Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3185: Pangu universe

When it comes to Pangu, perhaps most people don't know it, but when it comes to the supreme level, all of them are thunderous.

   The oldest rumor has been handed down, that Pangu split the chaos and opened up a chaotic ancient universe by himself.

   There are also rumors, the oldest stone stele in the Chaos Sea, the suspected eternal existence recorded is Pangu.

   Some people suspect that the various ancient chaotic universes in the Chaos Sea were not created by the Chaos Sea, but were developed by Pangu, the first creature born in the Chaos Sea.

   He was born invincible. After feeling lonely in the Chaos Sea, he used his infinite power to open up the ancient Chaos Universes in the Chaos Sea.

At the end of the rumors, because he opened up too many ancient chaotic universes, he gradually lost a large amount of origin. When he finally opened up the last ancient chaotic universe, he finally died after exhaustion, and the remains merged with the last chaotic ancient universe that had not been completely formed. , So there is the Pangu universe later!

  Pangu Universe, which was later the Sealed Universe!

Perhaps it is precisely because of this that the Pangu universe is extremely powerful, and it was even comparable to the primordial immortal world and the ancient alien universe, and gave birth to the supreme emperor of the heavens, and even the strongest emperor of heaven, the emperor of war, the emperor of fighting, the emperor of time and space, the first emperor of Qin The successive births of the emperors have overwhelmed the Chaos Sea.

   The Supreme Lord of the Heavens also vaguely remembered that several epochs ago, the Pangu universe was so powerful, dominating the Chaos Sea, and famous, but then suddenly disappeared.

   During that time, there were also faults, so that no one in future generations knew where the Pangu universe went, only the appearance of the sealed universe.

   No one knows, the real Pangu universe is the sealed universe, which reappears in the Chaos Sea under his name.

Of course, the oldest immortal realms and alien ancient universes must know that, especially the alien ancient universes, they launched a battle in the myth destruction, targeting the sealed universe, leading to the destruction of the myth, and the direct decline today, the supreme cannot be born. !

   "It turns out that the sealed universe is the legendary Pangu universe. Is it true that the legend is that the Pangu universe is the result of the suspected eternal death of Pangu. Does it have the hope of transcending eternity?"

   Many supreme eyes are hot.

   Eternity is the goal that the giants of the ages regard as the pursuit of life, let alone them, once they achieve eternity, they will definitely become the first person in the Chaos Sea!

   Of course, even if you know this secret, there is nothing you can do, because at the end of the last epoch, the prehistoric immortal world took action to help the sealed universe and repelled the alien army.

   The prehistoric immortal world should have formed an alliance with the sealed universe, otherwise, why would it be an enemy of the ancient alien universe.

   This point makes many supreme dignity deeply jealous.

And one more important thing is that there is no shortage of the strongest emperors in the sealed universe. Facts have proved that the myths were shattered, and the number of supreme powers who fell in the sealed universe was limited, and more of them were dormant and gradually recovered. appear.

   Like the Emperor Yan in front of us, like the Emperor Taisheng, like the ancestor of fighting, like the mysterious emperor of time and space, like the Emperor of Heaven who suppressed various eras.

   There is no shortage of giants. These eternal giants are the greatest force that the sealed universe relies on to shock the heavens!

The Emperor Yan shouted: "My Pangu universe dominates the Chaos Sea. It is the prehistoric immortal world and the alien ancient universe, but they stood side by side in the past. Why should you be afraid that even if this era is once lost, it is still Pangu universe, the most powerful chaos. One of the ancient universes!"

   "Your alien ancient universe is going to war, our Pangu universe is not afraid of everything, and is fighting!"


Emperor Yan is not afraid of everything. He who masters one of the eight origins of chaos is so powerful. He is known as the first person in the ancient and modern times on the Avenue of Chaos, Sea and Fire. He shouted and roared the entire ancient road of origin. He shot directly and bombarded the strongest emperor. Saint, actually took the initiative.

  The giants go to war!

   The world has changed color!


   The strongest emperor roars, and the same counterattack, desperately, the real body emerges in the world, it is a ferocious behemoth, the entire battlefield of the sacred prison area continues to disintegrate, and it is impossible to bear this stalwart existence.

The two eternal giants collided head-on, and the power of terror surpassed the supreme supremacy. It is difficult to explain how terrifying, because the years and long rivers have directly surfaced, and even half of the origin of the ancient road has been shaken, and the half-collapsed holy prison battlefield is directly Shattered and exploded countless pieces.

   This is the horror of the strongest emperor and other giants of the ages. With just one hit, its power will be far better than the supreme, and it will directly seem to break the ancient road of origin.

  The long river of years descends on the power of infinite years, and the phantom emerges, mighty and wide, enveloping both, and even emerges the shadow of the Supreme Realm, swallowing all the power of extinction.

   Otherwise, just this collision can definitely sink a supreme territory.

   The two eternal giants are hazy, surrounded by the infinite supreme emperor, and the brilliance that transcends the supreme shines, causing both of them to seem to transcend this time and space and come to another time and space.

The world can't see the two giants clearly, but can only see that Emperor Yan and the strongest Emperor are fighting each other, tearing through the eternal years and entering a mysterious and unknown It is vaguely visible that there are all heavens and worlds. Annihilation, countless great worlds shattered and fell, terrifying boundless.

   This is a battle of giants, the world cannot see clearly because the level involved is too high.

But obviously, the two giants seem to have entered another time and space, and all the forces have not really acted on the ancient road of origin, otherwise the ancient giants can easily kill the supreme with the ability, and the ancient road of origin will definitely fall into a state of collapse. .

   In this case, on the Ancient Path of Origin, the eyes of the Supreme Beings all glowed at the same time.

Because this is the battle of giants, the power used involves the level of giants and goes beyond the level of supreme. It is of great benefit to them who are aspiring to become giants. Perhaps they can feel the mystery of the giants from it, and refer to them. There is also more hope for promotion to a giant in the future.

   Time turned, and in the end, the figures of the two giants were completely fused together, as if they were not separated from each other.

   It is difficult for the Supreme to see clearly at this moment, only the other strongest emperors and immortal kings who are also giants can see clearly and be solemn.


   A loud noise shocked the ages, and shocked the past, present, and future time and space.

   Eternal time and space seemed to collapse.

   In the end, the two giants were killed, blood stains blooming on each other, and corresponding injuries, but they were not very intense.

   Obviously, from the current point of view, the two giants have not been able to take the slightest advantage of each other, and they are in a different position.

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