Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3187: Battle of the Giants

The ancestor of fighting is a majestic and world-famous enemyless hero. He is famous for his powerful and powerful chaos. He is known as the first person to refine his body and even attacked the first person. Top  点 小 说 X 23 U S. C OM

His eucharist is immortal and blooms with boundless golden light, setting off the tall and stalwart silhouette, and indifferently said: "Everyone, it is not that we are unwilling to give up, but the foreign race is bullying too much. It is true that I have no one in the Pangu universe and can bully at will. After that, I have shot again and again, and now I am more proactive in provoking war. If Pangu universe does not resist, then the world will think that Pangu universe is good for bullying."

  The ancient road of origin, the world was startled.

At first hearing, it was really the same thing. The Pangu universe side did not cause trouble, but the alien side first took action in the Taichu Emperor Zhengdao Supreme, interfered with the Tribulation, and even led to the failure of his authentication, but learned that the Taichu Emperor became comparable. The eternal emperor of the emperor, then used the supreme to shoot, no matter how it looks, Pangu universe is like a victim.

   Just for some reason, the world has more sympathy for the alien.

   The alien ancient universe party is even more angry.

  Although all of this was provoked by a foreign race, what was the result?

On the battlefield of the holy prison, the sons of the emperor, the ancient emperor, and the emperor, were suppressed. The ten emperors were killed and seven people were killed. The remaining three paid a heavy price, and even the supreme emperor soldiers were suppressed, and there were conditions for humiliation. .

   As for the Saint Emperor’s Realm camp that participated in the giant-level domain warfare, the entire army was wiped out.

   One Supreme was bombarded and killed by Emperor Yan, and several others were severely injured.

   Looking back at the Yan Emperor Domain, apart from the deaths of a few people, even the Emperor of the Early Days was only slightly injured, and there was no serious problem at all.

   No matter how it looks, the alien side is more like a victim.

  , but the words of the fighting ancestors, but it is impossible to refute.

   If the alien didn't make a move, it would really not end up like this.

It’s just that the alien side will let it go. The alien ancient universe, but the most powerful ancient Chaos universe in the Sea of ​​Chaos, and even other ancient Chaos universes have been shattered. The mythical era, which was as powerful as the Pangu universe, was strong to the extreme. Comparing with the prehistoric immortal world and the ancient alien universe on the face of the shoulders, but in the end, isn't it caused by the alien ancient universe?

The strongest emperor said indifferently: "Since Emperor Yan and others are trying to start the ultimate battle first, how can the ancient universe of our world be afraid, even if the Pangu universe of the year was also destroyed, you are not as good as the Pangu universe of the year. Even if it is not fully prepared, it is enough to keep the three of you and the others in this world."

   The three eternal giants of the foreign race rioted. The Qi machine trembles for eternity, and the river is about to collapse.

   The three of them shot directly, how could the alien ancient universe, which has always been strong and accustomed, give up.

   "Hehe, do you really think that Pangu Universe will be afraid of you waiting?"

Fighting Saint Ancestor sneered. As known as the first person in Chaos Sea’s attack power, he has never been afraid of anyone. He shot directly without using any weapons, because the one who created the Fighting Eucharist and achieved the most extreme is the strongest. weapon.

   waved the holy fist. At this moment, he showed the true power of the fighting saints to suppress the eternal world.


   Years and years have exploded.

  The foreign giants also have to avoid their sharp edges, perform godlessness, and retreat.

   There is another terrible emperor magical power displayed, wave the immortal Taoist soldiers, fully recover, and collide with it.

   At the same time, the eternal giants of the Yandi and Taishenghuangdu Pangu universe also shot, without fear of the three big aliens, they shot directly.

   Yan Emperor is fine, the world knows it is terrible, but the Taishenghuang has been silent for many tens of thousands of years, and even the entire era has never really made a few shots.

   Many people who have seen his shots have passed away, only the supreme will survive, but some have forgotten.

Now I see Taishenghuang Chaos himself, known as the highest achiever of the Chaos Avenue since the ages. Once he shots, the heavens and all the ways will be surrendered, even the emperor and the immortal ways, just like the incarnation of chaos, directly attacking and shaking foreign races. Giant.

   "Lunar sun, chaotic universe!"

I saw the Taishenghuang speak, the left hand Taiyin, the right hand the sun, both are the supreme avenue of the supreme peak. They are united with each other, slowly turning into a circle of yin and yang and Taiji, overflowing with billions of ancient chaos, here there are immeasurable chaos emperors It is emerging.

   Although Chaos Avenue is only one line short of reaching perfection, the Supreme Sage Emperor is enough to temporarily evolve the Chaos Avenue into the Chaos Emperor, far better than the ordinary Supreme Emperor.

   This chaotic sea giant that has stunned the eternal worlds has been isolated for eternity, after all, it was shot.

   As if the entire Chaos Sea was born by its evolution, flooding the three giants of foreign races.

  The terrifying Supreme Emperor can completely assimilate everything. Even the Wuliang Emperor of the three big alien races is suppressed by the Chaos Emperor in an instant, and the power is greatly reduced by direct assimilation.

"The Supreme Sage Emperor is so strong, he deserves to be the Supreme Sage Emperor who can prove the Dao in chaos only by a thread. If Chaos is not the eternal road, you need to practice under the supreme to prove the Dao successfully. The supreme chaos emperor giant!"

   The whole world was shocked, and they were all shocked by the chaotic methods of the Supreme Emperor.

   These methods are so terrible, even the imperial way methods of other eternal giants will be assimilated, and their power will be greatly reduced.

   At this time, the fighting saint ancestor rushed in, and the seemingly normal-sized body possessed the might of coercion.

   Only this punch fell, exploded the billions of supreme Emperors, and landed on an alien giant, colliding with the Supreme Soldiers, the glory can annihilate the years.

   Amidst the loud rumbling, I saw the figure of the alien giant stepping back.

   Here, there are blood splashes.

   Every drop of blood can flood the eternal time and space ~ ~ terrifying, so many time and space collapse.

  In the face, some of the three big aliens have been injured.

   Just anyone who knows it well knows that no matter the Supreme Sage Emperor or the Fighting Saint Ancestor, looking at the eternal giants, they belong to the best here, and their combat power is exceptionally strong.

   Compared with this, other Wangu giants are slightly inferior.

   In addition, the Taishenghuang shot, cast the supreme sacred technique of the Taiyin Sun, merged between Yin and Yang, smelted the heavens, and also killed an alien giant to fly out of blood.

   Emperor Yan also took the opportunity to take action. Emperor Yan of Chaos, known as the first avenue of fire in the Chaos Sea, also caused hostile alien giants to suffer.

   It was just a war, and the three giants of the foreign race were destroyed.

   The whole world is shocked, is it that the winner will be decided as soon as the war starts?

   But the giants of the parties looked calm.

   The same giants of Chaos Sea, the three big giants of foreign races can become giant-level figures, how can they be defeated so easily, even if the side of the sealed universe has no enemies such as fighting ancestors and supreme emperors.

Sure enough, the three big alien races soon entered a state of fighting, and they had been enemies with the Supreme Emperor for thousands of years. They were familiar with them and had corresponding coping methods. They soon resisted the assimilation of the Chaos Emperor, and even killed them. Out of his own giant power.

   At this time, the three giants of the sealed universe also failed to gain much advantage.

   "Well, you can't continue to let them fight, otherwise the ancient road of origin will not be able to bear it, and it will collapse." An eternal giant opened his mouth, his eyes like an abyss, unfathomable.

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