Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3200: Dandi's obstruction

The warlord against the sky wielded the sky-killing warhammer, heavily bombarding the immortal soul of the ancient emperor, with a loud bang, and the terrifying force penetrated the ancient road of origin, straight into the chaotic sea, indescribable terror.

The Emperor Luangu roared, both the physical body and the true soul were torn and shattered strongly, and the origin was hit hard again.

This time, even if he escaped a catastrophe by fluke, I don't know how long it will take to recover. It is impossible to recover in an era of era.

"Dare you!"

In addition to the ancient road of origin, at the Immortal Pass, the five great aliens were furious, and the power of terror showed up from time to time, and the immortal pass was almost torn apart by direct impact.

This is also the immortal pass of the ancient road of origin, with the blessing of the avenue imprint of the supreme of the heavens and the giants, otherwise, how can other immortal passes stop the bombardment of the five giants without falling.

But because of this, cracks also appeared, and the imperial formations on it were shattered one after another, proving that it could not be supported for too long.

"Leave quickly!"

A tycoon on the ancient road of origin clearly saw the dangerous situation.

How dare the boundless army guarding it neglect, and immediately use the teleportation array to retreat.

At the same time, there are even more tycoons who take their own initiative, and to maintain the immortal barrier, the five tycoons of foreign races must not be allowed to successfully enter.

"Foreign race, you have waited enough, the ancient road of origin cannot be entered when you want to enter!"

The giant shouted, stimulating the force of the boundless universe to act on the immortal heaven.

"Hmph, dare to take action against the giants of the ancient universe in our world. Once he has an accident, the entire ancient road of origin will be buried!"

The five giants of foreign races roared, arousing endless and stalwart forces, and I don't know how many times in an instant, they continue to bombard Immortal Sky shut.


Finally, the Immortal Pass could no longer bear it, and it exploded before the giants who came to the Ancient Origin Road came to bless it. The army guarding the city pass was also affected, and all were wiped out.

The Tianguan exploded, and a large number of fragments flew upside down, crashing into the ancient road of origin.

There are countless casualties in the nearby territory, hundreds of millions at every turn.

The five big alien giants rushed into it almost simultaneously, with a monstrous and immense power, they came across.

Many pieces of supreme territory have collapsed!

There was a loud noise, alarming the entire ancient road of origin.

"It's not good, the foreign giants are here!"

"The Immortal Pass has been exploded!"

The whole world was shocked, looking at the five menacing alien giants, all his expressions changed color.

"After all, it's coming in!"

The big titans of Origin Ancient Road also changed slightly.

At this time, the ancestor of fighting and the warlord against the sky displayed supreme supernatural powers, suppressing the torn apart form and **** of the ancient ancient emperor, and confining them in one place.

"Hand over the Luangu Emperor!"

The five great aliens roared and roared the entire ancient road of origin. The hundreds of millions of creatures in the nearby supreme territories were roared to pieces. The Primordial King couldn't bear it, and many people perished.

It's just that the vision of perishing hasn't emerged yet, it's more annihilated than the power of the five giants on the way.

There is no time for the supreme to take away the creatures of the territory, and the nearest person will be transferred away immediately, otherwise the giant will go to war, and the supreme will be unbearable and will be broken.

At this time, Emperor Dan stood up, shaking the tripod steady, shouted: "Alien, you have waited enough, this is not the land of your alien ancient universe!"

Seeing that they rushed in, causing countless origins and ancient road creatures to be charred, and the corpses more than hundreds of millions, he became angry.

"Emperor Dan, just go away if you don't want to die!"

One of the five giants who rushed over ranted frankly, rushing at the fastest speed without reducing the momentum.

Emperor Dan's face sank on the spot, and he said coldly: "You are the first person who has dared to tell me to get rid of for so many years. If I Dan Emperor doesn't take action today, I'm afraid everyone will treat me as a coward."

Dandi Ding appeared, Dingzhen eight wastes, the giant's vitality bloomed, and endless visions appeared.

Even if you face the five giants, you are not afraid!

At this time, the giants of all parties also slightly changed color.

Many of the eternal tycoons have inherited the favor of Emperor Dan, and now they see that Emperor Dan is scolded, how can they stand by.

Immediately, one after another eternal giants stood up and stood upright, suppressing the universe and facing the five giants of foreign races.

"Foreign race, really dare to be brave, what Dan Emperor said is right, this is the ancient road of origin, not the place where you wait for the alien race."

"Hehe, Dan Emperor dare to scold? You really think that the world is number one!"

"I'm going to see today, who dares to let Dan Di go!"

"Pandei is my old friend, who dares to let him go, I am the first Hongtian not to spare him!"


Seven eternal giants stepped forward one after another, including the strongest emperor and peerless immortal king, who sat down for Emperor Dan and coldly watched the five giants coming from other races.

The power is so powerful that it is much stronger than the five giants of foreign races that rushed over.

The five giants of foreign races changed their colors on the spot, and only then wanted to come to Emperor Dan, not only the giants of the ages, his first alchemy skills in ancient and modern times, but let him have the favors owed by many giants of the ages. This Dandi standing on the opposite side is not a good thing.

Rao is the five giants of foreign races. He has always been tough and used to it, so he must be extremely jealous at this moment.

At the moment, the face of the foreign giant who was yelling at the moment was slightly dark, and immediately said, "Sorry, Emperor Dan, it was my fault. I shouldn't scold you. I just blurted out because I was too anxious."

The giant apologized, and the world was in an uproar, but it was only natural to apologize to Emperor Dan.

After all, he offended Emperor Dan, but offended many invincible powerhouses who had friendship with Emperor Dan.

Emperor Dan looked slowly, nodded: "Okay, wait for you to leave."

How can the five great aliens leave frowning and said: "Dee Dan, since I have already apologized to you, please let me go. I will rescue the ancient emperor and kill the fighting saint. Ancestor, give a profound lesson to the sealed universe."

How powerful they are, today the Emperor of the Ancient Chaos was almost beheaded, how could they swallow this moment of evil.

If you dare to offend a foreign race, even if you are an eternal giant, you will have to pay back ten times.

Dandi said indifferently: "Keep away? You are too bullied by the foreign race, and you want me to get away easily with this kind of apology? I won't let it go without a price."

The whole world was shaking, but everyone knew that Emperor Dan did it deliberately. He stood on the side of several giants in the sealed universe, and deliberately delayed the fight for the saint ancestor and the warlord against the sky, so he blocked it.

"Emperor Dan, you--"

The eyes of some foreign giants stood up, and Dandi was deceiving too much.

But seeing the seven giants standing next to Emperor Dan, everyone looked at them gloomily. Even if there was no amount of anger in his heart, he had to suppress it forcibly, and said in a deep voice: "Di Emperor Dan, what do you want?"

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