Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3197: Boom! Boom!

Fighting Saint Ancestor took a step forward, and instantly came to the front of the ancient chaos emperor. The fighting sacred law was displayed in an instant. The three styles of shaking the sky, cutting the sky, and Zhentian seal, appeared in an instant, and can bomb the ancients. .

   If it were not for the giants of all parties to bless the Supreme Realm, they would inevitably be penetrated by the first person in the Chaos Sea's attack power.

   In the blink of an eye, the blood of the ancient emperor was chaotic, his body was covered with wounds, and the blood was spilled.

   Fighting Saint Law was displayed in the hands of the ancestor-level figure of Fighting Saint Ancestor, which was countless times stronger than Ye Chen and unstoppable.

  The ancient emperor of chaos, even if he was covered in blood, always maintained an indifferent look: "Battle saint ancestor, even if you summon the past warlord against the sky, you can't kill me!"

"is it?"

At the same time, the warlord from the unknown time and space trembled, and the monstrous silver light represented the terrifying of the first generation of warriors. The blood roared like the second ancestor in the battle, and also killed. The ancient emperor of chaos.

   I saw the fist raised high, the blood was surging, and the roaring time and space suddenly fell on the emperor body of the ancient emperor, and immediately penetrated through the front and back.

   Past and present, the warriors are invincible!

   Fighting the saint ancestor, the warlord against the sky, show the Chaos Sea, who is the first person to attack, truly deserves the power of the world!

   "As long as there is enough time, one me is enough to kill you, let alone two me, killing you is not difficult!" Fighting Saint Ancestor is indifferent.

"Do not!"

   Other foreign giants were all alarmed and wanted to step forward to help, but how could Taishenghuang and Yandi allow it.

At the same time, the ancestor of the fighting and the warlord against the sky stood side by side, the two most powerful body refining giants in history, both of which are one person, and now they are all fighting together, as if to kill a giant to prove the strongest invincibility. posture!

   "Fight fighting kills the sky!"

   "Reverse the battle forever!"


   A forbidden breath that tears through the ages erupts, and even tears open the entire supreme realm, causing the years to be shaken, the infinite time and space are chaotic, and the horror is boundless, making all the giants on the ancient path of origin change greatly.

  Because at this time, the fighting ancestor and the heaven-defying warlord jointly displayed forbidden magical powers, the forbidden magical powers of the two invincible warriors.

   Two giants of Chaos Sea invincible shot.


   The blood was overwhelming, and the ancient lord of the ancient chaos roared, and the immortal emperor's body was broken to pieces and exploded in the long river of years. The immeasurable blood turbulence was unimaginable.

   Ren is a giant of the ages, even when it sees it, it's creepy.

   Summoning the fighting ancestors from the past life against the sky, at this moment, it seems that he has the invincible combat power to kill the eternal giants.

In fact, no matter the ancestor of fighting or the warlord against the sky, they are the greatest eternal giants in the Chaos Sea. Anyone who uses taboo magical powers will inevitably cause other eternal giants to be severely damaged. Now that the two perform together, how terrifying is that power Boundless, it's unimaginable.

In the supreme realm, it is naturally impossible for the Emperor of the Ancient Chaos to be killed in a single blow. At this level, as a giant of the ages, the vitality can be called the top rank of the ages. No matter the true spirit is obliterated, it will not necessarily be lost. There are countless ways to come back to life.

  The ancient emperor of the chaos is breathing, his body and spirit are reorganizing, and he looks angrily at the heaven-defying warlord and the fighting ancestor. The two invincible giants join forces. Who can resist?

   What's more, no matter whether the ancestor of fighting or the warlord against the sky, they are terrible giants known for their attacks. No matter how powerful he is, he cannot resist the offensive of the two fighting giants.

   Fighting Saint Ancestor stepped forward, fighting the holy method of fighting against the generation of Wushuang, and showing it out, like the immortal of the fighting holy way, sweeping everything in the world, killing the ancient emperor constantly seeing blood.

  The warlord against the sky looks indifferent, just like the saint ancestor of the battle, when the battle against the sky is used, it is no less than the saint ancestor of the battle.

   Past and present, the joint action of the two invincible warfare bodies is more terrifying than anyone joining hands. The original is one, the thoughts are the same, and they attack together. Who can crack it.

   In the following time, the Emperor Luangu was completely pressed to fight, the fighting ancestor raised his hand and tore the arm of the Emperor Luangu, and the fist of the warlord against the sky penetrated his stomach.

   The two intertwined, tearing apart the Luangu Emperor once again.

   The world was shocked, the ancient emperor was in chaos, and the strongest emperor of the generation of giants, but now he has fallen to such a miserable end, being pressed and beaten, there is no resistance.

In fact, the Luangu Emperor naturally also controls the Dao Body, and the Dao Body is so powerful that it has at least 80 or 90% of the power of the deity's own body, which is equally terrifying, but the ability to bear it is far inferior. It is almost less than half an hour after appearing. It was exploded into ashes and it was difficult to stop.

   "Fight fighting kills the sky!"

   The strongest fighting method, the most terrifying forbidden magical powers, using the fighting method to destroy the heavens, to cut through the ages, to prove the fighting power of the ancestor of fighting, sweeping the ancient and modern, who can stop?

  The ancient emperor of chaos was bombarded again, quite miserable.

   Countless blood shook the river over the years, shocking the past and present, unspeakable astonishing!

   It’s not that the Emperor of Chaos is not strong enough. On the contrary, being able to become the strongest Emperor, such a giant of Chaos Sea, is enough to prove everything and possess the cultivation base that is superior to the supreme of heaven.

   But it is a pity to face the fighting ancestor, who is known as the most attacking power of the Chaos Sea, and the invincible warlord back then. The two lives are fighting together, how terrifying and incredible.

  The Emperor of Chaos, who is as strong as an eternal giant, can't bear it, and was bombarded twice.

   It happened that the strongest emperor emperor and another alien giant, the holy demon emperor, could not do because the Tai holy emperor and the Yan emperor made them have no time to do so.

   There is even more space-time emperor using counter-space methods, almost isolating the entire supreme realm in another space-time. Even if there are other giants on the ancient road of Origin wanting to take action, they can't give a helping hand in a short time.

   "Today, my fighting saint ancestor is here, and I will kill the ancient emperor!"

   Fighting and fighting holy ancestor shouted, shaking eternal years, soaring combat power to the extreme, and powerfully blasting the ancient emperor.


   Under the invincible fighting method, resonating with the heaven-defying tactics, the ancient emperor was bombarded once again, Xing Shen possessed the ability to tear into ashes, and suffered the most terrible damage.

   The invincible fighting spirit was overwhelming. It traversed the Supreme Realm, shook the ancient road of origin, and set off the boundless turbulent waves of the Chaos Sea, and shocked the powerhouses who do not know how many worlds.

   Even through the ages, some people have been alarmed, and they have surfaced in the long river.

  Finally, the ancient alien universe was also shocked. One after another giants of the ages were rising, seeing scenes in the Supreme Realm from the center of the universe, directly changing their colors.

   "It's not good, it's difficult for the Emperor of Chaos!"

   "The giants of the sealed universe are so bold that they dare to attack the giants of our ancient universe!"

   In the center of the ancient alien universe, several eternal giants awakened immediately. The stalwart figure directly tore through the ancient chaotic universe, then rushed into the sea of ​​chaos and rushed to the ancient road of origin.

   (End of this chapter)

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