Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3223: Critical situation

"I'm still a quasi-king, but the eternal quasi-king is a bit special, and my strength is higher than that of the ordinary primordial king." Ye Chenyan concisely said something about the eternal quasi-king special, which shocked the hearts of several women and also had all kinds of surprises.

Especially when Ye Chen was able to suppress the Taikoo King, it was even more pleasantly surprised.

After a hundred years of absence, Ye Chen did not stay here, and was still advancing by leaps and bounds.

The goddess glanced at Ye Chen faintly: "I originally thought that reaching the heavenly quasi-monarch would be the same height as you, but I didn't expect you, the eternal quasi-king, to be so heavenly."

Recalling that year, Ye Chenke still needed the protection of the goddess. On the ultimate ancient road, his strength was totally different.

Unexpectedly, just a few hundred years later, Ye Chen had already surpassed and opened the gap so much.

Ye Chen gently hugged her sweet wife, scratched her pretty Qiong nose with her fingers, and said with a chuckle: "Isn't it better than that, I can protect you."

The goddess gave him a white look and snorted: "Sister is a generation of goddess, where is your protection needed."

Having said that, which woman does not want to be protected by the man she likes, her heart is full of sweetness.

After reuniting for a while, Ye Chen asked about the situation.

"During my absence, nothing happened, right?"

He left the Pangu universe for nearly a hundred years, and neither of the two ancient universes penetrated, because he did not know whether there was any major event in this ancient universe.

Upon hearing this, the faces of several women were a little sad at once.

"What's wrong?" Ye Chen frowned.

"It's me."

The goddess spoke, telling the events of these years.

As early as a hundred years ago, the Sealed World Universe was completely renamed back to Pangu Universe, which was done deliberately by the Wuxiang King and Human Emperor.

Now, the Pangu universe is the collective name of the universe, and not many people call for the name of the sealed universe.

Of course, the situation in Pangu Universe has not been very good over the past hundred years, because not long after Ye Chen left the ancient universe, the tenth emperor's pass had once again shocked the world, and several foreign emperors had come to knock on the pass.

Although the Tenth Grand Emperor Pass was later reinforced by the Wuxiang King and the Human Emperor, and even the Human Emperor Tower suppressed it, the Emperor Kong Emperor’s Imperial Army Tower was guarded, and it was once blown away.

It just so happened that the two alien emperors of the heavens and tens of thousands of domains also launched an attack, so that the no-phase emperor and the supreme emperor had no time to take care of him.

And the most terrifying thing is that although there was no invasion by the alien emperor, there have been a few terrifying alien emperors. As for the alien emperors, there are more than half a hundred, so naturally there is no need to say under the king.

An endless army of alien races entered the Pangu universe, causing the situation on both sides to be broken.

If it weren't for the two supreme lords of the heavens and ten thousand domains, and these years, the supreme human emperor seems to have undergone some amazing transformation, and the strength has grown again, otherwise it will be difficult to compete with the foreign army that has multiplied several times.

But even so, the Pangu universe is still very difficult and in a bad situation.

"Now nearly 60% of the territories of the heavens and ten thousand domains are occupied by foreign armies. Fortunately, they did not kill innocent people indiscriminately, but only deliberately occupy them, otherwise the heavens and ten thousand races will have no more races."

Yi Wu carried a trace of sorrow.

Since the army of alien races entered the Pangu universe and entered the worlds of the heavens, wars have been frequent.

In order to prevent the alien army from entering the center of the ten thousand domains, thousands of large domains dominated by the ten thousand domain center gathered all their forces to contend and form a blockade to fight against the foreign army from all sides, causing countless deaths and injuries.

Naturally, Chaos Tianfu, as one of the top powers, has been the first to bear the brunt in these years.

Many of the strongest in the mansion took action, but for all the super strong such as **** kings and quasi-kings, more than 70% joined the frontline battle.

This is even more true for the strong below such as mighty, heavenly king, and saint.

It is precisely because of this that, even if the Chaos Tianfu has astonishing background and countless strong people, it has lost more than 20 quasi-kings over the years, and the number of **** kings is no less than a hundred, which can be regarded as heavy casualties.

This is still the result of the unity of all parties. Otherwise, with a Chaos Tianfu, it is really impossible to be an opponent of the alien army.

Naturally, such terrible casualties occurred in Chaos Tianfu, let alone other races or forces. In the past 100 years, as many as nearly a thousand immortal sacred sites, sects, and kingdoms of God were destroyed in the war, and the inheritance was completely cut off. .

It can be said that most of the immortal sacred sites in the other big regions have been destroyed outside the center of the ten thousand domains.

It was the Primordial King, who had lost 13 people over the years.

One can imagine how heavy casualties have been in the past century.

"Is it because of the events of the past that made the alien race so angry?" Ye Chen recalled that he had strayed into the center of the alien ancient universe, awakened Emperor Yan, and even killed the Great Buddha of the alien race, as for the young emperor and royal family. When the strongest Tianjiao was even more endorsed by him.

Ye Chen thought to himself that it was most likely because of this.

Immediately he smiled slightly and comforted the women: "Don't worry, this time we return, these foreign races dare to invade my Pangu universe, and they will inevitably pay a huge price."

"I hope so."

The women smiled, but the sadness on their faces has not diminished.

Although Ye Chen has returned and his strength has greatly increased, he can suppress ordinary Primordial Kings and may be called extremely powerful, but the number of Primordial Kings in the foreign race army is more than half a hundred, not to mention that there are more emperors.

Their strength has not yet reached that level, and they have never seen how powerful the real emperor is, but according to the story of the ancient emperor who is at the forefront of the war, the emperor's power is far beyond the emperor, and it is like a world of difference.

The emperor possesses part of the supreme emperor's prestige, and the emperor light is added to his body. There was an alien emperor who took action and killed an ancient emperor of Pangu universe after hundreds of millions of miles.

What's more, there are several emperors in the foreign race army, and the number of emperors in the Pangu universe is far less than This is the ancient emperor world, and there are also invasions of foreign forces, and even the emperor personally led a terrible army to enter this world.

Had it not been for Emperor Dark Night to be in the ancient emperor realm, this vast emperor realm would have been captured long ago.

But this is the case, the Dark Night Monarch is not good here, because the alien emperor has also brought an infinite alien army, the number is numerous, and there are more than hundreds of millions.

As for the emperor of the dark night, he was restrained by the alien emperor who had come long ago, and could not leave or expel the hundreds of millions of alien army.

Right now, on the Ancient Emperor Continent, outside the territories of the human race, all other territories are in disaster.

The goddess, Yi Wu, and others arrived at the first time without the help of the portal that remained in the imperial city.

"Yue, let's leave right away. Although the ancient ancestors without phase are here, the news is hidden. If once they take action, the alien army of the heavens and ten thousand domains will inevitably get the news immediately and immediately attack the center of the ten thousand domains. It's very critical, so the ancient ancestors without phase cannot reveal their traces." Abenu was worried.

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