Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3188: Sacrifice to the Supreme Killing Giant

The six giants just started fighting, and the entire ancient road of origin was trembling abruptly, and it was about to collapse.

  At a critical moment, the origin of the ancient road of origin appeared, imprinting the imprint of the supreme of the heavens and even the giants of the ages, and maintaining stability, even if the giants of the ages fight, it will be difficult to destroy the ancient road of origin in a short time.

   At the same time, the titans of all parties changed their expressions drastically. They took action, including all the six titans, and directly summoned the long river of time to send the six people into the supreme realm, so as not to affect the ancient path of origin.

   Seeing this, the people of the Ancient Origin Road breathed a sigh of relief, as long as they entered the Supreme Battlefield opened by the supreme heavens in the Supreme Realm, the Ancient Origin Road would be worry-free.


   It is just that the emperor's shadow of the sacred ancestor is standing still, and the Supreme Emperor is also in chaos, allowing other giants to urge them, and never enter the supreme realm, never leave, and get stuck in the center of the two worlds.

  This changed the expressions of other giants slightly, and the fairy king said: "Fighting ancestor, Taishenghuang, what are you going to do? Do you really want to destroy the entire ancient road of origin before stopping?"

   "You have to know that if there is an accident on the Ancient Origin Road, everyone will not watch it, and you will be completely driven out of the Ancient Origin Road!"

   Another giant also spoke.

   A terrifying sharp gleams in the eyes of the eternal giants.

  The six giants of the two sides are not willing to see the battle, not to mention the origin of the ancient road, once annoyed them, directly join forces!

Taishenghuang shook his head, the Great Chaos Avenue was incomparably strong, his eyes swept towards the four great emperor sites below the shattered battlefield of the holy prison, and said lightly: "No, before leaving, I want to give them a gift. A fellow Taoist prepared a gift for a long time."

   The two giants captured all the places of the four emperors with one move, and entered the Supreme Realm together.

   And the fighting ancestors are brave and unmatched, and their combat power directly soars to the extreme. The strength of that power represents the peak of the fighting sage line, even if compared with the unphased king, it is far inferior.

The imperial fist swept across, the pure physical power, but it was more immortal than the supreme imperial soldier. It contained absolute power that was world-famous. It fell heavily on an alien giant, smashing it into brilliance and tearing it apart. The blood dripped.

   Unprepared, the alien giant roared, the blood of the slain emperor appeared, and the whole person retreated, slamming into the place of the four great emperors.

   The other two big alien giants were furious and they were about to move forward, but Emperor Yan and Emperor Taisheng stopped them.

  The injured alien giant stood up again, looking at the fighting ancestor indifferently: "Fighting ancestor, is this your so-called strength? It is known as the first attack of Chaos Sea. From my point of view, it is nothing more than that."

   Fighting Saint Ancestor said indifferently: "No, you think too much, I didn't try my best, I just deliberately beat you into this place, let's invite fellow daoists next."

   boom boom boom boom

   In the place of the four great emperors, the place of endless spatial turbulence that encompasses three thousand great worlds, immediately appeared four majestic, huge and unmatched emperor shadows, supporting the sky and the earth, as if they had propped up a chaotic ancient universe.

The immortal obsessions of the four supreme beings appeared at the same time, looking at this alien giant indifferently, among them, unable to supremely said coldly: "The ancient emperor of chaos, I didn't expect to see you appear after an era. What an accident."

  The ancient emperor of chaos is the alien giant, he can see the immortal obsession that cannot be supreme, and his expression changes: "Cannot be supreme, you are still alive, you have not been given by the original generation long ago..."

   I didn't say the following words, because what happened back then was not glorious, even for many supreme and even eternal giants, it was considered a secret.

   For countless people, the inability to be supreme was lost because of the competition for the world's most precious treasure.

   Unable to supreme sneered and said, "You mean I was shot by Shidai and I ended up in the end, right?"

   As soon as this remark came out, the ancient road of the origin of the vibration shocked countless people.

   Shidai, really worthy of being the biggest black hand in the ages, the inability to supreme fall is actually related to him.

The Emperor Luangu saw through the state of being unable to be supreme, and said indifferently: "So, this is the immortal obsession you waited for. As the supreme, you can indeed preserve an immortal obsession, just don't know what else you want? Do you want to shoot against this emperor?"

  Don't say that it is the current inability to supreme. Even the inability to supreme in the peak state of the year is just a quasi-giant, and there is still a certain gap with him, the real giant.

   "Yes, I would like to thank Douzhan Saint Ancestor for his action, otherwise I would not have such a chance. Otherwise, it would be really difficult to set a trap against you and other giants."

   can't be the supreme way.

"Hehe, it's just the four supreme indestructible obsessions, even if you were in the past, the emperor wouldn't be in the eyes of this emperor. Now the mere supreme indestructible obsessions also want to target this emperor? Then completely obliterate the indestructible obsession you are waiting for. As a dead person, it should seem to be completely!

  The ancient emperor said indifferently, and then the power of the giant was turbulent, terrifying, tearing through the sky, and attacking the four supreme indestructibility.

   Fighting Saint Ancestor snorted coldly and directly shattered his attack!

   At this moment, an alien supreme appeared was suppressed by the immortal obsessions of the four supreme, bound by overlapping and overlapping, unable to move.

   It was not long ago that he entered the place of the four great emperors silently, and wanted to find the supreme treasure, but he was suppressed.

   Unable to be supremely indifferent and said: "Lord of Ancient Chaos, do you really think that we don't have the slightest means to deal with you?"

   "What do you mean?" Luan Gu's expression was slightly condensed, with a bad feeling.

   "I will sacrifice a supreme person today, and if you deal with you, you are considered honorable."

   Although the four supreme beings have been dead for many tens of thousands of years, all of them are burning at this moment, and the final power is blooming, and the suppressed alien supreme is immediately burned and sacrificed.

   The suppressed supreme sacrificed directly, and an unimaginable force appeared, shaking the long river of years, shaking the ancient road of origin, unbelievably terrible!

   The entire supreme was burned, the form and spirit burned, and the four supreme indestructible obsessions made sacrifices to the supreme, only for the alien giant, the ancient emperor.

"you dare!"

   The eyes of the tyrants of the alien race, the ancient emperor, are all up. That is the supreme of the alien race. Every supreme is indispensable to the entire alien ancient universe. How can it be easily sacrificed, let alone deal with oneself.

   With a loud roar, he directly caused the years to recede. He dared not approach, and the power of the eternal giant showed off.

   A big hand slapped it out, causing the infinite power of the alien supreme burning Xing Shen to stop for an instant.

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