Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3227: Ye Chen shot

Silently, the young and handsome Feng Ting figure appeared abruptly, and even King Dexu didn't notice it. He was shocked, but he was wary.

If this person is the enemy--

When the human king Dexu was about to make a violent attack, Xuanyi suddenly stopped.

Because I saw that the white hand resting on his shoulders suddenly had a vast and boundless force, which was constantly emerging, and then submerged in his body.

In the loud noise, the burning power of the Taoist in King Dexu's body dissipated, and the internal injuries quickly recovered, and the torn body was healed.

In just a short period of time, his injuries were actually quite good.

These methods can be said to be thorough.

"Little friend, are you?"

King Dexu was surprised and delighted, and only felt that the young people in front of him were familiar with it, but no ancient king had such a method in his impression.

What's more, how could he have no impression of such a young King of the Ancient Times.

The number of Primordial Kings in the entire Pangu universe is completely countable.

Is it the newly promoted Primordial King?

But it should not be so capable.

When the ancient closed, Xia Miaoer looked at the incoming person, her body trembled, her beautiful eyes suddenly bloomed with boundless brilliance: "He is here, he is finally here!"

Next to him, the majestic face of the Kingdom Lord Lan was also full of consternation, and full of surprises, and trembling: "He is here, there is a rescue, there is a rescue!"

When Eternal Pass was closed, many people seemed stunned. Looking up at the figure that could stand side by side with the Human King, they also felt familiar, but hard to remember.

Only the strong of Chaos Tianfu trembled, and the surprise overflowed and it was difficult to add.

"I am Ye Chen." Ye Chen chuckled, and immediately ignored King Dexu's doubts, stepped forward and came to the front of the six kings of the alien races, facing each other, and sneered: "Foreign races have always liked people. Bullying more and less people, this despicable method has never changed."

"who are you?"

But seeing that Ye Chen easily suppressed King Dexu's burning power and healed his injuries, all the six kings of the alien race had changed color, and he felt that the young man in front of him was a terrible figure.

I want to perceive the opponent's cultivation level, but it feels very strange, like a quasi-king, and also like a primordial king, it is difficult to distinguish.

Immediately they shook their heads and sneered. Even if they were the Primordial King, they looked so young and felt the vitality in the body. Most of them were young kings who were recently promoted to the king, but there were six of them. The appearance of such a young king was just to die. That's it.

Especially the human king, they don't mind letting such a young human king with full of potential die early.

Missing so far, there was a terrible killing intent boiling over.

"Do you want more people to bully fewer people? This kind of despicable method has never changed."

Ye Chen smiled, but smiled very coldly, and then said coldly: "I haven't been in the Pangu Universe for hundreds of years, I'm afraid you have forgotten me back then."

"Hehe, whoever you are, dare to jump out today, as long as it is from the Pangu universe, it will die!"

An alien king sneered, and immediately looked at Ye Chen like a prey, full of enthusiasm and greed: "These young human kings must have strong blood and origin, which can help me wait."

King Dexu suddenly changed his color and hurriedly said to Ye Chen: "Little friend, leave quickly. You are still young and you have become a king. With great potential, it is not impossible for you to seek the supreme status in the future. There is nothing wrong with you. You can cure the old man. The old man is very grateful for the injury, but you are not the opponent of the six of them, so hurry up and leave, the old man will come to the end."

At this time, the Human King was very decisive. Although Ye Chen had shown extraordinary methods before, it was obviously impossible to use one opponent against the six alien kings.

Such a young Primordial King is fortunate for the human race. He really has the potential to aspire to the Supreme Realm. How can something go wrong?

"Hey, want to go? Stay here now."

However, the six kings of the alien race would not allow Ye Chen to leave, and set off immediately, sealing the Liuhe Bahuang in an instant, without any omission.

Such a young human king must stay and kill in advance, otherwise he will truly prove the supremacy in the future, but it will be a big trouble for the alien race.

King Dexu's discoloration changed on the spot, gritted his teeth, and was about to reintroduce his old hands, when a voice resounded--

"Well, six alien kings came to the door. If they were enslaved, it would be a good thing." Ye Chen seemed to be talking to himself, but the voice was not small at all. When it spread out, the world was silent on both sides. smell.

Zhu Qiang of the human race at the ancient pass was stunned.

The arrogant people actually want to enslave the six great alien kings.

The Lord of the Kingdom of Land smiled bitterly, please, that are six alien kings, not ordinary alien powerhouses, even if you become a Primordial King, it is impossible to fight one against six.

Only Xia Miaoer had inexplicable confidence in Ye Chen.

This uncle has always turned the impossible into possible, and it will certainly be like this today.

On the spot, the six kings of the alien race grew gloomy.

They regarded Ye Chen as their prey, and the other party even wanted to enslave them.

"Hehe, the tone is really not small."

An alien king laughed, and the anger under the laughter could be heard by anyone.

Ye Chen smiled, and stared down, "Isn't my tone small?"

He flicked his fingers, but saw ten terrifying heavenly gates that were as high as the sky appeared between the heavens and the earth, each of which was outlined with terrible laws and secret patterns, filled with terrible auras.

As soon as the Sealed Gate came out, the atmosphere between heaven and earth suddenly changed, suppressing a lot.

The six kings of the alien race have not yet recovered, but seeing the ten sealed gates following Ye Chen's thoughts, the infinite power of the seal immediately descended in greatness, covering an area of ​​only nearly tens of millions of miles. , But it was enough because it happened to envelop the six kings of alien races.

The six alien kings changed their colors, only to feel that their unparalleled sealing power had fallen, suppressing the strength of their bodies.

Immediately, the display of strength dropped by at least 30%.

Although 30% is very small, it is actually a lot, because the more important areas of inability have not been used yet.

Even the foreign kings are suppressed like this, let alone the foreign army, under the king, the power is completely suppressed and it is difficult to move.

What's more special is that this power of township only acts on the alien army, and there is no feeling on the human side.

"What a terrible power of the seal, what kind of secret treasure is this?" The six foreign kings were surprised.

"The Sealed Door!"

Ye Chen opened his mouth, and immediately the power of the Gate of Sealing and Sealing increased by a large margin, and his inability to domain changed the expressions of the six alien kings. The vast mana in his body was actually suppressed by more than 50%.

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