Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3334: Diguan meets deceased

PS: There was something wrong in the previous article. The emperors of the human race have returned to the heavens and domains, written in a daze, and revised it back, sorry.

The universe is desolate, as always desolate, and not many races and forces live in such desolate borders.

At the very end, stands the incomparably magnificent ancient pass, which is the tenth emperor pass of the Pangu universe.

In front of him, it was the first emperor pass.

Although it is still magnificent and majestic, it can be seen that there are many remnants, which have been shot through and collapsed.

Ten layers of imperial gates were once broken through by a foreign army in these years, and even with terrifying foreign troops, the first imperial gate was naturally broken.

The creation of the heavens and domains was once in trouble, and the territory was lost by more than 80%, and now they are basically stuck in the many large domains dominated by the center of the domains.

Pangu Universe paid a great price to regain the lost ten imperial gates, and several kings were lost.

Now the rebuilding of the ten-layer emperor pass is completed, and the inside and outside of the emperor pass have been reinforced once, so that the alien army cannot attack from the inside to break through the emperor pass, open the ten-layer emperor pass from the universe, and let the alien army of the Chaos Sea enter the Pangu universe.

Silently, there appeared a slender and tall figure, surrounded by ancient chaos, like a **** of chaos, walking with dragons and tigers, came to the first emperor gate, looked at the emperor gate, and sighed.

This person is Ye Chen.

After a hundred years, he once again came to the Tenth Imperial Pass.

A hundred years ago, he had become a quasi-king, even more comparable to the heaven-defying quasi-king, but he never reached the peak, so he never went to the tower to be promoted to the primordial king.

Now that the deepening of the work has reached the limit, there is no way to advance, and we must go further.

"Unexpectedly, the situation in the heavens and domains is so severe today. Not only the heavens and domains are occupied by more than 80% of the vast territory, even the terrible alien army has been assembled in the frontier ten-fold emperor, and there are eight aliens. The king is here, and there are even super kings."

Ye Chen looked back and stared at him, only to see that there was a huge star field hundreds of thousands of miles away, surrounded by ninety-nine bright stars, and inhabited by hundreds of millions of alien creatures.

This is a terrible alien army, entangled in front of the Tenth Imperial Pass.

The purpose is very simple. It is to one day be able to knock down the ten-fold emperor gates and open the Pangu universe from within the universe, so that the more terrifying alien army of the alien ancient universe can drive straight into the entire Pangu universe.

Also in order to block the inside of the universe, the powerhouses of the heavens and domains support the ten emperor gates.

It can be said to kill two birds with one stone.

If there is no support from the heavens and domains, even if it is the ten-fold emperor pass, for a long time, all the strong will have to be killed by life and death, and one day will fall.

I have to say that this alien army really caused the heavens and domains to have a headache, and he had no time to take care of it, and it was difficult to deal with it.

"Unfortunately, the foreign race is a little naive. When I return, naturally, this will not happen."

The dazzling star field in his eyes disappeared, but instead was a bleak starry land.

The alien legion in the distance in the star field has long ago turned into fragments of stars and the world world. With the blood of the blood-stained man, the sky is full of fragmented alien corpses, with countless deaths and injuries.


That's right, this terrifying alien army has long been wiped out.

Even if there are eight kings, or even a super king.

But what can I do?

Because they were facing Ye Chen.

There are also the reincarnation of the great emperor and the emperor Hunyue.

The emperor's shot was completely crushed, sweeping across the army, unstoppable.

It was even caught off guard. This alien army had no time to ask for help from the alien army in the heavens and ten thousand domains, so it was slaughtered.

Including eight alien kings, all corpses!

The whole army was wiped out in World War I!

The clothes are not stained with blood!

"It's a pity, if you can enslave a super king, how good is it."

With a sudden sigh, Ye Chen still had some regrets.

Beside him, Emperor Hun Yue, who looked like a hill, glanced at Ye Chen indifferently.

Enslaving the super king?

How easy is it.

But he didn't say a word. After all, he was also enslaved to some extent. He was very aggrieved, but he was helpless.

When the first heavy emperor closed, naturally some people noticed that Ye Chen and Emperor Hun Yue were very vigilant and shouted, "Who is here?"

You must know that there is a terrifying foreign race army sitting in front of him, so it is suspected that Ye Chen is a strong foreign race.

Over the years, there has been no shortage of foreign powerhouses who have come to knock at the gates, wanting to blast the ten imperial gates from within!

Ye Chen took out an ancient decree, which was a supreme decree bestowed by the king of no phase. There were not a few in the entire Pangu universe, as long as he held the supreme order, it was like the supreme coming in person.

"Meet the Supreme, the Supreme Immeasurable!"

The powers on the first heavy emperor gate immediately bowed down and opened the gate of the emperor gate without any hesitation.

Because the breath of the Supreme Order cannot be imitated, it is high above it, and it belongs to the Pangu universe, this point cannot even be simulated by the alien emperor, otherwise it will be recognized by the origin of the universe.

Moreover, it is useless even for a strong alien to get a supreme order, because the supreme order possesses the supreme imperial thought. Once a strong alien obtains it, it will be destroyed by the supreme aura of the human race of the supreme order.

It's just that they are also quite puzzled as to how Ye Chen could overcome the dangers of the alien army and come to the Ten Imperial Pass.

Ye Chen nodded, holding the token and entered the first emperor pass calmly, and at this time the city lord of the first emperor pass also appeared, his figure was hazy, and he was indeed the city lord of the first emperor pass.

He returned to the Sealed Universe that year, and returned from the Chaos Sea killing, allowing the first Emperor Guancheng to break through to the level of the **** king.

Now a hundred years have passed, and after a hundred years of difficult battles, this old God King has also reached the level of the Three Tribulations God King. Although compared with Ye Chen, he is absolutely amazing at the level of the God King. The rate of progress.

The first Diguan City Lord has a solemn expression. Since someone came with a supreme order, he must be a heavyweight person. Don't be negligent, otherwise he will appear in person.

When I saw it, I was very surprised, with a bit of joy: "Battle Saint King!"

Hearing that, the strong forces guarded by the first emperor Guan immediately set off stormy waves, and the person who came was the fighting sage, who led the Chaos Tianfu to suppress the fighting sage of the tenth emperor Guan Enan a hundred years ago.

It just disappeared a hundred years ago, and I didn't expect to reappear now, coming to the Tenth Emperor Pass.

As for Emperor Hun Yue, he was hidden.

As long as he intends to hide, these people will not be aware of it.


Ye Chen stepped forward, and he sensed the terrible injuries in the main body of the first imperial gate, which was worse than before, and he realized that it was caused by the invasion of the tenth imperial gate by an alien army.

However, it is a blessing in misfortune, because the infinite army of foreign races suddenly came in and slaughtered the tenth emperor pass. I don’t know how many strong men who guarded the emperor pass were beheaded. The survival of the first emperor pass is a great Fortunately.

Of course, the first battle was also because the alien army tried to avoid the supreme of the Pangu universe, so the thunder killed it and did not stay for long, otherwise the gods could not resist the alien army with multiple emperors.

Ye Chen stepped forward to resolve the injury in the main body of the First Emperorguan City. It was not very serious, not to mention that his cultivation was enough to resolve the injury.

"Little friends' cultivation is better than before."

Although the City Lord of the First Diguan could not accurately perceive Ye Chen's true cultivation base, he could vaguely feel that the latter was much stronger than a hundred years ago.

"Hurry up and close the city gate, and don't let the foreign army have a chance."

The first emperor gate city lord just remembered and hurriedly ordered.

"It's okay, the entire army of foreign races blocked in front is annihilated." Ye Chen spoke at the right time, and the words that made the Tenth Grand Emperor Guan Zhu strongly shocked, all looking towards the distant horizon.

In the desolate sea of ​​stars, where the infinite alien army was supposed to be stationed, it was shocking to see the infinite corpses spread out, and the terrifying army that was endlessly disappearing in ashes.

There were eight kings in charge, and one of them was a super king. With the overall power of the ten-fold emperor, it was not necessarily able to shake this alien king, but was killed. What a terrible strength this should be.

Could it be that after a hundred years of fighting against the Saint King, his cultivation has reached such an unfathomable level?

Everyone was shocked for a long time and could not recover.

The first Diguan City Lord came back to his senses first, and smiled bitterly: "I haven't seen you in a hundred years, the little friend is far better than the past, and my generation is beyond the reach."

Obviously, he also secretly guessed that the annihilation of the entire army of foreign races ahead was mostly related to Ye Chen's indispensable.

"Senior joked."

Ye Chen didn't explain. The two walked side by side to understand some conditions, not much different from what they got from the goddess and other populations in the realm of the Supreme Emperor.

However, the situation of the Tenth Level Emperor Pass is not good, because the alien army has often tried to break through it again over the years, and even two alien emperors have shot at one time and were almost breached. It was the human supreme who rushed to suppress it.

It is worth mentioning that in recent days, the alien army has not continued the daily harassment in the past Let the strong people of the Tenth Emperor Pass feel surprised and too quiet, making them feel that something abnormal must happen. Demon.

Ye Chen smiled, saying that there is no need to worry, the foreign army stationed abroad by Chaos has been slaughtered.

"Was slaughtered?" The City Lord of First Emperor Guan was startled, shocked and incomprehensible.

Ye Chen told something about the ancient road of origin. Hearing that, the first emperor gate city lord was silent for a long time, and finally could only smile bitterly: "I didn't expect that there will be a supreme giant from the blood-stained future who will personally take action."

Telling the purpose of coming to search for the tower, the city lord of the first emperor gate nodded and said: "The tower is still there, little friends don't need to worry."

The two quickly passed through the Tenth Imperial Pass and came to the Tenth Imperial Pass.

During the period, the news of the ten-layer emperor gate appeared in the fighting sage king shocked everyone, and all were surprised.

After a short while, I came to the Tenth Grand Emperor Pass and saw the world world inside the Tenth Grand Emperor Pass, which was restored seven or eighty-eight. It was as magnificent as the Emperor Realm, and it was the Realm Tower in the center. The whole world of Emperor Realm in the Tenth Grand Emperor Pass.

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