Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3224: They are all emperors!

Ye Chen raised his eyebrows: "This way, don't you want to abandon the ancient emperor world?"

Yuqing is already green like a lotus, sighing faintly, if the goddess chants: "After all, the ancient emperor world belongs to the Taisheng imperial clan, and the Taisheng imperial clan is still there, and the dark night emperor left an emperor formation. The emperor can’t make it public. , So there is no need to worry too much. But if you want to help the ancient emperor realm to expel the army of foreign races, you can't help him. The heavens and the races do not have enough power to help."

Speaking of this, it is also quite helpless. After all, the number of alien forces invading the Pangu universe is several times as many as before. The forces of the heavens and ten thousand domains can only retreat near the center of the ten thousand domains, not to mention helping the ancient emperors expelled. The alien army is simply difficult to do.

It's not unwilling, but powerless.

Behind him, there are the powerhouses of Chaos Tianfu, who reside in the Tianfu branch of the Ancient Emperor Continent. The strongest are the three quasi-monarchs. Although they are full of worries, they firmly say: "Palace Lord does not need to worry, there is Lord Dark Night Emperor. The emperor's magic circle that has been set up, the foreign army is still unable to break through the magic circle, so I don't have any worries."

Ye Chen glanced at the powerhouses of Chaos Tianfu, all of them looked firm, nodded slightly, and then smiled: "Don't worry. Since I'm here, I won't let you get into trouble. I will definitely expel all the foreign troops."

"Yue, you—"

A few women trembled.

Ye Chen pointed to the emperors of Samsara, Shura, and Tonggu, and said, "Do you know who they are?"

A few women frowned, and whispered: "Are you a helper from the Primordial Immortal Realm? Their auras are very powerful, and they seem to be stronger than the Primordial Kings they have met before. Is it the Primordial King of the Eight or Nine Heavens, or even the Supreme King? "

The auras of several great emperors are relatively ethereal and illusory, and it is difficult to infer the true cultivation level.

No wonder they, perhaps they had experienced the power of the alien emperor many years ago on the long river when the ancient gate of Tongxuan was first opened, but it was still not as good as the heavenly king stage, and now the worldless emperor has been on the front line for a long time to confront the most terrible alien race. The strong, so I haven't really felt the power of the emperor many times, and naturally I don't know what level the emperor and others are.

They still couldn't infer the identity of the emperor, let alone other people, even more confused.

Hearing that, the great emperors laughed.

Ye Chen laughed too, very happy.


Ye Chen spoke, and his voice resounded through the world with special power: "They are all emperors, real emperors!"

When a word fell, everyone was shocked!

Including the reincarnation of the great emperor, there are nine levels of emperors!

The goddess, Yi Wu, Abenu, and Chen'er stared at this scene in disbelief. Nine Emperors?

Everyone who came by Zhu Qiang looked at the scene in shock.

Emperors are rare in the world. Even at the current stage, Pangu Universe is just a handful of emperors. This is even the appearance of several emperors born since this era.

Right now, returning from the ancient road of origin, there are enough nine emperors.


Some people even slapped their face hard, thinking they were dreaming.

The unphased king smiled and said, "They are indeed all emperors."

However, it still feels unbelievable to have the confirmation of the Supreme Human Race as the Wuxiang King.

Of course, there are more surprises.

With the Nine Emperors, the situation of Pangu universe will undoubtedly be many times better.

The goddess said with joy: "Yue, your return is really good, bringing the Nine Great Monarchs. As long as the Nine Great Monarchs can check and balance the emperors of different races, under the emperors, although there is still a big gap in the number of powers of the same level, it is not As for the absolute disadvantage, even the appearance of the Nine Great Monarchs made us have more emperors than the other, which is enough to deal with."

Seeing the pretty faces of several sweet wives crying with joy, Ye Chen felt a pain in his heart, hugged them, and immediately said with a firm tone: "You know? This time our return will not only check and balance these alien races, but also catch them all. Completely extinct in the Pangu universe."

"Emperor, we have. But under the emperor, there are also!"

With the clear voice, several great emperors, including the reincarnation body of the great emperor, successively opened up the inner world.

In an instant, countless rays of light in the world of the emperors burst into the sky, with a strong breath, blooming between the heaven and the earth wantonly.

In a short period of time, only countless figures appeared in front of the ancient gate of Tongxuan. The auras of the figures were so magnificent and powerful, at least at the level of the heavenly king.

Among them, the hundreds of people standing at the forefront were all Primordial Kings.

This made the goddess who came to greet everyone and everyone stared.

The number of quasi-monarchs has exceeded the thousands.

The strong under the quasi-king are countless.

Countless powerful men gathered into a terrifying torrent of troops, standing in the deepest part of the starry sky of the ancient emperor realm. When the aura was filled, the starry sky was constantly collapsing, and it was difficult to bear the appearance of this terrible army.

Seeing countless super powers suddenly came, everyone who came was shocked physically and mentally.

You must know that the strength of the many powerhouses that appeared in front of you was so powerful that it might directly surpass the current Pangu universe.


Yi Wu, the goddess and others couldn't believe it.

With so many super powers, what happened to Ye Chen's trip to the prehistoric immortal world, unexpectedly brought countless super powers.

Ye Chen hugged his wife and whispered softly: "You know, although the Pangu universe seems to be very weak at present, but outside the universe, my Pangu universe is one of the best, dominating the origin of the ancient road, even my Pangu universe Many great emperors are on the ancient path of origin, and these people are all powerful under the great emperor."

Listening to what the husband said, the few wives were shocked as they listened.

"Is this Pangu universe?"

The powers who descended on the ancient emperor realm felt the magnificent and complete aura of the ancient emperor realm. Suddenly, they were a little surprised.

"In this emperor world, how do I feel the breath of His Majesty the Supreme Emperor?"

There was a supreme king who was surprised.

Emperor Taijun smiled lightly: " This world is my father's emperor world."

The realm of ancient emperors is also the realm of Taisheng Emperor.

It's just that the Emperor Taikoo was surprised: "His Majesty Taisheng is the strongest emperor-level eternal giant, no matter how small the Primordial Supreme World is, it should not be just as big as the ordinary Supreme World. It is a bit strange."

As an eternal giant, the Supreme World will inevitably continue to grow with the growth of the master's cultivation base, far better than the ordinary Supreme World, even if it is comparable to the Primordial Chaos World.

However, under the perception of the powers, the boundaries of the ancient emperor world seemed to be only a little bit larger than the ordinary supreme world, at most only a little bit larger than that of the ordinary supreme world, which made many powerhouses quite surprised.

Ye Chen didn't understand this point back then, so naturally he couldn't make it clear, but now it feels a bit strange to say so.

The emperor world smiled mysteriously in the early days: "You will know soon."

PS: Uh, I set the wrong update time, update it quickly, sorry. In addition, Ye Chen will be promoted to the king for at most one week!

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