Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3228: Do i care

"not good!"

The six alien kings changed their colors and wanted to escape from the seals of the ten sealed gates, but at the next moment, a terrifying king figure walked out from each sealed gate, and the king's mighty sky approached the six alien kings directly.


Following Ye Chen's thoughts, the ten king puppets immediately set off and rushed to the six alien kings like lightning.


Along with the terrible loud noise, the six great alien kings received terrible attacks, their figures flying backwards, covered in blood.

Moreover, the figure of the alien king was penetrated, almost torn in half, quite miserable.

"Do not!"

Some foreign kings shouted because one of the king puppets carried the terrifying king's war sword and cut it in half directly. The blood was dripping on the sealed door, but it was swallowed and absorbed.

As for the other alien kings, they were also not lucky enough. Even if they reacted in the first place, they directly increased their combat power to the extreme. The power of the original world was used, but unfortunately, it was still not able to change much.

Because the suppression of the Sealed Gate is too strong, not to mention the ten king puppets all possess the real power of the king, and the flesh has been tempered and smelted countless rare and magical materials. , Even stronger.

What's special is that he can still use the rule of the king he has mastered before his death, so his combat power is ridiculously strong.

Of the six great alien kings, the strongest is only the four heavens, and the weakest is the one heaven. How can they withstand the crazy attacks of the Sealed Gate and the ten puppets of the kings?

Not long after, they were exploded alive one by one, shattered to pieces, and bloody, but they had never rushed out of the territory of tens of thousands of miles, and they were all swallowed and absorbed by the Sealed Gate.

This scene deeply shook both sides.

What is the sacredness of the overly young man in front of him? Just offering a treasure, caused the six great kings to fall into life and death.

Such ability is not something ordinary people can have.

Countless people look up to it since the ancient pass, these characters can be described as heaven and human.

By his side, King Dexu looked at all this in a daze. As the King of the Ancients, he was still shocked.

After all, all this is indeed too incredible.

Suddenly for a moment, King Dexu seemed to think of something, and looked at Ye Chen in shock: "Ye Chen? Are you the Saint King of Fighting?"

Isn't the Fighting Saint King named Ye Chen?

And the imprint of the light moon in the heart of the eyebrows, but the mark of the fighting king.

Ye Chen smiled: "Yes, I am the Saint King of Fighting!"

When these words fall, the world is silent!

The one who came was actually the fighting king!

Xia Miao'er was surprised and delighted, and at this moment she smiled like a little girl: "I said, he is here, it is the uncle who is here, but suppress everything!"

For this omnipotent uncle, she has always believed in invincibility and has absolute confidence.

The powers of the human race guarding the ancient pass are extremely excited.

For hundreds of years, the Sage King of Fighting, who is also the Lord of Sacred Religion, has been the only **** in the minds of countless people in the 108 nations of the Human Race. Back then, he unified the territory of the Human Race and spread the faith, which has served hundreds of millions of people in the ancient emperor continent. Faith in people's hearts.

No one knows, no one knows.

Now that the territories of the human race are in trouble, he suddenly appeared at the time of life and death crisis, turning the tide and winning everyone's support.

The six kings of the alien race looked at Ye Chen in surprise: "You are the fighting sage? Impossible. A hundred years ago, you couldn't stand shoulder to shoulder with the heavenly quasi-kings. A hundred years have passed. Even if you are promoted to the Primordial Kings, you cannot be so powerful. Is this kind of secret treasure also an emperor-level taboo artifact?"


It must be so!

The six great alien kings thought so in their hearts that otherwise, how could the mere fighting saint kings be so strong that it must be an emperor-level forbidden magic weapon, or even the supreme imperial soldier, otherwise how to seal their six kings.

Ye Chen sneered: "Taboo magical weapon? Why use emperor-level forbidden magical weapon to deal with you."


As soon as the figure moved, he directly entered the sealed gate.

King Dexu hurriedly transmitted his voice: "Little friends, be careful, don't fall into the tactics."

He was worried that Ye Chen was young and energetic, and was struck by a radical strategy. This was clearly the intention of the six kings of the alien race.

"It's okay." Ye Chen's voice resounded through his sea of ​​consciousness, with absolute courage.

He is the eternal quasi-king, who was as strong as the six heavenly kings and the queens can also fight at the top, not to mention just a group of ordinary alien kings.

Even without the help of the Sealed Gate, he can fight at the top, or even push it horizontally.

This is the absolute confidence of being an eternal quasi-king.

At the same time, Ye Chen faced the six great alien kings alone, standing with his hands holding hands, arrogantly, and said: "Give you a chance, if I can kill me, I will shoot, let alone I don't give you a chance to survive."

"It's really a fool." An alien king grinned. Isn't this a home delivery? They were worried about breaking through the sealed door like this, and it happened that the master fighting the Saint King personally delivered it to the door and died.


This alien emperor made the move, and stepped forward with the most terrifying emperor's magical powers. He struck across, even if he was in the sealed gate, it was astonishingly terrifying, enough to kill the heavenly quasi-king.

But seeing Ye Chen's face without sorrow or joy, and pushing his fist horizontally, it annihilated all supernatural powers and fell on the head of the alien king.


It was revealed that it exploded like a thousand peach blossoms, with brains in it, and it was shocking.


With just a punch, an alien king was blasted to his head and suffered severe injuries.


The alien king yelled in horror, and the villain rushed out, watching his head blasted open, it was incredible.

This shouldn't be!

He is a generation of ancient kings, no matter how powerful the opponent is, and the quasi-prince who is against the sky, it is impossible to hit him so hard.

"It's just the second heavenly king, what's impossible. On the ancient road of origin, I even killed your fifth heavenly king of alien race."

Ye Chen said indifferently but the words spoken were so shocking.

He actually killed the Five Heavenly Kings?

The look of the six kings of the alien race changed in shock.

There is an unbelievable color.

Is he still a quasi-king?

"Of course, you can choose not to believe it, but do I care?"

With a sneer, Ye Chen shot again and swept across the army. It was just a palm sword. Falling down from the top was to cut the two-layer alien king who had shattered his head in half. If the sword is immortal, Huang Huang Can shine in the heavens.

The blood is splashing, time and space are tearing.

Of course it is not so stupid to just shoot by himself. The ten king puppets continue to shoot, violently bombarding the other five alien kings, and he grabs the king’s heavenly soul of the alien king of the second heaven, and a chaotic halo emerges in his hand. Let the alien king's heavenly soul cannot break free.

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