Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3333: Diguan, here I am

Across the sea of ​​chaos calmly, Ye Chen was filled with threads of supreme majesty, so that the big fierce beast in the sea of ​​chaos did not dare to approach the slightest, lest he angered Ye Chen, a powerful man.

Recalling that year, crossing the sea of ​​chaos was extremely difficult.

Not long after, he came to the land of the sea eye and even entered it.

However, it was a little regrettable to discover that the original sin ancient beast in the sea eye world had left.

The original sin ancient beast, it is said that there are seven heads in the world, which are divided into seven, which is extremely terrible.

He already knew that every original sin ancient beast had at least a fighting power comparable to that of an emperor, which was extremely amazing.

In a short moment, Ye Chen and his party successfully crossed the chaotic sea, but did not find the Ancient God Continent.

Obviously, I was able to discover it through divine consciousness exploration before, but why did it suddenly disappear?

Ye Chen frowned, feeling a little strange, but the terrifying divine knowledge came out, and he wanted to discover the strangeness. Some supreme figures took action and displayed supernatural powers, hiding the entire ancient **** continent in another time and space. , Leading to the fact that the alien army has not been discovered in these years.

Even if he knew that the Ancient God Continent was here.

In a sense, Ye Chen can also be regarded as the successor of the time and space emperor. Using the Yuanshi Emperor technique, he can perceive that he immediately casts the secret technique at a certain point. With the help of the time and space emperor technique, he opens a passage and brings several sweet wives into the ancient gods. Mainland China.

The Ancient God Continent, as always, the nine great dynasties still survived, which made him somewhat relieved.

Moreover, the Ancient God Continent is also a place for the spread of beliefs in Chaos Tianfu, and a lot of faith has naturally accumulated over the years. Although it is not comparable to the Ancient Emperor Continent, it is also quite strong.

After Ye Chen found out that everything was okay, he later learned that it was the ancient temple that had used the Supreme Ancient Formation left by the ancient gods in the early days to hide the time and space, and was a little surprised.

The ancient gods in the early days, but dared to follow the Supreme Human Emperor to fight against the terrifying existence of the alien emperor, Ye Chen suspects that it is an emperor.

It is not surprising that the ancient formation left behind by the suspected emperor's existence can hide the ancient **** continent.

Without alarming anyone or anything, I left without a trace...

Walking and stopping all the way, Ye Chen finally crossed the entire ancient emperor realm, to the edge of the former emperor realm, and now it is the edge of the old world.

Outside, it is the sealed ancient continent. In the continuous recovery, the Dao Qi is unparalleled in the world, which is the heritage left by the Supreme Sage Emperor.

After watching silently for a long time, he turned to leave, and did not enter the sealed world.

From the mouth of the emperor of the dark night, it was learned that although the great powers of the sealed emperor realm were awakened one by one from the seal slumber, but because they slept for too long, they have not fully awakened, and it will take a while to gradually and completely wake up and return.

At present, the great powers of the Sealed Land cannot join the battle of the heavens and domains, but they can join the battle for no more than one year.

Ye Chen returned to the ancient emperor continent and said to the few wives around him: "You will be promoted to the emperor in the realm of the Supreme Emperor. After the resurrection, the realm of the emperor of the Supreme Holy Emperor will be consummated, with all kinds of ways, and be promoted in this realm. The king is stronger, and I will protect you."

At this point, he already had the confidence, even if it was not the Primordial King, but the real strength was not weak at all, and even comparable to the mid-level Primordial King, he was proud of the ancient and modern.

It is enough to defend the way for a few sweet wives.

"it is good!"

The goddess, Yiwu, Abenu, Yuqing, Chen'er and other women nodded.

In the next month, several women went through the calamity one after another and were promoted to the Emperor of the Primordial Kingdom.

The roaring thunder of Heavenly Tribulation continued to resound, shaking half of the realm of the Supreme Sage, and attracted the attention of the world.

The king's catastrophe has always been terrible, not to mention the fact that the quasi-king against the sky is promoted to the king of the ancients, and the power is even more terrifying and unimaginable.

This kind of monarch catastrophe can absolutely be destroyed when placed in the Great World of Gulan.

The areas where the women chose to cross the robbery were all wasteland in the world of the Taisheng Emperor Realm, with a misty and ancient atmosphere.

The catastrophe came, and I don't know how many stars were exploded. The visions sprang up, shaking the earth and attracting attention.

During the period, the emperor of the dark night did not stop it, and even encouraged it, because there are still some sealed places in the Supreme Emperor Realm that have not been completely unblocked, and their promotion to the tribulation, on the contrary, broke the seals and made the Supreme Emperor Realm even more further.

What's more, the Supreme Emperor Realm is the source world of the eternal giants, so vast and magnificent, not to mention the emperor's catastrophe, even the supreme emperor's catastrophe can bear it.

Ye Chen guarded the road outside the robbers, and blocked many of the robbery thunders, so as to avoid destroying the ancient life stars or the continent of life, which would lead to charcoal.

He is very powerful and shows a terrifying side. There was a terrible and special catastrophe in the Emperor's Catastrophe. It was enough to change the color of ordinary kings. To avoid its sharp edge, he rushed to an ancient continent. Once it fell, it was enough to be half destroyed. The whole continent.

But Ye Chen's attack, and he collapsed directly without any damage to himself. Such a method was shocking.

The 30 ancient continents that had been sealed also had ancient and strong kings resurrected, and I was shocked to see all this.

One month later, all the five women were successfully promoted to the Primordial King, from the level of the Heaven-defying Quasi-King, with a powerful breath far superior to the ordinary Primordial King.

After all, the number of rules of the kings mastered from the beginning reached as many as five hundred Dao, once promoted to the king, it will exponentially increase exponentially.

The five women were successively promoted to the Primordial King, and even the five mistresses of the Chaos Tianfu. If the Chaos Tianfu adds five king-level combat power, it can be described as an extremely amazing combat power.

Ye Chen felt a little relieved after all the five women had reached the level of kings.

Today, the situation in the Pangu universe is grim, especially with so many superpowers coming in from alien races, not to mention the quasi-kings, even the Primordial Kings may not have the confidence to protect themselves.

The five women became the Primordial King, and they can barely protect themselves in the severe battlefield.

After all, there are even more terrifying emperors in the alien and even the Supreme!

At the same time, Ye Chen took out many of the treasures he had obtained from the giant-level treasury, as well as many of the king-level treasures that he had hunted in the past. There was even an emperor-level forbidden magic weapon that had been used two or three times to give it to the emperor. Ge, let them return to the heavens and ten thousand realms with them.

In this way, I am finally relieved.

And he is going to go to the Tenth Great Emperor Pass Tower alone to start the road to the emperor.

After reluctantly parting, the five wives returned to the heavens and domains together.

At this time, the great powers who had returned from the ancient road of origin basically went to the heavens and ten thousand realms one after another, and only the dark night emperor was left alone in the realm of Taisheng Emperor.

I believe that soon, the Supreme Sage Emperor Realm will also become a peak force, returning to the heavens and ten thousand realms, expelling the alien army.

"The Tenth Imperial Pass, here I am!"

Ye Chen's eyes were unusually firm.

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