Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3341: Sweep

"Who dares to fight!"

The four great gods of the human race, Tianjiao, shouted, and also the morale of the human race, and urgently needed a battle to prove that the human race is not inferior to the alien race!

Could it be that a thick mountain-like pillar of divine light rushed above their heads, with surging blood and great energy, shaking the sun, the moon, the mountains and the river, oppressing the arrogance of foreign races!

"Who dares to fight?"

"Hehe, who gave you the courage of human races to shout to us like this."

Under the instruction of the emperor and emperor, four young **** kings walked out of the arrogance of foreign races immediately, their cultivation bases were close to each other, and they had a terrible **** king duel.


The duel between the two sides, a full ten God King level Supreme Tianjiao, was extremely fierce.

They are both in the Divine King Realm, have similar cultivation bases, and are Supreme Tianjiao, fighting against each other, it is difficult to decide the winner in a short time.

The battle between the kings of the gods was earth-shaking, not to mention the ten kings.

However, there was a foreign emperor on the battlefield, which made the heaven and the earth extremely stable, enough to withstand the battles of many gods.


I don’t know how long it has passed. I only heard a loud roar on the battlefield. The human **** King Tianjiao roared against Tu Fei. The power suddenly became many times stronger. He actually broke through and reached the Eight Tribulations God King, and his combat power was even greater. .

In the loud bang, Tu Fei was torn apart by his bombardment, and his Xing Shen exploded.

He won, and took the lead in defeating an alien god, Tianjiao, or Tu Fei, which greatly increased the morale of the race.

Moreover, the terrible God King Jie suddenly descended between the heavens and the earth, drowning the human race God King Tianjiao, and elevated the baptism and transformation of a high level.

Seeing this scene, the alien race did not stop, watching all this indifferently.

As proud as they can’t do the kind of scene that prevents others from breaking through, there is still a bit of belly fat, even if it is the emperor of the human race, unless it is the most threatening eternal arrogant such as the fighting king. Will do everything possible.

The other four human **** kings were all excited, and they used their full strength to fight against the foreign **** king, the strongest Tianjiao, and the battle was inextricably difficult.

In the end, there were three wins and one loss, and one person was lost, but beheading the enemy's three super king Tianjiao, it can be described as a brilliant record.

This makes the Tenth Emperor Pass even more exciting.

The alien looked at all this indifferently, his face blank.

"It looks like you are really happy."

One of the nine emperors headed by the emperor and daughter spoke. He is of medium size, but possesses a vast and terrifying mighty power. He stepped forward, and he was also a god-king state emperor.

Observe its breath, at the peak of the Seven Tribulations God King, approaching the Eight Tribulations level.

The four remaining gods of the human race, Tianjiao, sneered: "It is natural to be able to kill you and the strongest Tianjiao of other races on the battlefield."

"The strongest Tianjiao?" The foreign emperor said coldly, "They are just a few influential guys, how can they be equal to me? You think they are too high, and you think you are too high, just killing Just a few ordinary characters from the ancient universe of our world, and it is worthy of joy."

Sneer mercilessly!

However, other alien Tianjiao did not refute.

Even if it was so underestimated by a foreign emperor, because in fact it was true.

Compared with the emperor and the emperor, it is indeed "influenced"!

At the moment, the four great gods of the human race, Tianjiao, had a cold face, which indirectly said that they were also infamous characters.

"I want to fight you!"

Tianjiao, the human **** king who defeated Tu Fei, took the initiative to challenge him. His name was Qingyang. Because he had experienced a battle just now, and he broke through to the stage of the Eight Tribulations God King, both his spirit and his fighting state were better than ever.

Bathed in the blood of the enemy's **** king, it even demonstrated its invincible power.

Qingyang holds the shield of the God King in his left hand, and the battle of the God King in his right hand. Wearing a silver battle armor, Qingyang is a God of War, who is approaching the dust, with a pressing force, and strides forward.

The alien **** king-level emperor stood with his hand in his hand and said indifferently: "You are not my opponent."

"Is it because the opponent has fought?" The human **** King Tianjiao coldly snorted and took the initiative to kill him. The power of the Eight Tribulations King is undoubtedly evident, like a big day, shaking the sky, tearing the world apart.

The battle of the **** king in his hand seemed to burn, and the spirit of the **** king danced together, rumbling against the foreign emperor.

"Since you insist on sending you to death, the emperor will send you to die, remember my name, Sen Luotian!"

The emperor of the foreign race suddenly broke out, and the Dzogchen Supreme Tianjiao, which belongs to the emperor's level, was undoubtedly showing its power, like a round of demon kings.

A big clock appeared in his hand, and the whole body lifted up with tens of thousands of black lights, like a round of magic sun hanging in the air, colliding with it.


The heavens are broken!

The Emperor of the Seven Tribulations vs. the King of Eight Tribulations, the Supreme Tianjiao.

Although the Human God King Tianjiao Qingyang is the Eight Tribulations God King, and is a high young supreme, seemingly superior, but the alien emperor Sen Luotian is the Dzogchen supreme Tianjiao, possessing the terrible combat power of retrograde and killing immortals. The battle is no less than the Eight Tribulations God King.

Moreover, he mastered the flawless inheritance of the emperor's way, and the emperor technique was particularly terrifying, and it did not even take ten rounds to suppress it.


Qingyang roared, and the king's battle armor croaked on his body. He was actually spraying out hundreds of thousands of rays of light, and every ray of light was a sword light, and now billions of sword lights are displayed, turning into a world that cuts the sky and the earth. Excalibur, slashed towards Sen Luotian.


Blood suddenly appeared, and saw that terrifying divine sword slashed on Sen Luotian's shoulder, a wound actually appeared.

This is shocking, marveling at the strength of Qingyang.

However, Qing Yang looked ugly, because it was just that, and the Heavenly Sword could not go any further and was stuck there.

At the same time, I saw Sen Luotian's fist swept across, and a billowing black light burst into flames, billions of dollars appeared, and hit Qingyang.

Qingyang was brave and fearless, raising the shield of the king to block.


The King Shield was sunk by Shengsheng and almost blasted through. The peerless ferocity was even more powerful. He even hit Qingyang with the King Shield and coughed up blood.

"The emperor said, you are not my opponent."

Sen Luotian snorted coldly, the power of the magic bell surged, shaking Qingyang upside down, coughing up blood constantly, and cracking blood all over his body, very miserable.


The other three gods, Tianjiao, were very worried and wanted to rush forward, but they also hesitated.

Sen Luotian's cold eyes swept across the other Human Race Tianjiao, and said coldly: "You guys will go on together, or else he will definitely die alone."

A mere eight-tribulation **** king supreme Tianjiao, he still does not care about the sky, let them all join together if he wants to go up, this is more in his heart, because he wants to directly destroy the dead and sweep everyone , To disintegrate the confidence of Tianjiao of all races.

"it is good!"

The other three gods, Tianjiao, couldn't do this, and rushed directly. Although Qingyang was angry, he knew the seriousness of the matter. He nodded lightly and took the lead to rush up.

"Hahaha, today I will sweep all the arrogances under the quasi-king of the human race!"

Sen Luo Tian Yang Tian laughed wildly, like a demon slamming, a powerful bombardment of the four great human **** king Tianjiao.

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