Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3205: Want to kill you


The Great Emperor of Space and Time took action and used the technique of the Emperor of Time and Space, which he relied on to respect the ancient and the present, to fight back all the power of time and space, and he was suppressed.

Of course, the boundless taboo sky thunder cannot be suppressed.

Just about to continue to make a move, but the supreme giant hiding in the chaos said to stop: "No need, let me come."


The endless forbidden sky thunder fell, with extremely terrifying causal power, drowning the supreme giant from the blood-stained future.

Such taboo sky thunder, even the giants of all parties present must be extremely jealous.

As for the Supreme--

There is no doubt that you will die if you bear it!

Because these taboo sky thunders belong to the highest level, and the power of causality with them is far beyond imagination, stronger than the supreme, overlooking the eternity, but can't resist.

Let the infinite taboo sky thunder submerged, and after a long period of time, it finally dissipated, and the supreme giant accepted it, but there was a smear of blood overflowing at the corner of his mouth.

Obviously, as powerful as this invincible being able to severely damage the eternal giants, wanting to come across time and space, he also suffered a terrible price.

However, he successfully leaped over, and even if the Qi Qi on his body has declined, it is still too strong. The strands of Chaos Qi Qi can evolve into the Supreme Emperor of Ten Thousand Paths, like a superb emperor.


At the same time, Ye Chen felt that the Chaos Dao Fa in his body was running involuntarily, and was greatly triggered, as if resonating with the invincible in the blood-stained future.

At this moment, the speed of operation has increased countless times.

He even felt that the rule of king in his body was evolving rapidly.

In just a few moments, hundreds of Dao have been derived, which is extremely amazing.

And it continues to evolve.

Who is this person?

Is it the man who called his father back then?

Ye Chen's heart trembled, there was a sense of blood intimacy, and also the resonance of chaotic Taoism, and the guess was very likely to come true.

The mysterious man who called him his father at that time slain from the blood-stained Miku to resist the Emperor Taishi who was buried in Chaos.

This time, is it here again?

Sure enough, the supreme tycoon, hiding his chaotic energy, looked at Ye Chen's direction, and slightly nodded at him imperceptibly, and opened his mouth silently, seeming to prove that Ye Chen's guess came true. Soon Just look to other directions.

Because but to prevent others from being aware of his relationship with Ye Chen, otherwise it will be troublesome.

"The supreme giant from the blood-stained future, what exactly will he do with his arrival?"

Although the giants of all parties are afraid of the horror of the supreme giant who hides their chaos, they are not people in the same time and space. Once the other party makes a move, even if it is really strong, it will have to pay an unimaginable huge backlash and price.

"The first generation!"

The supreme tycoon, who is blood-stained in the future, shines with terrible chaotic colors, step by step, following the long river of years, unable to leave, isolated from the eternal time and space, looking towards the first generation that hung in the center of the ancient alien universe.

The aura on his body is amazing, he is about to tear through the barriers of the years, as if he is really coming to this life.

Shidai's expression was calm, or that no one could see Shidai's expression, only a pair of eyes, Zhongzheng peaceful, and the blood-stained titans of the future were looking at each other without saying a word.

"Seriously, I really want to kill you."

The supreme giant speaks, and the words are full of monstrous killing intent. It can also be felt in isolation from time and space, and it is also surprising what Shidai has done, so that this supreme giant from the blood-stained future is so full of killing meaning.

However, if you think carefully about the black-handed things that Shidai has done for countless years, it is not surprising that there are enemies such as giants of the ages for granted, not to mention that there are no giants of the ages who have fallen behind them, such as the Emperor Hantian.

"I want to kill you, but I can't kill you."

He spoke again.

The world feels that it is isolated from time and space, and no matter how powerful the giant is, it is difficult to kill the powerful, not to mention the most impossibly standing generation of the Chaos Sea.

But some people, such as the giants of various parties, such as Ye Chen, can hear the overtones.

It doesn't seem to be that I can't kill Shidai in isolation of time and space, but can't kill him.

Everyone who heard the overtones changed their expressions slightly. What does this mean?

Could it be that the mysterious man from the blood-stained future was so powerful that he could not kill the first generation.

Shidai looked at him and said calmly: "Do you really want to kill me?"

"I really want to kill!" the supreme giant said, killing intent without concealing it.

"I know you want to kill me, and I know why you want to kill me." Shidai said slowly, "But one day, if you understand, know everything, and understand the causes and consequences, you won't want to kill me. ."

All parties do not quite understand what the two words mean and what kind of relationship exists.

Shidai seemed to know the supreme giant who was blood-stained in the future, and he seemed to know a lot of things, even some of the mysteries that other eternal giants did not understand, derived from the mystery of the blood-stained future.

"What do you mean?"

The supreme giant, blood-stained in the future, held the Emperor Sword in his hand and asked, the chaotic light on his body was so powerful that it was almost out of the river of time!

Shidai said nothing, never answered.

"Since you don't want to answer, don't force me to do it myself!"


At this time, the mysterious supreme tycoon shot immediately and rushed out of the long river with a crash.

Stepping out in one step, crossing the barriers of the endless sky, rushing out of the ancient road of origin, crossing the boundless sea of ​​chaos, entering the alien ancient universe, and rushing to the front of the first generation.

"All parties are ready!"

In the ancient alien universe, one after another supreme was shocked, and all the supreme emperor's shadow dominating the starry sky appeared, waiting for it, worrying that the supreme would kill the supreme giant from the blood-stained future.


The supreme giant, blood-stained in the future, gave a cold snort, UU reading www.uukanshu. Although com's body is surrounded by the power of time, and it doesn't really come to this time and space, there is still endless coercion in his body.

The coercion is so powerful that it surpasses the supreme, like a sea of ​​billions of stars rushing through the storm, causing all the supreme to change color, and the magnificent supreme emperor's shadow is impacted and regressed.

Although they are not in the same time and space, taking unauthorized actions will lead to unpredictable consequences, but the release of coercion will not be so, and there has been no real action.

"you dare!"

In the center of the ancient alien universe, in the ancestral temples that lasted forever, the eternal giants appeared, looking indifferently at the blood-stained supreme giants, who also had the terrifying and strongest emperor's energy permeating. Collision is like a collision in time and space.

"I have nothing to dare!"

The supreme giant from the blood-stained future laughed and was full of arrogance. Although his body was covered by chaotic light, his strong attitude was undoubtedly manifested. He stepped across hundreds of millions of miles, and countless star fields turned upside down under his feet and broke through. The great obstacles came to the center of the universe.

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