Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3337: It's not over yet!

In a short period of time, Ye Chen has already transformed, I don't know how many times.

The level of the whole person's life is changing, making a leap, and entering another new height, surpassing countless quasi-kings.

But the transformation has not stopped, it continues.


At the same time, refining swallowed countless worlds, heavens and earth's origin small universe, and was promoted along with Ye Chen's realm promotion.

In an instant, after being swallowed and refined, more than eighty to nine percent of the origins were suppressed and turned into the deepest accumulation and heritage. At this moment, they all exploded, pushing the origin universe to skyrocket.

It can be seen to the naked eye that the Origin Universe is skyrocketing at an extremely alarming rate, and almost every breathing time can expand thousands of miles in diameter.

Don't look at thousands of miles is very small, but for an original universe with a diameter of millions of miles, every time it expands for thousands of miles, you don't know how much volume has skyrocketed, which is terrifying!

What's more, this is just the growth brought about by the breath.

With the passage of time, the ultimate original universe will inevitably expand to a whole new level.

In the Origin Universe, the worlds and the world that looked like a spot of light also expanded, reaching the size of an adult.

There are signs of the world in the desert.

There is a weak world power rippling here.

The stars, as small as gravel, grew larger and turned into the size of a fist, shining with faint and real stars.

The eight avatars of yin and yang, gold, wood, water, fire, earth and thunder, which entangled at the origin of the small universe, suddenly emerged in their body a power beyond the quasi-king.

The world tree is swaying and shining. At this moment, swaying down the endless Xiahui, deriving a powerful world power, here is the spread of special forces related to time and space, vaguely resonating with the origin of the small universe.

The expansion of the Origin Universe also gave rise to a more powerful cosmic light, which is the essence of the Origin, arbitrarily filling Ye Chen's limbs and skeletal remains, further transforming the gods.


At this moment, Ye Chen only felt that his divine consciousness was about to explode, and the unparalleled stalwart power filled his body wantonly, and it was growing every moment.

Strengthen again and again, improve again and again.

All aspects are rising steadily, which can be called exponentially soaring...


Finally, at a certain moment, his consciousness exploded, and the moment turned into a void.

But soon, it reunited, and a chaotic holy soul that was crystal clear like glass appeared, became stronger and far better than before.

However, this is not over yet, the Chaos Holy Soul exploded again.

Boom boom boom boom boom--

Repeatedly, the Chaos Holy Soul exploded again and again, transformed again and again, and grew again and again...

Finally, after I don't know how long it has passed, the chaotic holy soul no longer exploded, and what appeared in front of him was a chaotic holy soul that was indistinguishable from the deity.

Yes, it is generally no different, and it is like a flesh and blood body, unable to distinguish the difference from the deity.

It seemed to differentiate a second self, exactly the same.

Ye Chen felt the power of the Chaos Holy Soul, and while holding it, he felt that the entire Primordial God Realm seemed to tremble.

The ultimate power of horror swayed wantonly in the palm of his finger, and it also emerged from the real chaotic holy soul.

He had a feeling that just the strength of the chaotic holy soul that transformed into the emperor's heavenly soul would be enough to easily explode the eternal quasi-monarch's self.

Not an illusion, but real power.

In other words, this is the terrifying aspect of the heavenly soul of the eternal king in the legend.

At the same time, the physical body has also been transformed, and a flawless physical body appeared in front of the Chaos Saint Soul, flawless, golden section, no one can pick out the slightest flaw.

It seems to be a supernatural workmanship, a heavenly creation!

"Is the transformation finally successful? I don't know how much my Chaos Eucharist has improved after being promoted to the king."

Ye Chen's soul muttered to himself, even if the chaos holy soul has also improved so much, the transformation of the chaotic body is probably even more terrifying.

With a scream, the Chaos Saint Soul fell into the Chaos Saint Body.

In an instant, a wave of unprecedented stalwart power emerged in the body, and the power of this chaotic body was clearly felt.

Simply unprecedentedly powerful.

Ye Chen felt like he slapped it out, fearing that the Primordial God Realm could penetrate it.


Seriously, he took the shot, just slapped him, he hasn't used the power of the rule of the king, nor the power of the Dao law, so he took a shot.

The heaven and the earth were in a big explosion, and the vast world of tens of millions of li in Fangyuan collapsed, and even a fragment of the Primordial God Realm that was hundreds of millions of li in front of him was smashed into pieces.


Ye Chen was pleasantly surprised, why not be surprised with such a mighty power.

When the Primordial God Realm was in a deserted state, Emperor Hunyue was shocked and shocked.

It's so powerful!

This power reminded him of someone--

No phase king!

At that time, the first person under the supremacy of the mythical era, the eternal king who stepped on the path of eternity, pushed all the enemies in the world, and the emperor, the emperor, and the descendants of the immortals were all beheaded in the same realm.

Also the eternal king!

But Emperor Hunyue felt that the Wuxiang Emperor was in the Emperor Period, and perhaps not as powerful as the Fighting Saint King in front of him.

Because the unphased king entered the eternal road during the time of the Primordial Kings, and the fighting sage king was the superpower who was the eternal road during the quasi-king period. Once promoted, he will not only be the eternal king naturally, but also step into it earlier. More powerful.

Ye Chen silently felt the Primordial King Weili in his body, far better than the past by many times, and he had stepped into a whole new level.

Therefore, he didn't even know what level he had reached.

At the very least, maybe it can match the super king.

But all this is not in a hurry. After being promoted to the Primordial King, his strength is too much stronger, and even the original universe within his body has expanded a lot, reaching a diameter of 45 million li.

Although its diameter has expanded tenfold, is still not as huge as the original inner world of some quasi-monarchs, but as an original universe, it is far beyond the world in terms of quality.

Once the power of the origin of the universe is transmitted, Ye Chen is confident that he is a super king, and he can crush it.

He glanced at the rules of the king in his body again, and was startled.

He laughed, really!

After being promoted to the Primordial King, too many changes occurred in the body, and even the chaos perception rose many times.

The mastery of chaos can be said to be far better than the past, and he is more familiar than ever.

"Is this the power of the eternal king?"

Ye Chen muttered to himself softly, suddenly squeezed the palm of his fingers, and in a loud noise, the Primordial God Realm with a radius of hundreds of thousands of miles collapsed suddenly.

Then his eyes bloomed, and he scanned the entire Primordial God Realm.

It's not over yet!

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