Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3222: Wives

Emperor Yan?

Why is he here?

The ancient immortal Lan Chen had a ghost in his heart, and he did not expect that Emperor Yan, the eternal giant, would suddenly come here, but after all, he was a generation of supreme immortals, who ruled the immortal domain for endless years. After a little flustered, his joy and anger were invisible. He raised his head and said, "Lan Chen pays respects to Lord Yan. I wonder why the Lord came here?"

"Haha, as for what's going on, don't you know it?" Yandi sneered.

The ancient immortal Lan Chen had a numb scalp, and he could still be tough in the face of the unphased king, but in the face of the real eternal giant, he could not be tough, pretending to be confused and said: "Lan Chen is not clear."

"Unknown? What an unknown. I just shot and killed the strong man in the Pangu universe faction. I even caught up with the long river and fought a battle with the Wuxiang boy, and actually told me I didn't know."

Emperor Yan sneered, full of sarcasm, and made Ancient Immortal Lan Chen suddenly change color. Knowing that Emperor Yan was here to be held accountable, he hurriedly said, "Master Yan, forgive me. They just forcibly opened the gate of heaven, but the prehistoric immortal world belongs to the prehistoric immortal world. They broke the rules without authorization, and Lan Chen had to act."

"It's a last resort, but do you think that the emperor will believe your words."

Emperor Yan squatted down, how could he believe the words of the ancient immortal Lan Chen, and directly shot, the giant's ability to destroy this space and time.

"Master Yan, this is the Primordial Immortal Realm. Apart from the figures of the Sheke Immortal Dao, others dare to take action in the Primordial Realm. If you provoke the Primordial Realm and become my enemy of the Primordial Realm, do you really want to be my enemy for those people? ?"

Ancient Immortal Lan Chen hurriedly shouted, trying to use this to threaten Emperor Yan.

But Emperor Yan sneered: "A supreme immortal would dare to represent the prehistoric immortal realm? Even if the emperor made a move in the prestigious immortal realm, what if the emperor does not offend me, and I will not offend others. If anyone offends me, he will return ten times!


The power of the eternal giant has flourished countless times!

The ancient immortal Lan Chen wanted to resist, with a long scream and doing his best, his whole body burst into billions of immortal celestial light, and he struck hard with the Emperor Yan of Emperor Yan, and then under the boundless light, his figure flew away, covered in blood. , Vulnerable.

But he also successfully blocked it, and rushed out, and the shouting voice spread throughout almost the entire prehistoric immortal world: "Master Yan, this is the prehistoric immortal world. Even if Lan Chen is at fault, it will not tolerate outsiders like you. ."

I have to say that the ancient immortal Lan Chen's strategy is clever, because the voice exploded, the entire prehistoric immortal world was alarmed, and everyone in the world raised their heads and paid attention.

The celestial light continued to bloom, and the Supreme Immortal appeared one after another, and even the immortal king who had not been visible forever was shocked by several statues and sensed it all.

An immortal king frowned and came forward to discourage him: "Emperor Yan, why did you take action against the ancient immortal Lan Chen?"

"Zhou Tian, ​​this kid dared to chase me and send back the Pangu cosmic army, and he held the immortal order to open the sky to stop him, and even chased into the long river of years, I very much doubt that he has a great deal with the scumbags of foreign races. Relationship.” Yan Emperor responded while continuing to make a move.

Only saw a huge and boundless Emperor Yan Canglong, rolling for hundreds of millions of miles, the tail of the dragon swept across, and the ancient immortal Lan Chen screamed, covered with Chaos Emperor Flame, fell from the sky, and cracked the boundless earth.

After finally extinguishing the Chaos Emperor Flame on his body, how could Ancient Immortal Lan Chen resemble the bones of Xianfeng Dao before, his whole body scorched and extremely embarrassed.

Even part of the body was burned by Chaos Emperor Yan, **** and bloody, contaminated with the most terrifying power of the giant, it is definitely not so easy to restore the body.

Seeing that Emperor Yan had to continue to take action, other immortal kings came forward to dissuade him.

After all, the supreme immortal is the supreme fighting power of the great and desolate immortal realm, and if the future comes in blood, it needs the supreme fighting power of the supreme fairy to support.

"Well, this time I will look at the face of all the fairy kings and dao friends, let you go, otherwise you will dare to do this next time, an ancient immortal, this emperor raises his hand to kill him."

With a domineering threat, Emperor Yan left.

The ancient fairy Lan Chen looked ugly, but he dared not say anything when facing the eternal giant, snorted coldly, and left with a black face.


Ancient emperor world.

The reincarnation of the great emperor, the emperor of the early days, the emperor of reincarnation and other nine emperors returned. After the unphased emperor was broken, he completely closed the ancient gate of Tongxuan, which was relieved.

The ancient immortal Lan Chen didn't dare to come in, because this was the Pangu universe, and it was difficult for a strong dragon to crush the ground snake, not to mention the Wuxiang King was also a strong dragon.

If you really want to enter the Pangu universe, not to mention the existence of a non-physical emperor, and the Supreme Human Emperor also takes action, the ancient immortal Lan Chen will also suffer a big loss.

As soon as I entered the realm of the ancient emperor, I saw that a large number of people had gathered long ago, mainly the powerhouses of Chaos Tianfu.

Among them, headed by them are the mistresses of Chaos Tianfu such as Yiwu and Goddess.

They got the message from Ye Chen's avatar left in the Gulan Great World, and rushed over as soon as possible, and the message was passed to King Wuxiang.

Otherwise, how could the unphased king appear in the ancient emperor realm?

In front of the ancient gate of Tongxuan, everyone felt the sudden appearance of several great emperors.

Naturally, none of them know the power of the emperor, nor do they know what level of existence they are. They only know that they are very powerful, far beyond imagination, and just the pressure that naturally escapes makes them tremble physically and hard. bear.


Although the goddess and other women did not see Ye Chen, they saw the emperor's reincarnation and knew the relationship between the emperor's reincarnation and Ye Chen, and they were relieved.


Ye Chen appeared from the reincarnation of the earth, his figure moved across the sky and came to a few sweet wives. He hugged a few beauties hard, hugged them into his arms, sniffed the charming fragrance between their hair, and apologized:" I'm sorry to worry you."

The wives of several stunning beauties were crying and happy, shaking their heads.

In their minds, it is the greatest happiness that husband Ye Chen can return safely, and everything else must be put aside.

"The deity!"

The power of belief in the Gulan Great World nodded slightly towards him.

Ye Chen also nodded.

However, a few spoiled wives were left, such as Qianxun, Yaya, Chenxi, and Xiaojunlin were not there.

"You have Dao wounds on your He is very sensitive, and immediately felt that several women have different degrees of Dao wounds on their bodies. He frowned and said: "What's the matter? "

A hundred years have passed, and several women have long since cultivated their foundations that are different from what they used to be.

This level of cultivation, unless it is facing a strong person at the level of the Primordial King, it is basically not such a serious injury.

While speaking, he used magical powers, and the monstrous light of life submerged into the women's bodies, allowing the women's injuries to be resolved.

"Yue, your strength, isn't it—" The goddess and others were surprised, knowing that they are both heaven-defying quasi-kings, and Dzogchen supreme heavenly arrogances, each mastering the peerless healing sacred art, and there are peerless magical medicine and even pill, etc. Still unable to completely resolve the injury, it was easily resolved by Ye Chen.

In this way, it can only show that Ye Chen's strength is far superior to them.

Could it be that Ye Chen was promoted to the King of the Ancients?

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