Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3201: The first generation

"If you don't want to, exit the ancient road of origin immediately!"

Dandi's words are concise and concise.

"Impossible!" The five big aliens snorted coldly.


At this time, the figure of the Holy Demon Emperor and the strongest Emperor and the Holy Capital flew upside down, crashed into the star field, and the blood bloomed, very miserable.

Because fighting ancestors and warlords against the sky have also joined the battle camp, cooperating with Yandi and Taishenghuang to fight two foreign giants.

Obviously, the results are remarkable. The two big alien giants are facing the combined attack of the four big giants, especially the attacking power of the fighting ancestors and the heaven-defying warriors is outrageous, and the Supreme Sage Emperor is only one line behind the Chaos Avenue. The horror exists, Emperor Yan masters the strongest avenue of fire, and the eternal giants are also extremely embarrassed.

If we continue, I am afraid that both of them are in danger.

"Fighting to kill the sky!"

With a loud shout, the vibrations lingered forever, it was the fighting saint ancestor who was taking action, raising his combat power to the extreme, and the terrifying breath was spreading.

I saw the golden light suddenly appeared, and immediately the blood burst into the sky, tearing open the ancient road of origin, I don't know how many star fields, and shattered hundreds of millions of stars.

That was an alien giant. Under the terrifying offensive of the fighting ancestors, the whole person was exploded, torn to pieces, only the indestructible true soul existed, and it gave out a roaring roar.

"Pandei, get out of the way immediately, don't force us to take action!"

The five big aliens roared, all moved with absolute anger and rushed directly.

"I want to see how you dare to take action if you are an alien."

Dandi said coldly, without fear at all.


How could the five big aliens take care of these, and they rushed to the past.

"Emperor Dan!"

The expressions of the other seven giants also changed slightly. Although they were on the side of Emperor Dan, they did not want to stand on the opposite side of the foreign race unless they were a last resort.

Emperor Dan sneered, but this time he didn't stop it, because the Emperor Taisheng secretly transmitted the sound and there was no need to stop it.



In the Supreme Realm, both the Saint Demon Emperor and the strongest Emperor Saint were seriously injured. One of the bodies was torn apart, and the other was just shattered. Now they are reorganized and the injuries are not shallow, but they are more The repressed Luangu Emperor is mainly much better.

"Holy, Holy Demon Emperor!"

The five tycoons of foreign races rushed over, caught the two tycoons, and inspected the injuries. Although they were injured, they were not too serious. As long as they were closed for a period of time, they could recover.

It’s just that the emperor of the ancient chaos suffered the most terrible damage from the source, and was suppressed, making them angry and raging, shouting: "You of the Pangu universe, you are really courageous, even the giants of the ancient universe in our world dare to suppress it. , Hand it over right away!"

"Hehe, if you let us hand it over, shall we hand it over?"

Fighting Saint Ancestor sneered, how could he easily surrendered, who has always been strong and used to it.

At this time, he even directly took out the magic weapon used to suppress the ancient Emperor Luan, only to see that the ancient Emperor Luan was suppressed, withstands thousands of attacks, all the time, never stopped, and was unable to reorganize the shape and spirit, and was in a disintegration.

By his side, the Heaven-defying Warlord wielded the Heaven-killing Warhammer, ignoring the magic weapon, and directly bombarded the immortal true soul of the ancient emperor.


The immortal true soul of the ancient chaos emperor continued to disintegrate, roaring in pain, trying to stop it, but could do nothing.

Because this artifact is so special that he, the eternal giant, was unable to completely reorganize his body and spirit in a short time, and then he suffered a fierce attack from the Heaven-defying Warlord, and the disintegrated immortal soul was even more broken. It can’t be too painful.

"You dare to wait!"

"In that case, just kill you and wait."

The seven giants of foreign races made their moves, and they were infinitely powerful.

The look of the giants of all parties changed slightly, and if the eternal giants with more than two hands were to go to war, not only the Supreme Realm could not bear it, but the ancient road of origin would inevitably be blown up.

Moreover, the giants on the side of the sealed universe had only let go of the two giants of the alien race before, and their sincerity was obvious, and they did not want to continue the war, but the alien race had to fight to the end, which made them quite angry.

Emperor Yan sneered and said, "My old friends, if you still don't make a move, are you really going to watch me fall?"

In the prehistoric world, there are several terrifying fairy king auras blooming, rushing over quickly, only to see the four great immortal kings appearing, descending on the ancient road of origin, looking at the giants of foreign races indifferently, saying: "The ancient road of origin is all parties. The ancient universe is united and built together, indestructible, fellow Taoists of different races, retreat."

The alien giants were also indifferent, saying: "The immortal kings of the prehistoric immortal world, don't think that the ancient universe of our world is really afraid of you. If they don't hand over the chaotic ancient emperor today, they will not hesitate to destroy the entire ancient road of origin. "

The immortal king of the prehistoric immortal world was about to speak, but at this moment, his face suddenly changed and he looked at the Chaos Sea.

At the same time, the giants of all parties did the same, looking towards the Chaos Sea.

"He finally showed up!"

The five tycoons of the sealed world, including the fighting ancestor, the warlord against the sky, the Taishenghuang, the Yandi, and the space-time emperor, looked solemn and unprecedented.

I saw the boundless sea of ​​chaos, and I don’t know how many tens of thousands of miles. At the other end, there stands an extremely powerful and glorious chaotic ancient universe, far better than the general chaotic ancient universe, exuding the ancient atmosphere of evil, it is a foreign race Ancient universe.

At this moment, the ancient alien universe seemed to become illusory, and the scene inside was looming, only to see the most mysterious ancestral temples in the center of the universe, all of which were sleeping giants of Chaos Sea that could suppress eternity.

And in the oldest ancestral temple at the origin of the universe, an unfathomable figure appeared.

It’s not very big, the shadows are very vague, and they can’t be seen clearly. They are the size of a normal person, but they seem to be shattered and omnipotent by one person. At this moment, they speak from afar: "Friends of the Pangu universe, please let me go to the ancient universe Ancient emperor."

The sound of peace echoes in the entire ancient road of origin in an instant without the distance of time and space.

"First Generation!"

Seeing this person, any tycoon would change color.

No one can not be afraid of the existence of this person, because the first generation can definitely be called one of the most terrifying people in the ages, and there are only a few people in the Chaos Sea that can be compared with it.

You need to know How invincible was the warlord against the sky back then, even from the center of the ancient alien universe, he made heavy siege, demonstrating the ultimate fighting power to smash the chaotic sea, but they all said that the beginning of the year did not shoot. For this reason, I'm afraid that I won't have the chance to live out the second life and become the ancestor of fighting, which proves that the terrible of the first generation is better than other eternal giants.

Unexpectedly, this time the battle between the giants of the ages, even Shidai was shocked in the end, making people numb.

"First Generation!"

The ancient road of origin has attracted worldwide attention, and billions of living beings must look up to the original generation. Although they are in the ancient alien universe and not on the ancient road of origin, they are isolated from the boundless sea of ​​chaos, but the shadow of the first generation is still the same. The ground is magnificent.

The biggest black hand in history!

No one can not be afraid!


At this time, Ye Chen could clearly feel the sacred objects of origin in his brows trembling, especially the imprint of the moon, which exudes a special brilliance and looks hazy, as if to drift away with the wind.

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