Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3225: Geguguan

Countless strong men suddenly came to the realm of the Supreme Sage Emperor, all excited, and they wished to join the war immediately and seize military merits, so that they could return to the ancient road of origin in the future to exchange countless treasures.

Naturally, I also saw the goddess, Yiwu, Chen'er, Abenu and other women. They are such super-powerfuls. They are so knowledgeable, and they all shine in front of them, and they are very surprised.

This class of beauty is definitely one of the best in the entire Chaos Sea.

During this period, many Tianjiao people were moved by their hearts, hoping to get closer, but seeing that the close relationship between them and Ye Chen was indeed a relationship between Taoist couples, they never dared to have any distracting thoughts.

Who dares to blaspheme the wives of the King of Fighting?

Moreover, I deeply admire the eternal and beautiful wives that the Fighting Saint King can sit on so many.


Ye Chen suddenly raised his head, his eyes turned, and he saw the vast monster and beast territories outside of the 108 kingdoms of the ancient emperor continent, and the overwhelming demonic energy was rolling in.

The boundless army is gathering, what is it if it is not an army of foreign races.

Among them, the leader is actually six alien kings, leading an army of aliens to attack.

Ye Chen was amazed. There is no phase king here, and countless powerful people are here, so the alien army dare to invade?

Not only him, but also the doubts of others.

The unphased king smiled: "The foreign army didn't know about our appearance, and I was blocked by me."

No wonder.

It is clear to all the powerful that the unphased king is afraid that the sudden arrival of the infinite army on the ancient road of origin will have a huge impact on the foreign army, leading to an early retreat and protecting important combat forces. Therefore, the world was sealed off in advance to prevent the news from leaking. Never perceive.

"Are there six alien kings?"

Ye Chen smiled slightly, and said to the sweet wives around him: "How many beautiful wives, are you interested in killing the enemy with me?"

"of course!"

A few women smiled happily, stunning time and space in an instant.

"In that case, let's go and see how husbands slaughter dogs!"


A chaotic avenue rushed out, and Ye Chen took a few sweet wives and rushed directly to the border of the human race.


The ancient emperor continent, the border of the human race.

Since being ruled by Ye Chen that year, the 108 human races have been vaguely included in the ruling territory.

And in order to avoid the invasion of monsters and beasts, over the years, he has led 108 countries to build a border that stretches for hundreds of millions of miles.

Although not as good as the Immortal Pass, it is also extremely magnificent. For many years, the territory of the human race has not been invaded by the two major races and has flourished.

Over the years, even if a foreign army suddenly invaded the ancient emperor realm, stepped into the ancient emperor continent, and even invaded most of the monsters and beasts with lightning, killing and wounding countless people who wanted to invade the center of the continent The territories of the human race are all blocked by this border.

Of course, because of the dark night emperor's personal action, he displayed infinite power and arranged a terrible magic circle, and it was blocked by the infinite mountain and giant mountain, making it difficult for the foreign army to invade.

To destroy the magic circle, you must destroy the base point of the magic circle.

But I have to admit that the border is an important line of defense to protect the territorial prosperity of the human race.

At this time, the border gate located in the northern part of the human territory was located between a million mountains and was blocked by a towering sky-high mountain range. As a result, only the ancient gate, which was less than ten thousand miles away, was facing the foreign army.

However, it is precisely because of this that one of the basic points of the magic circle is at the Eternal Pass.

For this reason, in recent years, Gengu Pass has always been facing the invasion of foreign troops. The aliens tried to capture the Gengu Pass, opened a corner of the circle, and since then drove straight into the territory of the human race.

However, over the years, the Gengu Pass has resisted the invasion of foreign troops time and time again, and established great achievements.

Although it has blocked the invasion of the foreign army again and again, but the ancient pass has never neglected or neglected in these years, and even with the passage of time, more and more powerful human races have come one after another, and even the central imperial city The strongest of the Chaos Tianfu came to guard this pass with one of them. Nothing to lose.

Because according to the reliable information received, the alien race will launch an unprecedented terrible offensive in recent days, far superior to the past.


The horn of war that shook the world was sounded, and the powerful human races at the ancient pass looked ugly, only to see the boundless army of darkness in the sky was coming quickly.

The entire expanse of land was trembling with the sudden arrival of the foreign army.

The alien is here again!

If it were in the past, it would be no surprise that the strong guarding the ancient pass, because the foreign race has sent troops many times to knock the pass over the years, but they have been blocked by the ancient pass.

But this time, it seems extraordinary, and the scale is exceptionally huge.

Everyone knows that, like a dark torrent, the alien army is endless and endless, with more than millions of murderous soldiers at every turn, flooding the horizon.

But seeing the appearance of a terrifying behemoth that far surpassed the mountain, it was indeed the strong men of the monster race and the orc race. They were all enslaved, and they became mounts. The momentum is huge.

Especially in the sky, the huge warships that traveled thousands of miles or even comparable to the stars appeared, carrying a more terrifying army of alien races, and even changing the color of many human race powerhouses on the ancient pass.

There is no doubt that the arrival of the alien army has brought a terrible sense of oppression to the human army guarded by the ancient pass.

The most important thing is that in the high sky, in the starry sky area, six terrifying huge figures faintly appeared. They were submerged among the stars, and many stars were exploded and annihilated at every turn. The boundless earth collapsed, unimaginable The boundless Tianwei rammed the Eternal Pass wanton.


And there are still six alien kings!

The scale of this alien army is far beyond imagination.


I saw the ancient gate trembling a wave of supreme power emerged, and the monstrous light curtain evolved from the magic circle emerged, dissolving the boundless power of the sky.

This is the sky curtain of the magic circle left by the dark night emperor, it is unbreakable, and it has also blocked the incursions of the infinite alien army over the years.


At the same time, the only human king on the ancient pass was born, and he used infinite mana to bless the ancient pass to stabilize the defensive light curtain.

But even so, the Gengu Pass is still facing a great crisis, because the other side is sitting on the six great Primordial Kings, and the number is far greater than that of the Gengu Pass.

"The six alien kings personally led it. This time the scale is not as big as usual. It seems that the alien is determined to conquer the ancient pass."

At the Ancient Pass, there are strong people from the 108 kingdoms of the Human Race, as well as the three powerhouses of the three transcendent forces that gathered here to guard.

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