Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3338: Under the castle


At this time, Emperor Hun Yue came to Ye Chen.

The closer he got closer, the more I felt the terrifyingness of Ye Chen. The undisguised pressure, although not as good as the emperor, was also shocked by the emperor who was stronger than him.

After all, Ye Chen was only promoted to Emperor Taikoo.

A newly promoted primordial emperor can give the emperor a sense of fright, and one can imagine how powerful it is.

He looked at Ye Chen solemnly, and said, "Battle Saint King, you have already been promoted to the Primordial King, but you need to be careful. The Heaven-defying Quasi-King’s Crossing Tribulation is already very dangerous, and the Eternal Quasi-King... As for the emperor of the Pangu universe and the originator of the ancient alien universe, no one has seen the Great Tribulation of the King, but it must be too much against the sky. You have to be careful."

Feeling the concern of Emperor Hunyue's words, Ye Chen was a little surprised, but soon understood.

He said: "You don't have to worry, and you are in the world tower, the catastrophe has not really come, and my transformation has not reached the extreme."

Emperor Hun Yue was shocked: "What do you mean?"

"I can go further!"


At this moment, in his body, the Origin Universe completely opened up, swallowing the sky and the earth, wantonly swallowing the magnificent and boundless Primordial God Realm, one by one the Primordial God Realm fragments flying past millions of miles, being swallowed by the Origin Universe. Quickly refining and transforming into masses of strong original power.


At the same time, the original universe began to grow rapidly and began to expand.

And this kind of expansion speed is amazing. The entire original universe has begun to expand, growing almost ten miles or hundreds of miles in diameter, while the internal territory does not know how much it has grown.

A gift from the Great Emperor of Time and Space, perhaps a gift from the mythical emperors, fragments of the Primordial God Realm, also turned into a source of all power, allowing Ye Chen to go further.


Outside the tower, the seven kings changed their colors first, waiting nervously for the arrival of the catastrophe.

But seeing that after a long time has passed, the catastrophe has never come, and there are doubts.

The eyes of the seven kings looking at each other are even more worried.

Did the fight against the holy king fail to be promoted to the king?

It's just that they clearly felt that the fluctuations of the great calamity in the sky did not go away.

What is going on here?

They don't quite understand?


Suddenly, the Tenth Great Emperor Guan was shocked.

Shouting to the sky.

The expressions of the seven kings changed slightly: "It's not good, an army of foreign races came to kill, and they were actually chosen to come to the city at this time."

At this time, it was the time when the Fighting Saint King Dujie was promoted to the Primordial Sovereign. It might be time for these alien armies to come too far.

What's more, didn't Ye Chen say that the army of foreign races had been wiped out by the blood-stained giants of the future, and why did they appear again?

Suddenly, the seven kings thought of a certain possibility and changed their color and said: "It's not good, the foreign race must have thought that Pangu universe knows that the foreign race army has been annihilated, and thinks that it is impossible to knock the ten-fold imperial gate again within thousands of years. There will be some negligence, so this time the alien race must secretly gather a more terrifying army, and there may be several great emperors who will take action, in order to kill me Pangu universe by surprise, and completely conquer my Pangu universe."

In fact, this is very likely, because two years ago, the foreign race Chen Bing was killed in the frontier's infinite army. He suffered heavy casualties and paid a **** price. Under normal circumstances, it would take many years to regroup such a powerful army threat. Pangu universe.

It is generally believed that it is stable for hundreds of thousands of years.

But just two short years later, the foreign race once again knocked off the ten-fold emperor pass. It has to be said that, unexpectedly, Pangu universe was killed by surprise.

However, the tenth imperial gate has been strengthened several times and is better than before. Now there are many imperial formations in the imperial gate, covering the entire tenth imperial gate, and resisting the invasion of the foreign army in the Chaos Sea.

The look of the seven kings is ugly, but they do not leave every step of the way, because at this time, the battle of the holy kings to be promoted to the ancient kings is a critical moment, not to mention the tenth emperor pass. It is impossible for two or three alien emperors to break through the Tenth Imperial Pass in a short time.


The terrible loud noise came, it was the alien supreme knocking pass, far better than the past, the terrifying supreme undulating, mighty, almost completely tearing open the defense of the tenth emperor pass.

But fortunately, the defense of the Imperial Pass is unbreakable and can be withstood in a short time, but it is hard to say after a long time.

In this way, for a full seven days and seven nights, the foreign army never stopped knocking.

During this period, the seven kings had to leave the world tower temporarily and board the emperor's gate.

It can be seen from a distance that in the boundless sea of ​​chaos, an unparalleled shadow of the supreme emperor is emerging, supporting the boundless sea of ​​chaos into a vast open space.

It can be vaguely seen that outside the Tenth Great Emperor's Pass, hundreds of thousands of terrifying foreign race troops come to knock at the pass, and the terrifying attacks never stop, and they continue to fall on the Tenth Great Emperor's Pass.

However, the Tenth Imperial Pass was immortal and immortal. Even if the army of hundreds of millions of foreign races continued to attack, after seven days and seven nights, they still could not break through the defenses of the Imperial Pass, and remained standing.

"In recent years, the Tenth Imperial Pass has been tapped and opened several times by foreign races. My Pangu Universe Supreme has already made several attempts to reinforce it. It is this time that the Great Emperor of the Ancients will never want to open the Imperial Pass when the foreign race has come!"

The peerless king headed to speak, he has absolute confidence in the tenth emperor pass.

In order to avoid being knocked on by another race again, Pangu Universe took a lot of effort, and now it is much better than in the past.

Even if the Supreme Emperor came here, he would be It’s just that other human kings were worried: "My lord, I am most afraid that the alien race will not only come to the Supreme Emperor. If there are other alien kings in secret, once Shots, even with the tenth imperial pass, I am afraid it will be difficult to stop."

I have to say that such worries are indeed reasonable.

It's nothing more than a supreme emperor. With the immortality of the tenth emperor pass, it is enough to contend, but many supreme emperors are another matter!

The peerless emperor calmly said: "It's okay. The most important thing in the Tenth Emperor Pass is not the multiple reinforcements made by the supreme, nor is it itself built by several ancient emperors, but the human emperor tower and the world tower. Especially the world tower, it is The giant soldiers left by the time-space emperor will not recover. If the ordinary supreme soldiers have been restored, there have been signs of recovery in the past few years. The towers suppressed the blessing and far outperformed the past. Even if a few more emperors come, they will never want to break. open."

At this time, the alien army suddenly stopped attacking.

Guan Zhuqiang, the tenth emperor, looked in the distance, and saw that on the battlefield filled with the smoke of war, a row of people suddenly appeared at the front of the infinite alien army, like mountains standing upright.

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