Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3198: 6 giants

As an eternal giant, grasping the speed beyond the limit, it is not a long time before the alien giant descended from the alien ancient universe beyond the ancient road of origin.

Although the ancient road of origin is located on the other side of the prehistoric immortal world, in a sense it is the territory of the prehistoric immortal world, but in fact it is not regarded as such, it is isolated.

The alien giants do not need to enter the prehistoric immortal world and then the ancient road of origin, but can enter directly from the other side.

Of course, there are also the walls of the universe, and there are even more immortal barriers that stand, blessed by the road markings of the giants of all parties, and guarded by a terrible army.

"Open the gates!"

At the edge of the ancient road of origin, several giants of foreign races appeared, manifesting the Chaos Sea, the immortal figure is simply bigger than the Supreme World, making the Chaos Sea toss more and more, it also isolates the immortal heavens. The guardians of Tianguan are going to lose weight.

Among them can be guarded by the strong of the Primordial King level, but facing the immortal Chaos Sea giants, they still have to soften and cannot withstand the great pressure.

If it weren't for the isolation of the cosmic boundary and the immortal pass, just coercion would be enough to wipe out these forces.

Of course, even if it is an eternal giant, they need permission to enter the ancient road of origin, otherwise too many people in the chaotic sea want to enter the ancient road of origin and get a share.

Moreover, the border gate of the ancient road of origin is not only the immortal pass, but also the avenue mark blessing of the supreme and even the giants of all parties. It is not easy for the foreign giants to force entry, and can only be opened from the inside.

On the ancient road of origin, the powers have changed colors. Today, the foreign giants are all being alarmed one after another. Do you want to enter the ancient road of origin?

"How to do?"

The ancient king on the sky pass looked ugly, he didn't dare to open the pass easily.

"Open the sky!"

The Giant Primordial World ordered him to get close to the alien race, but was unable to stop it. Only the giants of the alien ancient universe could stop it.

"Not open!"

Dandi stopped.

Primitive Heaven's eyes stood up, and he said coldly: "Emperor Dan, you have to know that fellow Taoists of the foreign race are about to be beheaded. Once beheaded, the foreign race will be crazy, which is very detrimental to the entire ancient road of origin."

"It's okay, no matter how powerful the alien race is, but the ancient path of origin was jointly developed by the ancient universes of all parties, they dare not be too crazy, otherwise, if they wait for the chaotic sea to fight against the ancient universes." Dandi said indifferently.

Of course, on the ancient road of origin, there are other close giants who demand to open the immortal barrier.

But there are also giants who do not support the opening of the Immortal Pass, and both sides hold different opinions.

They were in a stalemate, but they didn't open the Immortal Pass in the first place.

In the sea of ​​chaos, five giants of foreign races rushed over, and all of them showed boundless and terrifying visions. The law was shocking to the world, enough to swallow the heavens and all realms. Seeing that the immortal barrier has not been opened, one of them was cold. Said: "If you don't open the sky pass, don't blame me waiting for the shot."

Boom boom boom boom boom--

The five great alien giants took action, and the terrifying attacks were all on the Immortal Pass.

The walls of the universe have been torn apart, only the immortal heavens are still like mountains, standing on the frontier, blooming with infinite brilliance, and the imprints of the avenues of the heavenly supreme and eternal magnate appear, and these attacks that are enough to kill many supreme will be resisted. , Showing the stability of the ancient road of origin.

The original heaven shouted: "Hurry up and open the sky pass. If you don't open the sky pass, the daoists of the foreign race will directly blast open the immortal sky pass. This way, it will be much more difficult to rebuild. And this is the alien race and the sealed universe. In the war between the two sides, why should the entire ancient road of origin be dragged down."

Emperor Dan sneered: "The ambition of a foreign race wolf, once other giants enter one after another, no matter what, I am afraid that the entire ancient road of origin will be completely in charge of the foreign race. How can I open the ancient road to the place of origin."

The two sides hold their own words, arguing whether to open the immortal barrier.

Moreover, the boundary wall of the ancient road of origin is extremely stable, and the immortal gate has the blessing of the avenue mark of the supreme of the heavens and the eternal giants, even if there are five giants of the foreign race, it will be difficult to break through in a short time.

"Hmph, the foreign race doesn't dare to do this, but once a Daoist friend falls here, he won't say that."

Primordial Heaven set off and rushed directly to the Immortal Pass to open the ancient gate of Tian Pass.

Dandi stopped and confronted Primordial Heaven.

On the ancient road of origin, the situation was tense.


At the same time, the supreme realm was torn apart, and the fighting ancestors and the sky-against warlord united with each other, fighting infinitely, killing the ancient emperor to pieces, and the immortal emperor soul suffered terrible and terrible injuries.

This is just the eternal magnate. If it is replaced by the supreme, even the quasi-giant has been killed long ago, and it is impossible to withstand the terrible offensive of the two fighting magnates.


The strongest emperor emperor emperor shouted with the holy devil emperor, their expressions were rather gloomy, and they wanted to prevent the killing of the fighting ancestors and the warlord against the sky, but the Tai holy emperor and the Yan emperor were here, they simply could not take care of them.

In particular, the Saint Demon Emperor who faced the Supreme Sage Emperor was even more terrible, because the Supreme Emperor’s strength was also extremely terrifying, and the Chaos Emperor came out, and he could trace everything back to the source and restore the monstrousness of the Saint Demon Emperor. The magical powers of the Great Dao were directly weakened by more than half.

As soon as the Mirror of Universe and Eight Diagrams came out, it even found the eternal blue light, shattered everything, and caused the Holy Devil Emperor to suffer one after another.

"No, you can't let the fighting ancestor kill the Luangu Emperor!"

On the ancient road of origin, a giant changed his expression and rushed over.

Some are close to the ancient alien universe, and some worry that the death of the alien giant will cause the alien ancient universe to go crazy.


The sky is falling apart, and the vast expanse of the supreme territory is shaking.

It was the eternal giants leaving, rushing from all over the ancient road of origin, the boundless giant Qi sweeping everything The Supreme will appear weak in front of it.

In the end, a total of six giants appeared together, and each of them manifested a terrifying form that could hold up the entire chaotic ancient universe, which was even bigger than the Supreme World.

Boom boom boom boom boom--

The six giants shot and suddenly attacked the blocked supreme realm.

Accompanied by the brilliance of the shining Era of the Ages, even if the Time and Space Emperor personally took action to isolate time and space, it was impossible to stop so many Eternal Giants, and the time and space blockade was penetrated by life.

Here, the boundless blood bloomed, and the huge torn apart body of the ancient Emperor of Chaos flew out. The blood of the emperor was dyed in the heavens, and there were many terrible wounds on his body. the Lord.

Moreover, these wounds deeply imprinted the ancient Emperor of Chaos, and contained the overbearing and shocking rule of the Supreme Fighting Emperor, which was indelible and prevented the restoration of the Emperor of Chaos.

Seeing the dense wounds on his body, the fist prints and palm prints that pierced the front and back, and a large amount of radiance overflowed, and the essence of the ancient emperor's main body was leaking.

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