Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3204: Slash the giants, bathe the enemy's blood, cross time and space

However, it is precisely this that makes people feel the terrible thing about that person. He has actually crossed the eternal time and space, connected the vitality of the major giants, formed a short bridge, and continued the two long rivers of years. The method can be said to be against the sky.

The war is breaking out, and here, in the blood-stained future years, terrible scenes have also emerged. There are great collapses of the heavens, and the destruction of multiple chaotic primitive worlds, and even the terrible chaos that the ancient universe will sink. scene.

The color of blood is the biggest color in the future, which runs through the entire era.

Blood stains the future, so it comes.

Although there are not many scenes, everyone can see that the blood-stained future is very difficult. The death of the supreme is unknown, and it is even vaguely visible that the death of the eternal giants who do not know it is, all covered by the endless force of cause and effect, unable to penetrate. You can only see a scene of blood staining the future.

The great realm was annihilated, the universe collapsed, the creatures were infinitely dead, and the corpses were all over the Chaos Sea. Even the eternal giants seemed to not last in that lifetime.

This is shocking, what will happen in the future, how can it be so tragic to this point!

Soon, the scenes of the blood-stained future disappeared, and in the end only the two giants in the war were left.

The fluctuations in their battles have affected the past and present, and qi will obliterate all sights.

Blood stained the future world, as if only two of them were left.

During this time, Ye Chen watched the blood-stained future for a moment, and the blood in his body was buzzing quietly, as if to show something.

"The two giants from the blood-stained future, who do they represent?"

The heavenly powerhouses are closely watching, even if the war between Pangu universe and alien ancient universe has stopped briefly.

Blood staining the future is a big deal.

But all the supreme will perform the tragic and terrifying corner of the blood-stained future. In that life, the supreme of the heavens did not exist, and the eternal giants would also decay, and no one could truly live forever.

If you learn the truth about the part of the blood-stained future, you may be able to reverse the tragic future of the blood-stained future to a certain extent, so that you can live through it safely.


There was a terrible battle between the two sides, which shook the river of time and directly killed in the blood-stained future.

During this time, I don't know how many years time and space were affected and destroyed, pulling out the extremely terrible forbidden sky thunder, crashing down.

Under the terrible taboo thunder, it is contaminated with the most terrifying causal power, and the power contained in it is so powerful that the terrible existence of the two major confrontations is bloodied and traumatized.

Of course, the supreme tycoon who hides his chaotic energy seems to be stronger and suffers a bit less injury.

"Jiu Ji Wushuang!"

I saw the supreme giant concealing his chaotic energy coldly sipping, drank the strongest sound of the ages, and quickly formed nine mysterious and mysterious Dao divine seals with his hands, and then condensed the only one.

With a push of the palm print, he heavily bombarded the supreme giant in front of him.

This palm is enough to penetrate the past and the present, penetrate the barriers of the years, and the Supreme will definitely die in the face!

"Fudo Da Shi Yin!"

The other supreme giant also yelled, his figure is unusually burly, taller than the other's normal person, but his body is one zhang three, but behind him vaguely appeared the phantom of the sky-swallowing behemoth that can swallow the sky, killing out extremely terrifying His supreme supernatural powers collide with each other.

The splendid brilliance continued to bloom, if it were not in the long river, if it were placed on the ancient road of origin, it would inevitably sink many supreme territories.

The supreme giant, submerged in the chaotic energy, attacked again, and the boundless chaotic light exploded, spawning the supreme emperor of the heavens.

The other supreme tycoon did not show weakness either, and shot one after another, with a terrifying emperor's magical powers that had never been seen before, shaking the river so that it would not tremble and fall into the edge of collapse.

"Eternity is empty!"

A forbidden emperor magical power, the terrifying spells that block the terrifying existence like a huge hill in front of him will be transformed into nothingness.

"Eternal ages are empty? It is the supernatural power of the Great Samsara, is that person the Great Samsara?"

The whole world was shocked, and all focused on the past, because all the giants had seen the blood-stained future, but unfortunately they were isolated, and they could not see what happened in the blood-stained future and whether they would continue to live forever.

But there is no doubt that the emergence of "Eternity is empty" seems to herald the blood-stained future of the Samsara Emperor, and it seems that he has cultivated the Supreme Chaos Dafa.

"No, that person shouldn't be the Great Reincarnation. At most, he has acquired the supernatural powers of the Great Reincarnation. The breath of the Great Reincarnation is not like this. Although the person is very strong, his breath is different."

A giant vetoed it.

"Left hand lunar, right hand sun, lunar sun, chaos invincible!"

At this time, the terrifying existence hiding the chaotic energy then shouted, displaying terrifying supernatural powers, and the chaotic light all burned, and then bombarded the blocker hundreds of thousands of times in an instant, and even defeated the long river of years.

Blood shed all over the nine heavens!


The supreme giant that covered the sky with a giant beast on his back roared and drank the name of the other party, but no one could hear it clearly. It involved the most terrible taboo and was obliterated by the power of cause and effect. Only the last word "di" could be heard. .

The Dao Fa in his body was completely broken up by the "Eternal Ages", and the body protection magical powers were also the same, and the defense power was seriously reduced.

This yin and yang great magical power was used, and he fell straight on his body, killing his immortal battle body to crack, the infinite blood overflowed, almost exploded, and the immortal true soul was also hit hard.



An emperor sword appeared in the hands of the supreme giant who was concealing the chaotic energy, shining with the most brilliant brilliance, involving the heavens and all the ways, involving the time and space, involving the cause and effect, a sword cut away the terrible existence in front of him, blood Stained the future world.


The existence of a terrifying giant was cut in half, and the future was dyed red with blood.

The supreme tycoon hiding in the chaotic energy did not take advantage of this great opportunity to chase and kill it back.

Killing the enemy can be done at any time in the blood-stained future But going upstream and returning to this world is not always possible.

"The blood-stained future powerhouse has turned time and space and came to this world?"

In this world, the heavens are shaking, all looking at the supreme giant who is hiding in chaos, and looking at the Supreme Emperor.

In terms of emotion and reason, the most suitable person on the scene was Taishenghuang, because the Chaos Qi displayed was as strong and invincible.

Could it be that in the blood-stained future, the Supreme Sage Emperor is still alive, beheading an eternal giant?

But the Supreme Sage Emperor knew that although the opponent's cultivator was supreme Chaos Dafa, it was not him, the original aura was different, and this could not be changed.

The most likely person should be Ye Chen.

But Tai Shenghuang thought it was not Ye Chen.

The supreme giant hiding the chaotic energy came from the blood-stained future. Suddenly, the mysterious and unfathomable sky above, there are boundless forbidden thunder falling down, and the unparalleled power of time and space blocked his arrival.

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