Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3330: Real Taishenghuangjie

"Kill me? It's ridiculous, can you kill me?"

The dark night emperor sneered at the words, the emperor’s combat power once again soared, and this is the original world of his teacher, which can be increased to a certain extent, not to mention the eternal giant disciple, the Taishenghuang, how powerful, showing peerless power The foreign emperors have all seen blood.


Suddenly, the fighting power of the two emperors reached a terrifying level, and when both collided, they eventually penetrated the ancient emperor realm directly.

There is a huge gap in the world that lasts for hundreds of millions of miles.

But on the other side of the breakdown, it did not show the endless turbulence of space like a black hole, but a more magnificent corner of the world appeared.

As if to show the world's eyes is not the full picture of the ancient emperor world.

The alien emperor showed a shocked expression: "Sage Emperor Realm actually sealed such a huge world territory?"

The world was shocked. The Supreme Emperor Realm was also the ancient emperor realm, and what was displayed before their eyes was not the real and complete vast world, but only a part of the world's territory that was exposed after being sealed?

At the ancient gate of Tongxuan, Ye Chen and others finally understood the words of Emperor Taichu not long ago.

It turned out that the real Tai Sage Emperor Realm is not only the size of the Supreme World, but a bigger one, and it has been sealed with a much larger and much larger emperor realm.

However, this is the imperial road seal left by the Emperor Tai Sheng, how immortal and stable, even the supreme can hardly break it.

Only with the passing of an epoch, the seal of the emperor's path gradually turned into a colossal force under the intention of the Taishenghuang to transform the world and promote the recovery of the entire world.

It is precisely because of this that the two great emperors will be able to penetrate the imperial road seal under a certain opportunity.


As the seal was broken down, the entire Taisheng Emperor Realm was violently shaken, the situation changed and the sky changed greatly!

I saw that the seal on the edge of the world gradually disappeared, revealing a more magnificent corner of the ancient world.

In an instant, the realm of the Supreme Emperor became vast and vast, far better than ever.

The unparalleled power of heaven and earth is surging, and the entire Tai Sage Emperor Realm is filled with endless power, and it is beginning to recover, and Wan Dao awakens.

It can be said that with the power of the imperial road seal smelting the world, the cultivation in the Supreme Emperor Realm will inevitably be many times better than in the other worlds of the Pangu Universe.

The Emperor Anye glanced at the Taisheng Emperor Realm that was gradually unblocking, and sighed: "The real Taisheng Emperor Realm has truly appeared in the world, and the master's methods have gradually emerged."

The alien emperor who confronted him changed color, but the Emperor Taisheng still left his back in the realm of the Emperor Taisheng?

At this moment, the powerful people who had returned from the ancient road of origin never concealed it anymore.

Including Ye Chen.

At the moment, the eight great emperors who gave up the reincarnation of the great emperor are the masters, and a series of terrifying emperor gods bloom in an instant, spreading the entire Taisheng Emperor Realm with lightning speed, searching for how vast the Taisheng Emperor Realm is.

The alien emperor who is fighting on the frontier has changed drastically: "The emperor's spiritual knowledge, and there are so many ways, where are so many emperors?"

He had to change color, and the abrupt emperor could have eight senses, which shocked him. This change was unexpected.

The Emperor Dark Night was also taken aback. Although he had already received a sound transmission and knew that there were many strong aids returning from the ancient road of origin, he did not expect that there could be as many as eight people in the Emperor alone.

When the divine consciousness extended to the frontier of the realm of the Supreme Sacred Emperor, many powerful people found that they could not explore the end, including the quasi-kings, and even some of the ancient kings did the same, and they could only set foot on the level of the five heavenly kings. Only then can we barely explore the world's borderline.

However, it was just in this way that he discovered the vastness of the Tai Sage Emperor Realm.

To know how terrifying the power of the divine consciousness of the Primordial King is, it is enough to cover several star regions at one time, but it can't cover the Taisheng Emperor Realm. One can imagine the vastness of the Taisheng Emperor Realm.

Of course, it was also suppressed by the original will of the Supreme Emperor Realm.

Finally, draw a conclusion-

Comparable to the primitive world of chaos!

In the Primordial Chaos World, each side is a super-world far superior to the Supreme World, at least ten times more than that. It is conceivable how vast and huge the Tai Sage Emperor Realm is.

Moreover, the seal of the Taisheng Emperor Realm has not been completely unsealed, and perhaps it is more extensive than imagined.

"It is truly the original great world of His Majesty the Supreme Emperor. It is extremely vast and magnificent, far superior to other supreme great worlds."

Many powerhouses were amazed by it, and they could perceive the vast expanse of the Supreme Emperor's Realm, beyond imagination, and the ordinary supreme world could not be compared.

"Huh? The Realm of the Supreme Sage Emperor is vast, far better than before."

Ye Chen was surprised. Originally, there were only the ancient emperor continent and the ancient **** continent in the Tai Sage Emperor Realm. However, in the perception of the power of the divine consciousness, he has discovered a total of 32 vast continents, each of which is at least comparable to the ancient gods. The mainland, what's more, is almost on the same level as the ancient emperor continent.

This surprised him quite a bit. At the beginning, there were only two continents, the Ancient Emperor Continent and the Ancient God Continent, in the Tai Sage Emperor Realm, but now thirty new super continents have suddenly appeared, which makes people feel incredible.

The Emperor of the Beginning chuckled and said: "The Emperor Taisheng originally owned 33 continents. Except for the ancient immortal continent that was sunk back then, there are only 32 continents left for granted."

He talked about some ancient secrets. In the mythical era, the realm of Taisheng Emperor has always been 33 continents, mainly the ancient emperor continent.

Later, the myth was shattered and the Supreme Emperor left, sealing most of the territory of the Supreme Emperor, resulting in the fact that what the world later saw was only a small part of the original territory of the Emperor.

Now the battle between the two great emperors has accidentally penetrated part of the imperial road seal of the year, allowing the true face of the Taisheng Emperor Realm to be displayed proudly.

However, the borderland of the emperor is still in and some seals continue to exist, which need to be unblocked one by one with the passage of time.

But the thirty supercontinents that suddenly appeared, suddenly there was an astonishing aura blooming continuously.

Some of them are so powerful that they have reached the level of the Primordial King.

Even the aura of emperor lingers here, terrifyingly terrifying.

In the end, on the 30 continents of the sealed emperor realm, the blooming aura directly shook the entire Taisheng Emperor Realm.

It seems that a supreme master who has been sealed and slept for thousands of years is gradually recovering and returning.


The world is shocked, is it possible that the 30 supercontinents that have been sealed still have the strongest being sealed?

At the beginning of the emperor, he sighed slightly: "Back then, my father knew that the myth had shattered, and when he left the Pangu universe, he left a corresponding backhand. In the sealed border of the emperor, some of the followers of the year were also sealed. Now it is gradually awakening with the seal."

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