Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3189: The scary thing about giants

This scene naturally caused the pupils of the four supreme immortal obsessions to shrink.

Really worthy of being an eternal magnate, the power of sacrificing to the supreme is so powerful, even the inability to supreme and the nine-yin supreme in the peak period of the year must avoid its edge, but the ancient emperor suppressed it with one hand, showing the terrifying power of the eternal magnate .

   Of course, the four supreme immortal obsessions have been waiting for so many tens of thousands of years, how can they not have the slightest successor.

   Unable to be the supreme indestructible obsession, while burning, while shouting loudly: "The ancient lord of chaos, today will drag you to **** together!"

   "The ancient road of evolution!"


Behind the inability to supreme, the ancient road of evolution that condensed in the past emerged. It was a broken and dead ancient road, which evolved from the supreme world of oneself. If the incomplete supreme world evolves, it will also burn and emerge The terrifying power is submerged in the sacrificial alien supreme.

   At the same time, in addition to Jiuyin Supreme who passed the Supreme World to Ye Chen, the other Tianxu Supreme and Saint Prison World Supreme all shouted, burning the Supreme World that was incomplete.

  Especially the supreme of the holy prison world, it roared, stimulating the battlefield of the holy prison that had long been disintegrated, and the whole body was also burned and submerged in the sacrificial supreme.


   In an instant, the peak sacrifice of the last power of the four supreme immortal obsessions was gathered, and the burning alien supreme directly ran across the ancient emperor.


Under the gaze of the world, the Emperor of Chaos was hit by the alien supreme in the burning sacrifice, and then under the loud noise that shook the eternal heavens, endless explosions suddenly appeared, tearing the heavens and worlds, tearing the origin. The ancient road is too terrifying.

  The brilliant light can shine on the entire ancient road of origin, and it will last forever.

   No one knows what is happening there, only the brilliance that is burning there, even if the supreme rushes into it, it will be destroyed in an instant.

  The expressions of the giants on the Ancient Origin Road changed slightly, and they shot this absolute destructive force to isolate the ancient origin road from the outside and penetrate into the mysterious supreme realm.

   In the end, after I don’t know how long it has passed, everything disappeared. The land of the four great emperors was burnt with the alien supreme, and the immortal obsessions of the four supreme disappeared.

  The endless chaos lies between the ancient road of origin and the mysterious supreme realm.

  The power of the giants on the ancient road of origin is still emerging and never dissipated.

   In the endless chaos, there is a monstrous blood, but there is no sound.

   The supreme lords of the heavens all had their hearts beating. Could it be that the eternal blow of the four supreme immortality obsessions really killed an eternal giant and gave them a funeral?


   After half a day, in the endless chaos, a stalwart and unsurpassable figure slowly appeared, with blood stains all over his body, stood up from the chaos, making the entire ancient road of origin shake.

  The ancient emperor of chaos!

   Alien giant, he hasn't died yet, although he is covered in blood, his breath still trembles in the eternal time and space, but on the body of the immortal giant, there have been many wounds, and he has paid a lot of money.

His expression has not changed. The Luangu Emperor's eyes are still indifferent, saying: "I didn't expect the four supreme immortal obsessions to actually hurt this emperor, spilling some blood, which was unexpected. The emperor underestimated them too much."

   The ancient road of origin was shocked. Countless people looked at the unstoppable ancient emperor in shock, amazed, and more of a shock from the bottom of their hearts.

too strong!

This is the eternal giant. The four supreme immortal obsessions have spent the strongest blow that eternally prepared, and even used the sacrifice of a supreme. Even if the digital supreme is here, it is only possible to kill them in one blow. However, he actually failed to kill the opponent, and it seemed that he didn't even achieve the fatal injury, but was severely injured.

   The eternal giants can overwhelm the supreme in a chaotic ancient universe and become the master of the chaotic ancient universe. That absolute strength speaks for itself.

   The emperor sighed in the early days, although he became the eternal emperor, the first person under the supreme, and has the terrible potential to become a giant, but compared with a giant, there is still an unbridgeable gap.

   Ye Chen is also awe-inspiring. The more he understands, the more he fears the power of the giant.

   also has a deep sadness.

  Whether he can’t be the Supreme or Jiuyin Supreme, he also has great graces to him and bestows the Supreme’s inheritance, especially the Jiuyin Supreme bestows the Lower Supreme World and the Chaos Water Source, which is priceless.

   But he can only be helpless in the face of foreign giants.

  Because he knows the horror of the eternal tycoon, even if he sacrifices everything to the emperor's reincarnation, he may not be able to severely damage the eternal tycoon.

   The expressions of the three giants in the sealed universe have not changed. It had been expected that they were both giants after all, so how could they not know the power of the giants?

Luangu Emperor looked indifferently at the three giants of the sealed world, and sneered: "The three of the Pangu universe, you are disappointed. The immortal obsession of those four people, even if they sacrificed a supreme, could not be killed. I mess with the ancient emperor."

   Taisheng Huangdao: "The sacrifice is your supreme alien of the ancient universe, you can still laugh."

  The ancient emperor of chaos frowned slightly, and immediately said indifferently: "It's only the supreme, there is no shortage of ancient universes in our world."

Alien Ancient Universe is a complete heavenly ancient universe, and one of the most powerful ancient universes in the Sea of ​​Chaos. It has been accumulated since one era after another. Although it is impossible for the Supreme to walk all over the, the accumulation is quite considerable. terrible.

   Don't say it is one person, even if a few are lost, it will not hurt the foundation of the entire alien ancient universe.

   At the level of the ancient alien universe, it is far better than the ordinary chaotic ancient universe. The only thing that can really harm the foundation of the ancient alien universe is the casualties of the ancient giants!

   The supreme of the heavens is awe-inspiring, and even the giants of the ages are also amazed. Although the several peerless immortal kings in the primordial realm frown, they have to admit the background of the alien ancient universe and are indeed qualified to say this.

   "A foreign race is a foreign race, a group of beasts, and the companions are killed, it is not sad at all, it is really a beast!"

   "In that case, I will take action today to slaughter a giant, but can your alien race still not hurt the foundation!"

   Fighting Saint Ancestor coldly shouted. At this moment, the eternal giant, who was known as the first person to attack the Chaos Sea, suddenly shot.

   An invincible martial arts will overwhelming the Chaos Sea erupted, and immediately waved Immortal Emperor Fist.

   It seemed like an ordinary punch, but it contained the infinitely burning Supreme Emperor. It swept across hundreds of millions of miles, and the Supreme was hit, and he would definitely be bombarded and wiped out.

   punched out, even at the junction, but both the ancient road of origin and the two infinite worlds of the supreme realm were shocked.

  The look of the ancient emperor of chaos changed drastically, and he roared: "Battle Saint Ancestor, dare you!"

   He also shot, even if he was covered in blood, he was an eternal giant after all, while the boiling Supreme Emperor was burning, using the terrifying emperor magic and magical power to strike together.

  :. :

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