Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3343: You are not my opponent

Maha Huang, the emperor of the Maha clan, and a quasi-king, is naturally extremely powerful.

He is the emperor, the supreme bloodline is pure and flawless, far better than the previous Dongdu in chaos.

He came out and took the initiative to face the unbeaten victory.

"The emperor?"

Winning undefeated eyes squinted, there is a gushing light inside, but there is no fear.

As the late quasi-monarch, he was not afraid of anyone in the same rank.

And at the quasi-monarch stage, the superiority conferred by the supreme bloodline is already negligible, unless it is the bloodline of the strongest emperor, fairy king and other eternal giants, which can gradually stimulate prosperity.

But obviously, Emperor Maha is not an eternal giant, and his supreme bloodline can't do that.

Therefore, Maha Huang may be the emperor, but the advantage given by the power of the blood is not necessarily much stronger than the blood of the first emperor in his body, and even to some extent, the power of the blood of the first emperor may be better. It.

The quasi-monarch war broke out again. As expected, even the emperor would not be able to gain much advantage. After all, the quasi-monarch can almost be regarded as the Dzogchen Supreme Tianjiao. He has long used the help of the gods to repair his own defects. Heaven is perfect and natural.

And the undefeated win was born in the Royal Family.

Who is Qin Shihuang, one emperor of the ages, a giant of the ages, the supreme giant-level taboo figure who dared to lead the ten supreme burial grounds of chaos, his Taoist imperial family is naturally extraordinary.

The unbeatable emperor's body shining with the incomparable light of the emperor's way, and he has practiced the First Emperor Sutra, as if the reincarnation of Qin Shihuang in his youth was too strong, and even caused the hostile foreign emperors to cough up blood many times.

"The emperor of the emperor is truly extraordinary!"

Even the princes and emperors among the arrogances of foreign races have to admit that the eternal giants such as the First Emperor are really terrible. They seem to be the same emperors, but their background is far superior to the ordinary supreme emperors and immortals. Don't know how much.

Of course, Maha Huang is also very powerful. As an emperor, he has cultivated to the level of a quasi-monarch, and masters the complete inheritance of the emperor's way. At this moment, he is using the magical powers of the emperor, and he also fights to win undefeated and coughs up blood. Wounds appeared, and the body was cracked, like a piece of porcelain.

The battle between the two young quasi-monarchs is even better than before. There is infinite brilliance shining between the heavens and the earth, and the heavens are drawn out, and they can easily crush hundreds of thousands of miles of mountains and rivers and sink the vast land.

Even if the ground on the battlefield is very hard, it has long been subjected to the terrifying laws of the two great chaos ancient universe powerhouses, and even the baptism of the emperor, etc., but now it has precipitated, and the smelting earth seems extremely hard, but it has also appeared. Signs of cracking.


The earth trembles, and the two young quasi-monarchs retreat from each other when they collide, each paying a price, and there is blood splashing.

A fist-sized wound appeared in the abdomen of Unbeaten, which was penetrated back and forth, and blood was flowing.

Maha Huang couldn't get better, even if he used Maha Infinite Wall to block him for the first time, he was still hit by the unbeaten emperor's magical power on his shoulders, directly shattered, and blood stained the sky.

Of course, this injury is not a problem for the two young quasi-monarchs, and it will be repaired soon.

"The Great Wall is still here today!"

With a long scream, he undefeated and displayed the magical powers recorded in the First Emperor's Sutra.

It was created by the first emperor of Qin, how terrifying, only to see the Great Wall appearing on top of its head, it is hundreds of millions of miles, magnificent, as if the real Great Wall appeared, which can suppress the heavens and the ancients. The emperor, break the world.

The emperor of the foreign race also roared, using the supreme forbidden magical powers, just like the reincarnation of the emperor, his aura soared to the extreme in an instant, and collided with the emperor of the foreign race in anger, and the world was in chaos!


Under the terrible collision, both sides suffered serious injuries.

At this time, the emperor's blood in the foreign race emperor's body suddenly boiled and recovered, and the aura became stronger in an instant, and it was actually overwhelming to win.

"No, the bloodline of the emperor is a pure and flawless supreme bloodline. It is different from the bloodlines of other imperial families. Even the quasi-prince is still terrifying." Someone on the emperor gate exclaimed.

The perfect recovery of the supreme bloodline directly repaired the injury, and at the same time, Maha Huang's vitality was also impressively stronger than unbeaten.


The emperor of the foreign race roared like a mighty demon star slamming past, and all the magical powers of the emperor appeared at the same time, surrounding him, and thunder attacked.

Boom boom boom boom boom--

In the violent collision, he directly smashed and blasted his undefeated win, and rushed out of the latter's flesh and blood to win the final victory.

Moreover, the body of the oven envelops the undefeated and shattered flesh and blood, and the raging darkness and demon flames are burning, turning into a powerful force, so that the body can be repaired intact, and the aura is better than before.

When the emperor closed, the human powers were not silent, but also filled with deep grief and anger.

Unbeaten to win!

Tianjiao, the quasi-king of Terran, is defeated!

They can do nothing.

Only when the quasi-monarch is reached can he reluctantly use the Divine King Jie to fill his own way again and again, but it is still flawed, and it may be a real battle, but the final victory or defeat is almost certain.

"Is my human race really unable to defeat these alien races?"

When the emperor closed, the Tianjiao of the Human Race was desperate, or the other quasi-kings of the Human Race were silent.

In the round of cultivation, they are just the same as winning undefeated, and their realm levels are similar, even if they are defeated, how can they fight?

"Can't beat it?"

Suddenly, a clear voice suddenly appeared, echoing in the Emperorguan.

Looking back, I don’t know when there was a slender figure with black hair like a waterfall, majestic and majestic, so handsome and unparalleled, it is not enough to describe the gods of abundance as jade, with special charm~www.wuxiaspot .com~ flawless.

He seems to represent the ultimate perfection between heaven and earth, flawless, perfect Zhou Tian.

At first glance, this person has a sense of deja vu, but it is different from the person who knows it. The key is that special breath, so complete, so flawless, and so immortal, as if it is the most perfect creature in the world. .

Before everyone could react, this person fell on the battlefield of Chaos Sea, facing the alien arrogances alone, without sorrow or joy: "I heard that your alien arrogances are very mad, clamoring that my human race has no one, but that's it.

The alien army looked at this person with a weird feeling. They only felt perfect, but they didn’t know the origin of this person. They said: "Yes, in my opinion, the human race is just like this. Do you want to fight? ?"

The visitor nodded lightly: "I want to fight."

"I'm here to fight you!" The speaker who had just defeated the undefeated Maha Huang, had a strong fighting spirit, and wanted to sweep the Tianjiao of all races.

"You?" The perfect man shook his head: "You can't, you are not my opponent."

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