Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3202: Anti-Slash Era

"If I insist on not paying it!"

At this time, the fighting ancestor opened his mouth, filled with a kind of strength, full of hair fluttering, flowing with immortal golden light.

Even in the face of Shidai, he is still fearless.

Because he was the first person to attack by the Chaos Sea, and his combat power overwhelmed everything, even if it was the first generation, it was a battle, and even confidence could suppress it.

He has this absolute confidence.

The first generation Pangen alien race is the center of the ancient universe. It looks at the fighting ancestors from a distance, without the slightest disturbance, and calmly said: "If you don't hand it over, then it's no wonder that the ancient universe in our world has invaded the Pangu universe. The Immortal Realm guy will never back down."

In the words, it is extremely strong!

Alien, fearless to go to war!

The giants of all parties change color.

Fighting Saint Ancestor and the five people all had their faces sinking, but Shidai continued to speak: "You should know that unless the Emperor returns, you are not the opponents of our ancient universe."

The Emperor of Heaven is among the strongest giants of the first generation.

It's a pity that the first generation had used a strategy and was reluctantly delayed on an important tributary on the long river of years. Otherwise, why the myth of the closed universe was shattered.

The Lord of the Guards held the Battle Hammer and said indifferently: "Sidai, since the war is on, I will be the first to blow you up!"

Infinite fighting spirit, fearless!

The warlord against the sky did what he said, his black hair exploded, like a boundless black dragon dancing frantically, breaking through the barriers of time and space, and directly killing Shidai.

Ahead, on the ancient road of origin, an alien giant stood to block it, and a great annihilation of the emperor's seal ran across it, blocking it, coldly shouting: "How can you attack the first generation? Your opponent is me!"


There was a big collision between the two sides, and neither of them decided the outcome.

"Back then, I smashed into your alien ancient universe alone, and even killed a giant, but now you dare to stop me? Do you want me to send you to life?"

The warlord against the sky responded indifferently, the Skykiller Warhammer was shining with a special brilliance, and scenes of the Scarlet Buddha statue were emerging, and each scene was terrifying and terrifying, and there were endless creatures.

The most terrifying scene is that the heaven-defying warlord enters the center of the ancient alien universe, covered in blood, and at all costs, completely kills all the alien giants, demonstrating its terrifying combat power at the world-destroying level.

The warlord against the sky, bathed in rich blood, stood upright in the sky, showing its terrifying place.


At the same time, the Sky-Slayer Warhammer suddenly zoomed in. One moment passed by, and there was no time for birth and death. The Sky-Slayer Warhammer enlarged to the extent of surpassing a supreme world, covering several pieces of supreme territory.

Countless blood-colored emperor patterns appeared, and the overbearing power was spreading, causing the supreme of all parties to tremble.

"Vientiane, pick me up with the'Reverse Slash Era'!"

The Heaven-defying warlord shouted loudly, roaring the ancient, modern and future, only to see that the sky-killing warhammer continued to magnify to an extremely astonishing level, and immediately bombarded the blocking alien giant "Vanxiang".

The only sight is that the Battlehammer of Killing the Sky is blooming with mystical blood brilliance, just like a peerless Asura, the **** lines are intertwined, and the scene of the corpse mountain and the sea of ​​blood emerges. Under the indescribable power, the years and the river are directly collapsed. Opening two sections, showing the terrifying attack power of the warlord against the sky.

Anti-slash era!

The entire era of era will be cut in half!

The look of the Vientiane giant changed, feeling a sense of fatal crisis, and suddenly shouted and displayed supreme magical powers: "Shen Luo Vientiane!"

Amazing changes have taken place between heaven and earth, including the entire ancient road of origin, and even continued over the years, changing everything.

As if time and space change, everything in the world has changed.

Throughout the ages, everything has changed, even the heavens and all the ways have been changed.

Undoubtedly, this is the horror of the Vientiane Giant, a type of illusion, but he has performed it so terribly, changing everything, the way of heaven, the way of ten thousand, and even the past and the present.

Both the ordinary cultivator and the supreme felt that they had been changed, and they were no longer the supreme, but only a mere cultivator, and were banned from illusory illusions.

All phenomena, including everything, change everything, even the warlord against the sky has been changed, no longer the supreme giant, this moment is just a mere saint, the sky-killing warhammer in his hand has become the size of a hill, although terrible , But there is a huge gap from before.

The Vientiane giant stood in front of it, condescending, looking down: "Warlord against the sky, now do you dare to attack the emperor and provoke the majesty of the eternal giant?"

However, the will of the warlord against the sky is firm, and he has the same origin as the fighting ancestors, and indifferently said: "The mere illusion also wants to trap me? Break!"

The sky-killing warhammer bombarded, tearing apart this terrible forbidden illusion that disillusioned the past and present. Everything reappeared. Only the huge sky-shading hammer covering several pieces of supreme territory fell heavily, carrying an unimaginable power of destruction, and bombarding the giants of Vientiane. Body.


The ancient road of origin was shaken, the giant figure of Vientiane collapsed and flew, the unfathomable emperor's body moved towards torn apart, and the vast blood was stained with red.


Unable to bear it after all, the Vientiane giant exploded, shaking the ancient road of origin.

This hammer is an extraordinary magical power. It is the second type of taboo magical power created by the warlord against the sky, and the eternal giants will suffer from the original source.

The horror of the warlord against the sky is fully demonstrated.

Fighting Saint Ancestor also strode forward and said indifferently: "Sidai, you don't need to oppress my Pangu universe, even if the Emperor is not there, you are not afraid of your alien race!"

Fighting Wushuang, relying on the Chaos Sea to squeeze the Chaos Sea, broke out, the holy method of fighting, which is known as the most attacking power, and he stepped forward to kill an alien giant with blood spilling on his body, and an emperor was torn apart.

But the other five foreign giants looked as indifferent and did not change their color.

Although it is admitted that the attack power of the warlord against the sky and the ancestor of fighting is really terrible, but the art industry has specialization, and they are both eternal giants, not much weaker, really want a battle, what is there to fear.

"Kill kill kill kill kill kill kill!"

An alien giant called out seven killing words in a The terrifying killing intent broke out directly, flooding the heavens, using the forbidden secret technique of the supreme giant, and directly bombarding the giant on the side of the sealed universe.

"It's really going to fight, I have no fear in Pangu universe!"

Taishenghuang coldly shouted, the Chaos Dao Fa was raised to the extreme, showing the demeanor of the first person in the ancient and modern Chaos Avenue, holding the Universe Gossip Mirror, this moment completely returned the real name of the sealed universe, and Pangu universe claimed to be!

Everyone knows that at this moment, there are no more sealed universes in the world, only the Pangu universe!

Emperor Yan and Emperor Time and Space also began to make their heads. The five giants of the Pangu universe showed their invincible power, and they took the initiative and force to kill without fear of the other seven giants.

"Today, destroy the Pangu universe!"

Boom boom boom boom boom--

At this time, in the ancient alien universe, among the ancient ups and downs of the ancestral temple, there suddenly rose up an unimaginable stalwart figure, all of which belonged to a foreign race, and they were all carried out one after another at this moment, indifferently looking at the ancient road of origin. Place.

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