real name of the sealed universe is revealed to the world for the first time!

  Although Ye Chen was immersed in the chaotic perception, the chaos holy soul villain in the reincarnation of the great emperor was still conscious and looked at the Yan Emperor in shock.

  The sealed universe was not originally called the sealed universe, it was originally called the Pangu universe!

Why is it called a sealed world? He guessed that after the myth was broken, the Pangu universe was severely damaged and the heavenly path was incomplete, so that ten layers of imperial gates had to be built to block the universe, self-enclosed, and avoid alien invasion. It was just called the closure.

   But I also vaguely feel that it is not so simple, because many supreme beings don't know that the sealed universe is originally the name of the Pangu universe, and directly call it the sealed universe.

   This point is worth considering!

   "Pangu Universe!"

The ancient road of origin was greatly shaken. At first, many lords were puzzled about why foreign races invaded the sealed universe in the last era. Even the horror existence of the past eras did not hesitate to go against chaos. Eternal message.

   As for why it is suspected that the sealed universe has eternal information, it is unknown.

   Now that he knew the real name of the sealed universe, all the heavenly sages immediately understood.


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