Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3226: crucial moment

"I don't know if I can stand the Eternal Pass this time."

The speaker was a man in brocade, who was indeed the Lord of the Kingdom of Lan, the father of the Princess of Two Souls, and hundreds of years have passed, and he has become a great power.

Progress is amazing.

Thanks to the arrival of the golden years.

But the combat power of Da Neng who was known as the king of the gods back then was nothing more than ordinary.

He was worried, because this time the number of alien troops was astonishing!

"Father, don't worry, the magic circle arranged by the dark night emperor can be destroyed by a mere alien."

Next to the Lord of the Kingdom of Land, there is a majestic empress figure, tall and tall, and it is Xia Miaoer, one body and two souls, a disciple of the Peacock King.

After so many years, he reached the level of the Three Tribulations God King, surpassed his father's generation, and became even more powerful.

There is no doubt that Xia Miaoer is very majestic at the Eternal Pass, although it is only the God King of the Three Tribulations, many God Kings also nodded.

Because Xia Miaoer is not only a disciple of the contemporary Tianmen sect master, Peacock King, but also his uncle is also the master of Chaos Tianfu Fighting Saint King. Even the Chaos Tianfu ruling the territories of the human race must respect her.

Xia Miao'er returned from the heavens and ten thousand domains. At present, there is a faint demeanor of the ancient emperor continent human race Tianjiao, almost in charge of the entire ancient emperor continent.

As soon as this remark came out, all the human experts nodded.

The Dark Night Emperor is such a character, not far from the Supreme Realm, this kind of stalwart existence shot, and the defensive circle imposed, even the peak king came and could not break the defense.

"Don't be afraid, there is the defense of the Ancient Pass, even if the King of the Ancients has doubled the defense, he will never want to break the defense."

The human king sitting in the town spoke, this defense was personally arranged by the dark night emperor. There are twelve formation base points in the entire human territory, and one of the base points is at the ancient pass. It is not easy to destroy it.

Other powerful human races nodded one after another, and the emperor's might was far superior to the king.


At this time, the infinite alien army had already approached the city, and under the orders of the six alien kings, the infinite attack crashed on the ancient pass.

The defensive light curtain was shining brightly, it was an endless attack, but the defensive curtain was still stable and immortal, and it didn't even tremble. One can imagine how stable the defensive curtain arranged by the emperor was.

Simply unbreakable!

Seeing this, Zhu Qiang who was shutting down the ancient pass breathed a sigh of relief.

The human king and the six alien kings looked at each other indifferently and said indifferently: "Leave, don't do nothing in vain, the defensive light curtain left by the emperor is not something you can destroy by waiting."

But at this time, the eyes of the six great alien kings were cold, and they immediately shot, and the attack was more than doubled immediately, which really made the defensive sky of Gengu Pass tremble slightly, and there were real fluctuations.

But still not able to break.

Although the defensive sky is still unbreakable, the Human King always feels a little unusual.

It stands to reason that these alien kings are not stupid people, seeing that they can't break the defensive light curtain again and again, why bother to waste energy and keep making moves?

This is very strange.

"Hehe, it is indeed a bit strong, but it may not be completely bearable."

Suddenly, an alien emperor took out a magic weapon, and the terrifying aura directly collapsed the boundless world, causing the emperor to change his color: "Emperor-level taboo artifact!?"

"Not bad!"

I saw the six alien armies directly holding this monarch-level forbidden magic weapon and bombarding the defensive sky.


Under the terrifying loud noise, only the defensive sky curtain seemed unbearable, and there were terrible fluctuations, and many terrible cracks spread quickly.

"No, the emperor-level taboo weapon held by the opponent is very powerful, and the defensive sky can't be completely withstood. Now there are cracks."

The human king changed color and immediately rose into the sky, running the power of the infinite king, continuously blessing on the defensive sky.

But all this is useless, because the emperor-level forbidden magical instruments are too terrifying. Although these forbidden magical instruments can only be used a handful of times, they can exert a terrifying power comparable to the emperor's in one use.

An attack comparable to that of an emperor was not something that the Primordial Emperor could bear.

It can be seen that the number of monarch-level taboo artifacts that the alien races are about to run out, there are many cracks, and the light fades quickly, but the power displayed is still extremely powerful.

"Hahaha, today the ancient pass is broken!"

The alien king grinned, and burst the emperor-level taboo magic weapon for the last time, hitting the ancient pass defense sky.


With a terrible loud noise that shook the entire ancient emperor world, the boundless earth collapsed, and the unbreakable defensive sky was finally unbearable and shattered.


The human king also suffered backlash, spit out a mouthful of blood, his figure flew away, very embarrassed.

He stabilized his embarrassed figure, looked at the alien army rushing past fiercely, and smiled bitterly: "Should today be the day when my human race will perish?"

An endless army of alien races, led by six alien kings, how to contend?

"Today, the Eternal Pass has been broken. Let me see how your human race can contend with the ancient cosmic army of our realm. Even Emperor Dark Night will not do it!"

The six kings of foreign races laughed loudly. They crossed the sky and rushed directly into the ancient pass. The endless monarchs' heavenly prestige pervaded arbitrarily, causing thousands of stars outside the territory to fall, and they were terribly messed up!

The human king tried his best to rise to the sky to stop the six alien kings, but the six alien kings worked together and directly beat him to the ground. The king's body was also torn apart and almost exploded, covered in blood, which was miserable.

"Ah--, even if I die today, Dexu will drag you to your funeral together."

The human king named Dexu was covered in blood, and the rules of the king around him boiled and started to burn. The waves that could be described as shocking spread and spread, obviously determined to pull one or two of the alien kings to death together. .


Since ancient times, countless strong men mourned for the Territory of Human Race today really want to fall into the hands of aliens?

"No, you must not let the Lord die in vain. We also have to fight and vowed to kill these alien scumbags!"

There was a strong roar at the gate, which aroused the strong blood and emotions guarding this gate.

"Kill, kill, kill!"

An army of foreign races rushed to the ancient pass.

The war between the two parties is about to start.


Suddenly, a clear voice rang in the ears of King Dexu, only to see a handsome figure of abundance and jade appeared beside him silently, and smiled softly at him, as if the spring breeze was blowing on his face: "A scumbag How can you be qualified to mourn the seniors, let alone fall to this point."

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