Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3339: Provocation of Alien Tianjiao

The shadows of this row of people are like mountains.

It doesn't refer to the tall stature, but the terrifying aura, just like the Primordial Moyue Hengkong, the aura is astonishing, as if the Chaos Demon God who suppressed the ages is standing here, it is too terrifying.

More importantly, these are all young talents of foreign races, all of them are too young, blood is like a rainbow, but their strength and realm are quite high, at least they are at the level of gods, there are no lack of quasi-kings, and even more Primordial King.

They suddenly appeared on the battlefield, facing the ten-fold emperor's level, making all the powers of the Pangu universe very surprised and unclear.

"Pangu Universe, Human Race, if there is a young arrogant in your ancient universe today that can stop me from waiting, don't knock!"

One of the arrogances of foreign races spoke, he was extraordinarily burly, and looked like a demon alive. The battle fell on the chaotic sea and made a crash.

I saw a thick and terrifying blood on his Tianling cover soaring into the sky, breaking through the vast sea of ​​chaos and reaching the nine heavens.

Many star fields on the sky dome of Chaos Sea were submerged, highlighting its terrifying aspects.

That was just a **** king, not too powerful in the two ancient universe battlefields, but it was shocking to have such a terrifying power.

"It's terrible, the blood can rush into the sky, these are the supreme arrogance of foreign races, and they are likely to be the supreme heirs of emperors and daughters.

When the tenth emperor closed, everyone changed color.

Although it is rumored that the King of Fighting Battle killed many foreign emperors and daughters on the Supreme Ancient Road, he strayed into the center of the foreign ancient universe a hundred years ago and also massacred a large number of foreign emperors and emperors. After all, the foundation is too deep, one era after another has always been ups and downs, and the accumulation formed is so terrifying that it is simply unimaginable.

Therefore, even if Ye Chen killed many foreign emperors and daughters in the past, there are still many, and many.

Now these alien emperors and daughters appeared and came to knock, even more to challenge.

It was also because the actions of fighting the saint king a hundred years ago were too shocking. One person killed so many emperors and daughters, causing panic throughout the ancient Chaos universe.

This is especially true for the younger generation. A young Tianjiao who is hostile to the ancient universe slams into the center of the universe alone, breaks into the celestial burial world, and slaughters almost all the emperors and daughters, and leaves.

And on the Supreme Ancient Road, the fighting saint king slaughtered all the alien arrogances, including all emperors, sons and daughters.

He is simply the nightmare of all the younger generations of foreign races.

Now that they appear, they urgently need a battle to rekindle the fighting spirit of the younger generation of alien races and restore the strength of invincibility that pushed the entire Chaos Sea!

Almost half of the powerhouses of the Tenth Imperial Pass were gathered on the Tenth Imperial Pass, condescending, looking at the foreign race young Tianjiao who was shouting for battle, and appeared very silent.

They really don’t want to fight any more, hoping to continue peace, even if they know that there have been many strong people returning from the ancient road of origin and the realm of Taisheng Emperor, but they know that they may be able to deal with and even kill the foreign army that invaded the Pangu universe, but It can never be the opponent of the entire alien ancient universe.

The more I understand, the more I am frightened by the horror of the ancient alien universe.

Wasn't the Pangu universe at its peak, the mythical era of its brilliance to the extreme, also falling into great utter annihilation?

Now, they only hope to be able to keep the river water from the other race, even if the blood feud is overwhelming, even if they want to destroy the clan, but now is not the time.

"Hmph, you are really arrogant when waiting for Alien Tianjiao, do you really think my Human Race will be afraid?"

When the tenth emperor closed, there were also human Tianjiao who were not afraid, and being challenged by these foreign Tianjiao almost pointed at his nose, because of his blood, he naturally couldn't shrink back.

"Hahaha, in that case, if someone can defeat anybody like me, don't knock today!"

An alien emperor grinned, his power was overwhelming.

In the rear, the majestic emperor of the foreign race who stood on the 33rd floor heard a majestic voice: "Yes!"

The tenth emperor Guan Zhuqiang was shocked, and even the foreign emperor recognized it.

This also made many powerhouses break their hearts, and it would be a blessing if they could make the alien army regress in this way.

After all, for a long time, no one can guarantee whether other ancient great emperors of the alien race will rush over, nor can they guarantee that the Tenth Imperial Pass will be able to withstand the long-term knocks.

However, the most cruel fact is that the foreign races are sitting on the emperor's sons and emperors, but there is no emperor's emperor on the side of the Tenth Imperial Pass. In a real battle, who is the true one of these foreign emperors and emperors. will?

Once played, it must be sent to death.


A human king spoke up and shouted: "They are all emperors and emperors, you are not rivals."

Hearing that, the Tianjiao panicked immediately, and finally raised the blood-gathering willingness to fight. Is it about to be stopped now? One of them hurriedly said: "My lord, we are not afraid of it!"

It is simply a shame to be forced by these alien races to dare not go out in front of the house.

"No, the emperor and emperor are all the supreme arrogant of Dzogchen, absolutely invincible in the same realm."

The Human King shook his head and refused, and even if these Human Race Tianjiao went out for a battle, the decision would be to die.

The tenth Emperor Guan closed all Tianjiao silent.

They naturally knew the terrible place of the emperor and emperor, and the true invincibility of Dzogchen Supreme Tianjiao in the same realm, who could be worth a battle.

The ordinary supreme Tianjiao absolutely never returns.

"Hahaha, don't the people of Pangu universe have the courage at all? No wonder that the ancient universe of our world will be shattered by the last era."

The princes and daughters of the foreign races laughed, full of joking, full of sarcasm, and the slightest fear.

This caused the tenth emperor to shut down, and all the powers of the human race felt angry.

However, these are the arrogances of the human race, representing the hope of the human race in the future, and they cannot be let go to death in vain.

" It really is a brave bandit, one generation is weaker than one generation!"

"If you have any, come out to fight with us, just win a match, our army retreats, and promise not to offend for a hundred years!"

"Hahaha, where are these counseling goods, otherwise they would have come out long ago."

"That's right, the human race is just a lowly race, is it an enemy of the Tianjiao of the ancient universe of our world, dare to come out, one finger is enough to crush it."


When the tenth Grand Emperor was shut down, all the aliens ridiculed wanton, the emperor and emperor had long stopped talking, but the other aliens were crazy and insulted wantonly.

When the emperor closed, the human experts turned black when they heard it, and he was very angry, and he wished to go out for a battle immediately and wash his shame.

But the seven kings suppressed them and did not allow anyone to go to war, otherwise they would die.

The arrogances of the human race are naturally aware, but how can they sit idly by when someone scolds them at the door of the house.

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