Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3335: Chongguan King!

The Tenth Imperial Pass has gone through too many disasters. Throughout the ages, it has been facing the threat of foreign races. Especially in this life, it has been forcibly knocked into the gate several times by foreign races. destroy.

It is not easy to still exist now.

Ye Chen came to the bottom of the world tower and raised his head, but he couldn't help but smile when he saw that the three big lists of the past are still there, especially his name on the supreme list.

Recalling all the things back then, it seems like a lifetime.

With a dream for thousands of years, he has also come this far from being a minor repairer.

Sometimes, he would think that if he returned from the posture of oppressing the Primordial King, when he first came to the Tenth Emperor Pass that year, the Tianmen Sect Master would not sacrifice, and the seven foreign kings would be attacked by him. Kill it.

Naturally, there is no scene afterwards.

"The master..."

A mist of water appeared in Ye Chen's eyes, as if the master of the Heavenly Gate had fallen in front of him, it was always a hurdle in his heart, even if many years passed, he still felt distressed when he recalled it.

It's a pity that even if you have stepped on the ancient road of origin, you still haven't really connected to the real origin.

He was thinking, does the Tianmen Sect Master really still alive, exist in the place of origin?

A lot of people gathered below the tower, some arrogant, and some elders, who came here to rush and go further.

I feel the vigor and vigor here, and I also recall the youth and vigor of the year, fighting against the peers, fighting for glory with the emperors and daughters, and the descendants of the fairy dao.

Looking back on the past, only for hundreds of years, he is already invincible of his generation, and he respects the younger generation. The enemy has gone from the younger generation to the older generation.


But his eyes were firmer, because he had a long way to go.

To calm the blood-stained future and protect the people around you is the greatest wish of this life.

Ye Chen's arrival was silent, distorting the void, and others couldn't see it at all.

However, guarding at the Tenth Grand Emperor Pass, there can be seven Primordial Kings, and the strongest is a peerless king of the eight heavens, extremely powerful, and the first of the seven kings.

His appearance naturally did not hide the seven kings.

"Battle Saint King!"

Boom boom boom boom boom--

Over the world tower, the seven kings suddenly arrived, shocking everyone.

Ye Chen gave a wry smile, and had to walk out of the void, composing and said: "Junior Ye Chen has seen seven senior monarchs."

"Ye Chen? Fighting Saint King?"

The many arrogances under the tower were all surprised, and their eyes were especially hot.

Because even if the fighting king suddenly disappeared for a hundred years, he is still famous. No one in today's big world knows, no one knows.

In a sense, it can be said that the Fighting Saint King is the first person in the young generation of Pangu Universe and the idol of the eternal arrogance. He has reached the top of the Chaos Sea and swept the emperors and daughters of the heavens, the descendants of the fairies, and the strongest supreme. Tianjiao, whoever competes with each other, can match.

Yu Yourongyan, but the idols of all the young Tianjiao in the entire Pangu universe, is also the goal they hope to pursue for their entire life.

It is their honor and excitement to see it now.

The eyes of the seven kings of the tenth emperor gate fell on Ye Chen, and they were all taken aback, because they all sensed the power of Ye Chen. They were clearly only quasi-princes, but the aura was no less powerful than the ancient kings. The king, even more terrifying than the ordinary king, is considered to be an intermediate level among the seven kings.

The peerless king headed by him was even brighter, and laughed loudly: "Okay, okay, okay, you're really an unparalleled fighting king, you are indeed against the sky."

Ye Chen knew that the seven kings knew his own combat power, but it was also because he didn't hide it.

This is the Pangu universe, united from top to bottom, without concealment, it has long been revealed in the ancient road of origin.

Although Ye Chen was against the sky, the seven kings did not have the slightest jealousy. On the contrary, they were full of joy. They were also surprised that there was such an unparalleled and unparalleled person in the ancient universe of their own. It represented the hope of the other party to prove the supremacy, and could not help but be even satisfied. .

The peerless king said: "Little friend, why did you come to the Imperial Pass? Do you want to practice in the Imperial Pass?"

Others looked at Ye Chen in doubt. Everyone knew that the King of Fighting and War was a quasi-sovereign king. It was not impossible to experience this place and try to fight the King of the Ancients during the war.

Ye Chen shook his head and said, "Senior, the accumulation of juniors is already enough. This time I came here to fight the Emperor Guan Guan."

"Chongguan King!?"

Everyone was shocked, and they all knew that the Fighting Saint King was against the sky. It was only a matter of time before he became the Primordial King, but he didn't expect that he was going to rush through the barrier now.

But the seven kings were extremely surprised, and their eyes were bright: "Do you really want to be promoted to the king?"

Ye Chen said sternly: "There is absolutely nothing false."

"Well, the little friend is here to rush to the king. The old man and other people will definitely protect you, and others will never disturb you."

The peerless king promised that the first arrogant who swept the two ancient roads, the first heavenly arrogant who swept through the two ancient roads, is going to rush to the emperor. This is an extremely important matter, how can we neglect.

Once promoted to Swire King, there is no doubt that Pangu universe will add a top combat power.

Although Ye Chen wanted to say that he had the reincarnation body of the great emperor and the guardian of Emperor Hunyue, the identity of the reincarnation body of the great emperor and the strongest Dao body cannot be easily told. Emperor Hunyue should also be hidden. I would like to thank several seniors for defending the way.

"Okay, I wish my little friend a smooth pass!"

The seven kings are now located around the tower, expelling all related people.

Ye Chen was grateful and entered the world tower.

This time he entered, and did not come to the three-foot-a-thousand-square island in the suspended starry sky, nor did he see the Time and Space Emperor fishing the true dragon. The place where he appeared was a desolate and boundless world.

At the moment when he appeared here, Ye Chen felt that his original universe was trembling in tandem.

The world in front of me is like a dark and eternal dead world.

Perhaps to be more accurate, this world is dead, and the source is exhausted, but the perception is endless. Perceiving with his terrifying perception comparable to the Four Heavenly Kings, his exploration has reached the real end.

This shocked him extremely.

"Could it be that this is the legendary Primordial God Realm?"

Ye Chen let out a sigh of relief slowly, sighing hard to hide.

The Primordial God Realm was the upper realm of the Pangu universe in the last epoch, and it was equivalent to the current heavens and domains, but the Primordial God Realm back then was even more huge and vast than the heavens and domains, and it was extremely amazing.

Rumor has it that today's heavens and domains are actually formed from most of the world's borders in the Primordial God Realm.

Ye Chen's eyes swept across the Primordial God Realm, dark, desolate, and dead, without any vitality.

In the world, there are many collapsed ancient continents, as well as infinite skeletal remains.

This scene is like the shattered scene of the Eight Desolate Ancient Universe that I saw back then.

One side of the supreme world was ruined with the destruction of the myth and collapsed here.

This is the time when the time and space the Great Emperor stored the only fragments of the ancient gods in the world tower, and only the world's ancestors like the world ancestor tree had such a huge space for the emperor’s army. Only the eternal giants like the Great have such a method, otherwise, how could ordinary people transfer such huge fragments of the Primordial God Realm.

"The Primordial God Realm, the upper realm of the Pangu universe mythical era. It is said that many ancient emperors were born in just one epoch in the heyday."

Emperor Hunyue no longer concealed his figure, his eyes scanned the entire Primordial God Realm, and sighed slightly.

He is a character from the last era, sealed to this life, and naturally knows something about the ancient gods.

Moreover, the heyday of the Primordial God Realm was no less than that of the Primordial Immortal Realm today.

All emperors stand side by side, and Tianjiao emerges in large numbers.

The unphased emperor is the outstanding person born in the era of mythology.

But what about Ren is the most prosperous, most brilliant, most unparalleled Primordial God Realm, and now there are only the ruins of the ruined realm.

Taking a deep breath, Ye Chen suddenly sat cross-legged in the Primordial God Realm.

Although he knew that the Temporal Emperor Soldiers left by the Temporal Great Emperor in the Realm Tower, it was impossible for an accident to happen, but in order to eliminate all possibilities, he still let Hun Yue Emperor protect the way.

Emperor Hun Yue looked at Ye Chen with a complicated expression, sighed lightly, and turned to the border of the Primordial God Realm to protect him silently.

When everything was ready, Ye Chen suddenly released the original universe phantom in his body, covering the vast territory of millions of miles.

"This, this is—"

Emperor Hun Yue looked at the phantom universe in shock, his expression changed drastically, and he immediately understood: "You actually own the original universe like the Great Universe!"

He couldn't help being shocked. Throughout the ages, the only person who possessed the original universe was the Universe Great.

It is precisely because of sitting on a chaotic ancient universe that the Universe Emperor is qualified to truly climb to the top and become one of the strongest people in all ages.

Now, the fighting saint king in front of him actually has the original universe. Although it can be seen that it is only a rudiment and belongs to the primitive stage, it has endless potential and is qualified to grow into a true chaotic ancient universe in the future.

Will he become the second universe emperor?

Originally, Emperor Hunyue was dissatisfied with the saint king who defended the way, but now seeing this scene, all dissatisfaction disappeared instantly.

It may be an honor to follow a person with infinite potential who has grown to the level of the Great Universe.

Ye Chen didn't say a Adjusted his mind to the best stage, and silently adjusted his body state, in order to attack the Primordial King in the best state.

This adjustment took two years and it was quite long.

But Ye Chen was not anxious.

Promoting the Taikoo King cannot be too hasty, you must have enough certainty to be promoted.

What's more, the Emperors of Taikoo often retreat for tens of thousands of years. What is the value of just two years?

And he knew very well that he was the eternal quasi-king, sitting on the trinity of the Primordial Universe, and the practitioners of the Chaos Dao in ancient times, how terrible it would be once the most enchanting evildoer hit the Primordial King.

I'm afraid it will be the most terrifying king's catastrophe in all ages.

Finally, one day two years later, Ye Chen's state adjusted to the most extreme.

He opened his eyes, his eyes shining like the sun, shining on the dark Primordial God Realm, and his voice was suddenly shocking: "Today, I fight the Saint King, and I will be the Primordial King!"

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