Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3229: 2 The Great Emperor

At the same time, Ye Chen's heart moved even more, and the Great Chaos Cauldron appeared, bombarding the hundreds of millions of alien army outside the ancient pass, and the boundless Chaos power broke out and swept together.

In an instant, the army of hundreds of millions of foreign races was wiped out, including the terrifying warships that lay across the sky that day.

The world is shocked!

One person and one tripod can sweep across the army of foreign races, destroying and standing, unmatched.

When Ye Chen swept all the alien army, Chaos Avenue only appeared. The goddess and other wives were also shocked by Ye Chen's terrifying combat power.

After not seeing each other in just a hundred years, their husbands have become so much stronger.

After King Dexu's eyes widened for a long time, he slowly accepted the reality, smiled bitterly, and more surprised.

At this stage, the fighting sage king has grown to this point, it is almost inevitable that he will step into the supreme realm in the future, and it will be a great thing for the entire Pangu universe.

In the end, apart from the six alien kings, all the other alien armies were annihilated, but all kinds of weapons of war and war weapons, such as warships and star weapons, were left behind.

These can increase the combat effectiveness of the strong human race.

Not a long time, Ye Chen personally took action, entered the sealed gate, and dealt with the other five great alien kings.

The eternal quasi-king's mighty power is thoroughly demonstrated.

The powerful human races guarding the ancient pass, but seeing the fighting and fighting holy king, the unparalleled, pushed past, the five foreign kings are all their opponents.

Wherever he went, blood bloomed, bones were thick, flesh and blood and bones were everywhere, and they belonged to the five foreign kings, which was extremely miserable.

Half an hour later, Ye Chen bombarded the five foreign kings again and again, and finally suppressed them who were dying.

Not not to kill, but to use it otherwise.

In fact, the main purpose is also to enslave.

"Uncle Master!"

At this time, Xia Miao'er rose up into the sky and greeted Ye Chen. She was very happy, and also met several aunts and teachers.

King Dexu arrived with shock and amazement, as well as surprises, and whispered softly: "The fighting saint king is really blue and better than blue, so that the old man has to admit that he is old."

Ye Chen helped King Dexu and said with a chuckle: "Senior laughed, you are still the pillar of my human race, talk about He Laowen."

These words made King Dexu's evaluation of Ye Chen even higher.

When the average person reached this level, he didn't know how high his tail was, but Ye Chen still maintained his modesty, which made him appreciate it.

"Subordinates pay homage to Palace Master!"

"Meet the master!"

At the Ancient Pass, the powers of the Chaos Tianfu and the 108 powers of the human race are all worshipping and deafening.

Ye Chen laughed loudly, let them get up, and felt the power of faith rushing out of them, which also represented a kind of loyalty.

Immediately, he used the supreme holy technique, and the light of life bloomed, which originated from the tree of life in the body, containing the most original life brilliance, so that the injuries in the bodies of countless strong men in the ancient pass were resolved, and the supreme power was revealed.

This made Zhu Qiang's belief in Ye Chen even worse.

King Dexu sighed, admired and surprised, and all the colors turned between his eyes.

Ye Chen looked at Xia Miao'er and smiled slightly: "Xiao Nizi, your master is okay now."

Xia Miaoer is as high as a queen in the outside world, majestic and awe-inspiring. When Ye Chen faces the sunshine like a brother next door, she is like a little girl. The sister's soul appears, and the chick nods like a chicken. Master, over the years, he has become the King of Eight Tribulations. Although he is not as good as Master Uncle you, he is just around the corner."

It can be seen that the battle between the two ancient universes in the past century has been very tragic, otherwise the Peacock King would not have risen so much in just a hundred years to reach the Eight Tribulations King.

Only after going through the real battles can we continue to grow, and we have made rapid progress in just a few short years to reach this step.

After a pause, Ye Chen looked at Xia Miao'er and said, "Xiao Miao'er, do you want to separate from your sister and no longer have two souls?"

Back then, Ye Chen used the pill to split his soul in two, but now one soul is in the deity, and the other soul is in the body of the emperor's reincarnation.

The Soul Separation Pill is also suitable for people with one double soul like Xia Miaoer and Peacock King, and even most suitable.

Xia Miao'er was silent, with a complicated look on her face, hesitated and hesitated.

After all, the two souls love the same sisters, and they have been in communion for a long time and have deep feelings. Although the temptation to separate is great, it is difficult to make a choice in a short time.

Seeing this, Ye Chen smiled lightly: "Don't worry, you are separated. You are Xia Miao'er. You can also merge. Simply put, it's like between the deity and the Dao body, or even better, but the two souls are divided. Cultivation, once the integration can make each other's perceptions become one, it may be better for you, at least the cultivation speed can be doubled."

"Of course, the choice is yours, I just give a suggestion."

After that, he reached out and handed out a medicine bottle, which was filled with Soul Dispersion Pill.

Turned around and left with a few sweet wives.

Xia Miao'er looked at the pill bottle lying quietly on Yu's hand, and a touch of determination flashed on her beautiful face.


At the same time, the powers who came from the ancient road of origin saw that there were many foreign armies in the ancient emperor realm, and they all spontaneously fought and killed the foreign races.

Facing the terrifying powerhouses who came from the ancient road of origin, the alien army that invaded the ancient emperor realm was completely wiped out.


At this time, a terrible battle fluctuation was spreading, belonging to the emperor level.

Only seeing the wasteland of the ancient emperor world, there are two great emperors fighting, killing the sky and the earth, and the world is shaking.

One of them is really the Emperor Dark Night.

He fought with another alien emperor who invaded the ancient emperor realm, which was extremely shocking.

No wonder the emperor of the dark night has never been seen, and the emperor of the foreign race has delayed him.

There was a confrontation between both sides and there was no real battle.

It was the alien emperor who suddenly shot, because he sensed that a large number of powerful men suddenly appeared, and the alien army was almost annihilated, so he had to do it. He wanted to turn the tide, but he was restrained by the dark night emperor.

I have to say that the Emperor Dark Night is indeed very strong. After all, as a disciple of the Emperor Taisheng, his cultivation skills are unfathomable, and he evolved into the Dark Night. To a certain extent, he suppresses the foreign emperor, but it is difficult to really kill in a short time .

Although the two emperors were fighting in heat, the emperor and others in the early days did not take action because they all believed in the fighting power of the dark night emperor.

"Emperor Dark Night, get out of my way, don't force me to kill you!"

The alien army roared, watching the alien army being quickly killed by the sudden emergence of many powerful men. The heart was bleeding, a bit furious, and also very surprised, where did these powerful men come from, and why they have never heard of it. Over.

The area of ​​Tongxuan Ancient Gate was shielded by the Supreme Human Race, the King of No Phase, and it was difficult for the emperor to perceive everything that happened there.

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