Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3336: Eventually become king

In the tenth emperor pass, the seven kings have been lingering outside the tower, motionless, like eternity, guarding Ye Chen, the ancient king of the pass.

However, two years have passed, and there is no fluctuation at all.

This made many people in the imperial world within the Ten-Layer Emperor Pass doubt whether the fighting sage king had failed to pass the pass, otherwise it would not have been successful in the past two years.

However, some people believe that the Fighting Saint King did not immediately cross the tribulation, but adjusted his state to reach the peak stage.

This point is also recognized by many people.

Because the Taikoo Sovereign rushes through the barriers, does it mean that I can rush through the barriers?

Throughout the ages, I don't know how many quasi-monarchs have been stuck at this level, and have never been able to successfully rush through.

It's not that you can't rush through the barrier, but the primordial king not only needs enough accumulation, but also needs the most peak state, so that it can improve the success rate of the barrier.

Especially the Fighting Saint King, the first quasi-lord of the Chaos Sea, the catastrophe must be extremely terrifying, and naturally he needs to adjust his body to reach the most perfect stage.

The seven kings remained motionless, always guarding them, and did not dare to be negligent.

They know the importance of fighting the Saint King more than anyone, and even if they fail to pass the barrier, they can't make a mistake.

Especially after learning all kinds of news from the heavens and ten thousand domains, I became more aware of how violent the fighting saint king is.

As one of the few eternal quasi-kings of the ages, one of the few eternal quasi-kings from one epoch after another, his combat power is so powerful that he can quasi-the king's body and defeat the ancient kings. The emperor's heirs were all lost, and they gained a reputation.

The more so, the more attention is paid.

They even knew that if the Saint King of Fighting suddenly disappeared and entered the ancient alien universe, Emperor Yan would not be able to recover, let alone so many powerful men suddenly descended from the ancient path of origin into the Pangu universe, causing the crisis of the heavens and the universe. Greatly reduced.

Fighting Saint King must not have an accident.


Suddenly, everyone in the Tenth Grand Emperor's Pass felt a boundless and boundless aura suddenly coming.

It even covered the entire Tenth Emperor Pass within a short period of time, making everyone feel the terrible breath and suppressing their hearts.

This feeling is very depressing, as if someone is firmly grasping in his heart, unable to breathe.


The heavens and all paths were also trembling slightly.

"What's the matter?" The strong emperor changed his color and looked up at the sky, but he couldn't see the slightest calamity, only the horror that emanated from the underworld filled the air.

At this time, the seven kings opened their eyes, looked up at the increasingly depressed sky, and looked at each other.

It's time to cross the robbery!

The fighting sage king finally has to truly cross the calamity and rush to the ancient king.

However, the seven kings quickly changed color. Because of the terrible fluctuations hovering above his head, even the first person who was a peerless king changed his expression slightly, making him feel a hint of danger.

What's more, the other kings were even more shocked, feeling that this time the catastrophe was terribly unimaginable.


Inside the tower.

At this moment, Ye Chen officially rushed to Guan Taikoo King.

He gave up the suppression of realm.

Long ago, he had reached the pinnacle of the eternal quasi-king, and he was only a short distance from the Primordial King.

In order to avoid a sudden breakthrough to the Primordial King, he has been suppressing all these years, suppressing the realm very hard, and never really breakthrough.

Now once he gave up his suppression, his breath exploded in an instant.

With a loud bang, the breath directly surpassed the level of the quasi-monarch, and then broke the shackles, and went straight to the level of the ancient king.


Like the supreme, like the emperor!

The vast sky is majestic and vast, and the entire dark and desolate Primordial God Realm trembles, almost exploding as a whole.

His aura was increasing, and he turned into an invisible and terrifying storm, spreading violently, causing hundreds of millions of miles to fall into terrible riots.

In the desolate Primordial God Realm, the eternal silence was broken. I don’t know how many fallen supercontinent fragments exploded, and the bleak star skeletal in the starry sky exploded quickly, turning into bright fireworks, lighting the Primordial God Realm.

All this was just because Ye Chen broke through the momentum of the Primordial King, and that alone caused the Primordial God Realm to riot.

If there are ordinary ancient kings here, I am afraid that they will not be able to bear it, and they will explode.

It seems exaggerated, but in fact it is not the most exaggerated, only more exaggerated!

It can be compared to the emperor, the first generation of the strongest evildoer in history to break through the emperor, how shocking, unimaginable!

The look of Emperor Hunyue in the wilderness of the Primordial God Realm changed and changed, and in the end there was only a long sigh, which could not conceal the sense of astonishment in his eyes: "Once the eternal quasi-monarch breaks through the emperor, it will be terrifying!"

However, all of this has not stopped, and Ye Chen's aura continues to improve.

Boom boom boom boom boom--

After the unparalleled power hits the most extreme, it seems that the sleeping ancient emperor awakens and majestic the heavens.

If it were not for the settlement of the towers, this kind of mighty power would definitely break through the barriers of the ordinary world and even the supreme world, shaking the ten-fold imperial gate.


Two bright beams of light gush out from his eyes, which are more dazzling than the sun, completely illuminating the entire dark and silent Primordial God Realm.

The terrifying indescribable power continued to roar throughout the Primordial God Realm.

"Have you finally become a king?"

Ye Chen said to himself, there was a kind of trance and unreality, but he also knew that he had succeeded in the rush to the Emperor Taikoo, and he entered the domain of this cosmic hegemon.

But it is not yet complete, because there is still a need to overcome the catastrophe.

Only after crossing the catastrophe, was he the perfect Primordial King.

However, this is the Primordial God Realm, and it also belongs to the tower. It contains the Time and Space Emperor's Rule left by the Time and Space Emperor. Against the chaotic time and space, the Emperor's Great Tribulation cannot come.

Having said that, Ye Chen felt that the moment he was successfully promoted to the Primordial King, his limbs, his limbs, and even his soul had undergone earth-shattering changes.


Hundreds of limbs trembled, and the blood was boundless, flooding the boundless territory.

The blood is full of Xiao can turbulent heavens, terrifying astonishing, far beyond ordinary kings.

Muscles and bones screamed together, and the rumbling was better than thunder.

Almost every moment, his physical body transformed and went further.

Even the chaos holy soul villain is the same, wanting to transform into a more powerful king heaven soul!

The unspeakable stalwart power is filling every corner of Xing Shen, undergoing transformation, sublimation, and constantly making brand-new transcendence.

Ye Chen couldn't explain this feeling.

But knowing that his strength is increasing crazily.

Xing Shen is transforming, transforming to a higher level!

Like turning a cocoon into a butterfly, it belongs to the transcendence of the life level!

PS: Everyone, guess how strong Ye Chen will be after becoming the Swire King?

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