Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3332: King's Mind

At the same time, almost all of the ancient continent races and forces that were sealed awakened from their deep sleep at the moment the seal was lifted, and countless amazing auras emerged.

Later, the people of the world suddenly realized that they were no less than the powerful people who had returned from the ancient road of origin, and the overall power was terribly messed up.

The entire Tai Sage Emperor Realm trembled under the aura of these powerful seal mainlanders.

Rao is the Emperor of Dark Night and Emperor of the Beginning, the two Taisheng Emperors who are closest to each other took a breath of coldness. Although they all knew that the Taisheng Emperor left a corresponding follow-up, he did not expect such a terrible follow-up, Emperor There are more than one hand, which is extremely amazing.

As for the Primordial Kings, there were several in almost every continent that was sealed.

The unphased king laughed, although even he was stunned, but the more so, the happier, and the stronger the force representing the return of the Pangu universe.

"More than 90% of the vast territory has been sealed, and it has left such a terrifying background, the predecessor of the Supreme Sage is really unpredictable."

Ye Chen was amazed at the bottom of his heart, even if there were no powers who had returned from the ancient road of origin, the power of the Tai Sage Emperor Realm's recovery alone was enough to counter the endless army of foreign races.

At the same time, he also thought about whether other emperors and emperors, such as the emperor of heaven, such as the ancestor of fighting, such as the emperor of time and space, such as Qin Shihuang, etc., also left the corresponding heritage.

Suddenly, he was full of confidence in Pangu universe.

He felt that a powerful Pangu universe was about to return.

"Great, this time there are the powerful people who came on the ancient road of origin, and the power of the recovery of the Taisheng Emperor. The foreign army is not to be afraid." The goddess also relieved the last trace of sadness on the pretty face, revealing the most joyful Smile.

The other women also nodded again and again, full of joy.

With the great powers who came from the ancient road of origin, there are also the mythological powers of the resurrection of the Taisheng Emperor Realm, the alien army in the heavens and ten thousand domains is not to be feared at all.

Suddenly, Yi Wu looked at Ye Chen: "Yue, since so many strong people return, when will they return to the lower realm?"

The lower realm is their true root, their true hometown.

Ye Chen suddenly disappeared that year, causing the plan to be broken. Now Ye Chen has returned and brought so many super powers, as well as the recovery of the Supreme Sage Emperor Realm, enough to fear everything.

The plan to return to the lower bounds should also be implemented.

"Sorry, I can't enter the lower realm right away. Before I go, I have one more important thing." Ye Chen said suddenly.

"what's up?"

The women were shocked.

"Promote to the King!"

He looked out of the world, with absolute determination in his eyes.

What a cultivation level Ye Chen is, standing in the most supreme state of the eternal quasi-monarch, with such a powerful combat power, not to mention the four-layer king, in an ordinary state, even the five-layer king can challenge and fight.

With all kinds of means, it can fight the Sixth Heavenly King.

Of course, it is precisely because of this that he is at the most complete stage, no matter whether it is the original universe or the form and spirit, or the rule of the king, it is difficult to improve further.

Even if there is growth, it is difficult to increase much.

The only way to become stronger is to be promoted to the king.

As the eternal quasi-king, he himself sits on such an extremely powerful battle strength. Once he is promoted to the Primordial King, to what extent his strength will skyrocket. To be honest, he doesn't know, but he must be too scared.

The women around him are also very much looking forward to it, and they are all at the level of the heavenly quasi-king, and they can also go to the ancient king.

It's a pity that, except for a few wives, Ye Chen's children are in the center of Wanyu, and they didn't come. They were on the front line to fight, which made him quite worried.

However, Ye Chen didn't worry much, because he learned from his wife that there was a special emperor in that area, and Qianxun, Yaya, and Chenxi also reached the level of quasi-kings, no less than a few mothers. Is the top combat power.

As long as no super-scale wars are launched, under normal circumstances, the Primordial Kings rarely appear in wars, and they will naturally not be in any danger.

What's more, Chaos Tianfu is not without the Primordial King, but the Tyrant King has also come to the front line where Chaos Tianfu is located.

Ye Chen felt relieved with the presence or absence of the Emperor and Tyrant King.

What's more, in the near future, the powerful people from the ancient road of origin will also join the battlefield, and their crisis will naturally be smaller.

Before being promoted to Emperor Taikoo, Ye Chen first came to the central imperial city in the territory of the ancient emperor mainland human race. It was the imperial city left by the former Taisheng Emperor. It was once occupied by him and developed the holy religion. Later, the holy religion was also occupied by the Chaos Tianfu. Incorporated.

The appearance of the Lord of Chaos Tianfu naturally shocked the Tianfu branch of the emperor city and surprised countless Tianfu powerhouses.

Everyone regards Ye Chen, the lord of Chaos Tianfu, as a god.

After a simple etiquette, Ye Chen went straight to the idol standing in the center of the imperial city. It was a idol like him. You could feel the massive power of faith stored in the idol, and it was boiling.

After hundreds of years of development, almost all of the human races in the ancient emperor mainland regarded Ye Chen as a god, deriving a huge amount of power of faith, and all the power of faith was accumulated on the gods.

Of course, the time is still too short, and the accumulated power of faith seems to be a lot, but in reality, once the combat power is formed, it can only be comparable to the **** king level at best.

It can be said that this is already extremely alarming. After all, the power of faith accumulated in the Gulan Great World for countless years is no more than that. Moreover, the population of the ancient emperor continent's human race territory is actually about the same. The accumulation of hundreds of years cannot form too much. Strong power of faith.

It can be comparable to the level of the gods is also because of the development of hundreds of years, many strong people have emerged from the territory of the ancient emperor mainland human race, resulting in the power of belief further strengthened, otherwise according to Ye Chen just before coming hundreds of years ago , I am afraid that the accumulation of the power of faith over the centuries can only match the power, which is already a remarkable thing.

Ye Chen nodded slightly, not too disappointed.

The power of faith path is nothing more than a back path when the chaotic path is unworkable in the future. He is not willing to take this path unless it is a last resort.

Soon, he went to the ancient realm of the emperor family, which was the middle realm of the Taisheng imperial family, and met the emperor of the dark night. First, he made this generation of emperor marvel, but he did not expect to be able to endure such a sky-defense now.

Then I learned from his mouth that the human emperor, son, and daughter are still in the Supreme Ancient Realm, never leave, and are still fighting for the Supreme Divine Crown...

Saying goodbye to the Emperor Dark Night, he left the ancient emperor continent with a few wives that day, across the sea of ​​chaos.

Naturally, to this day, it is impossible for the sea of ​​chaos to stop him, and all the violent waves are calm before him.

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