Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3340: indignant

"It's a pity, if the fighting sage king is here, how can we allow these foreigners to clamor."

Some people sighed, fighting the sage king is unparalleled, and one person overwhelmed the entire Chaos Sea, the emperors and daughters of the heavens, the heirs of immortals, and the supreme Tianjiao.

If the Fighting Saint King was still there, how could these alien arrogances scream, for fear that they would immediately pick up their tails and leave for the first time.

However, everyone knows that the King of Fighting Battle is in retreat to break through the Primordial King, and it takes two years to retreat. Although the emperor world in the tenth emperor pass is full of fluctuations in the sky, a long time has passed. Wang hasn't really broken through yet.

In this way, the Tianjiao of the foreign races clamored for three days and three nights, as if they were not tired at all, they were always ridiculing, and all kinds of ridicules took turns. The face of the Tianjiao of the human race turned black and extremely angry.

They really would rather die than be humiliated.


On this day, more than a dozen special figures appeared on the Tenth Grand Emperor's Pass. The blood qi was extremely strong, the turbulent Xiao Han, and a vision emerged.

Their appearance has inspired many Human Race Tianjiao.

Because these people are all super talents who are experiencing in the realm tower, and there are many of them who can stay on the supreme ranking list, and their cultivation is at least at the level of the **** king, extremely powerful.

These Human Race Super Tianjiao just heard that the alien Tianjiao insulted the Human Race outside the Imperial Pass, and then they left the Pass ahead of time and arrived at the Tenth Grand Emperor Pass.

Knowing the situation, the super arrogances were all furious and surging in their fighting spirit, and directly asked the seven human kings to go out and fight.

The Human King sighed, knowing that continuing to suppress his own Tianjiao's anger would only weaken his will infinitely, which was not conducive to the growth of Human Tianjiao.

But facing these alien emperors and daughters, they are not the same as the Dzogchen Supreme Tianjiao, are they opponents.

If it is a last resort, the human king really does not want to see the young generation who represents the future and hope have the slightest loss.

"My lord, I would like to fight. Although the opponent is the emperor and daughter, I am also a supreme talent, enough to fight."

A young **** king stepped forward, magnificent and majestic, so young and extraordinary, with various visions surrounding him, with a supreme posture.

His name is Xu Tian, ​​he is a high-ranking **** king of the supreme Tianjiao level, and he has reached the level of the Seven Tribulations God King, and he is a super **** king, which can be called the best among the super **** kings of the same level.

Seeing the arrogance of the Tianjiao of the human race, if they were not allowed to act, they were afraid that they would secretly make trouble. After all, they were young and energetic, and the seven kings of the human race understood in their hearts, so they nodded and allowed it.


When Xu Tian left the pass, the people in the Tenth Great Emperor Pass could go out without restriction, and fell on the battlefield, immediately collapsing the earth in a radius of 100,000 miles.

God King Linchen, his aloof temperament, a kind of swallowing **** posture, alone against all the arrogances of foreign races, the **** king's mighty power, shouting: "I am the human **** king Xu Tian, ​​who dares to fight?"

"God King?"

Seeing that someone finally came out of the Tenth Level Emperor's Pass, all the alien arrogances couldn't help grinning, full of cruelty.

But there was no siege, and he didn't bother to do so. One of the alien **** king-level Tianjiao appeared, also the seven-tribulation **** king level, but not the emperor and emperor, very powerful.

He is very thin and small, like a dwarf, with a dark complexion and many purple-black Dao patterns, but his aura is not terrifying. He is also a supreme arrogant. He said: "The person who takes your life today, the black ancient royal family non!"


The two reported on their names without much communication, and they stepped forward in a terrible duel.

On the battlefield, the power of the king of gods blooms.

Without much temptation, after a few rounds, he began to display high-level supernatural power duels, and a kind of god-king spirit appeared, bombarding the earth torn apart, and the battlefield territories were trembling, but it was the peak contest of the god-king level.

In a blink of an eye, there were hundreds of tricks against each other, and there was blood blooming between each other.

However, I can see clearly that they are both inseparable from each other.

This made all the human powers who were shut by the Tenth Layer Emperor silent, and clenched their fists.

Xu Tian belonged to the outstanding young generation in the Tenth Emperor Pass, especially in the top ten of the **** king ranks, and even the top five, but now he is blocked by a foreign race, a non-imperial Tianjiao, which is really a big blow.

They could see that although Tu Fei was strong, it was probably only of the middle level among the foreign **** king-level Tianjiao.

If Xu Tian couldn't defeat this Tu Fei, it would be a big blow to the Tenfold Imperial Pass.

Xu Tian is obviously also a little anxious, and his transcendent **** king temperament is a little lax.

He wanted to kill the opponent very much, but obviously the strength of the opponent was not inferior to his own. If he wanted to kill, it would not be difficult to do it in thousands of rounds.

Suddenly, the aura of the alien **** Tu Fei grew many times stronger, causing Xu Tian to change his color, and he was about to resist, but it was too late.


Tu Fei's **** king soldiers swept past, cut off Xu Tian's head, and separated his head.

At the same time, Tu Fei used terrifying magical powers, and his power was directly increased many times. It seemed that he used a secret technique similar to taboo magical powers, directly hitting Xu Tian's head, and immediately exploded, including the gods inside. soul.

The powerful soul of the super **** king unexpectedly could not hold it, so it exploded and the true spirit was destroyed.

The remaining fragments of the souls were swallowed by Tu Fei, and the flesh and blood of Xu Tian's king was bloody, **** and terrifying, showing a satisfied look: "The flesh and blood of the human race is really good, especially such a young god. Wang, it's not bad."

"Xu Tian!"

The tenth emperor shut Zhu Qiang exclaimed, but he could only watch Tu Feimie kill Xu Tian's soul, the flesh and blood being bitten like food, making them extremely angry.

Xu Tian, ​​the **** king Tianjiao, who had a chance to win the domain of the king, fell.

"Who else!"

Tu Fei carried Xu Tian's first level, bathed in the blood of the enemy, and appeared extremely arrogant. He shouted, and he was arrogant.

"I come!"

"No, let me come!"

"I'll go as well!"


Before the Terran King could stop them, a crowd of Terran Tianjiao quickly exited and landed on the battlefield.

There can be five people, all of whom are all gods and kings.

"you guys--"

The human king was angry and angry, but he could do nothing.

"Go on with five people, I don't want to waste time!"

Tu Fei was very arrogant and directly clamored to go together.

"Hmph, it doesn't need to be like that to deal with you."

A young human **** king said indifferently that although Xu Tian was beheaded by the opponent, it was enough to prove the power of this alien **** king Tianjiao named Tu Fei, but he was definitely not a general one. It is also the supreme Tianjiao of the super **** king level, and it is close to the Eight Tribulations God King, even more powerful.

Booming like a comet, the sky and the earth roared, killing Tu Fei forcefully and starting a fierce battle.

At the same time, the other four human **** king Tianjiao also shouted: "Who dares to fight!"

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