Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3344: Spike the emperor

"You can't, you are not my opponent."

The flawless young man opened his mouth, his black hair was scattered, and naturally, he had a special charm that was so refined that even the hostile aliens could not pick out the slightest flaw.

This is doubtful, how could such a perfect man appear between the heaven and the earth, even the Great Emperor could not be so perfect.

The alien emperor also cast his eyes in the distance, because in the supreme-level thoughts, he could perceive that this person had a special sense of great perfection, which just led to the illusion of perfection.

The so-called perfection comes from here.

"Huh, arrogant!"

Mo Hehuang, the emperor of the foreign race, suddenly sank, even if the man in front of him looked so perfect, but so provocative, how could he just ignore him, ignore what he said, and rush forward.

At the same time, the absolute power of being a quasi-king broke out, swept across the world, and rushed.

"No matter who you are today, the emperor will die here!"

Maha Huang drank coldly, and he did not underestimate the enemy. His aura climbed to the strongest stage in an instant. He wanted to kill this person in an instant, even if this person was special, like the most flawless creature in the world. To kill.

The emperor's majesty can't be provoked!

The perfect man sighed suddenly and then threw a punch.


It seemed that the entire world was under his control, pressed against the emperor of the foreign race, and came in all directions.

Only see that all the quasi-monarch power in the alien emperor was suppressed and vanished in an instant, replaced by a supreme power overwhelming the world, spreading from the perfect man.


The alien emperor couldn't speak, he could only flash this kind of thinking, even if he saw that fist zoomed in at a rapid speed, he eventually hit the head directly.


The figure of the quasi-emperor of the foreign race shuddered slightly, and on the surface there was no injury at all, but the Niwan Palace in the center of his eyebrows, including the soul of the quasi-king inside, was annihilated into ashes in an instant.

Only a flesh and blood body with no soul and soul fell from the sky.

In the face, Mohehuang, the late emperor of the foreign quasi-monarch, died!

But in the eyes of outsiders, it seems to take the initiative to meet and be hit in the head by a perfect man.

"What happened to Maha Huang?"

All the Tianjiao of the foreign races were stunned, and this was just a punch, so the emperor Mohehuang was defeated?

However, the ancient kings of the alien race changed their colors instantly.

Because they all clearly felt that the emperor Mohehuang was not knocked down, but died directly, and his soul was destroyed.

Just a punch!

When the emperor closed, the seven human kings were shocked.

Killing the quasi-king-level emperor with one punch, even if the quasi-king comes against the sky, it is not necessarily possible.

The perfect man condescendingly looked down at the lifeless body of the foreign emperor Mohehuang, and said: "I said, you are not my opponent, you just don't listen."

Immediately his eyes looked at the alien arrogances: "Can you dare to fight?"

It seems to be an inquiry, it seems to be a doubt, but the moment the words rang, the roar was like a thunder exploding, shaking the earth.

Who dares to fight?



Even unbeaten at the beginning is far worse!

"This person is terrifying. He killed Maha Huang silently and silently. He is definitely not an ordinary person, and he is very likely to be an ancient king."

Other emperors looked solemn and did not easily step forward to fight.

"I will meet him."

He immediately walked out of a king-level emperor, who looked like he was in his early twenties, looked very steady, his words were sonorous, naked to the top, and his majestic posture was terrifying, and his power was far superior to that of Maha Huang. Step into the void, step by step, stepping from the distant horizon, like a demon **** born.

As he stepped forward, his aura also climbed rapidly, and reached a new height in a short time, tearing the nine heavens, like a giant dragon.

"You are very strong. Killing Maha Huang with one punch means that you have at least the fighting power of the Primordial Sovereign. It is indeed extraordinary that there is a Sovereign-level Tianjiao in the human race, but I will kill you today."

The king-level emperor who came to speak seemed to be peaceful, but in reality it was cold and unforgiving.

The perfect man looked at the person who came, without fright, even if this is a king-level emperor, but he has never killed him, and said: "Well, how do you compare to Sheng Xu?"

"Sheng Xu? Do you know Brother Sheng Xu?"

The king-level emperor was shocked. Sheng Xu was the heir of the strongest emperor, and he entered the realm of the Primordial Emperor many years ago. He was on the ancient path of origin and was extremely powerful.

Although he is also a king-level emperor, he is naturally inferior to Shengxu in the domain of the emperor. After all, Shengxu is the heir of the strongest emperor, and the power of blood is much stronger than that of other emperors, not the most. The bloodlines of strong emperors and immortals cannot be compared.

Even in the realm of the Primordial Sovereign, the power of the strongest emperor's bloodline is still very strong, and it can continue to provide a steady stream of natural power, which is immeasurable.

"Listening to you, could it be that you have escaped and survived under Brother Sheng Xu's hands."

The king-level emperor's expression suddenly changed color and dignity, Sheng Xu's strength was unusually strong, and it was far from the same as that of ordinary Primordial Kings, and the fact that the opponent could survive Sheng Xu's hand was enough to prove a lot.

But not any Primordial King has the ability to escape from Shengxu's hands.


The perfect man smiled, and his expression suddenly became cold: "Can I face the catastrophe of life and death with the mere sacred Xu? It seems that you really don't know what happened on the ancient road of origin."

"What do you mean?"

The king-level emperor suddenly had a bad feeling.

"Sheng Xu was killed by me!"

The perfect man was cold, and before the king-level emperor's face appeared in shock, Thunder shot.


The king-level emperor looked terrified, and at the same time, he used the emperor technique to slam the past. He thought that this was the other party disturbing his mind. How could the emperor Shengxu be killed by someone? That is the strongest emperor emperor. Heir!


The fist of the perfect man is like the unrivaled Taikoo Shenyue, pushing horizontally, and the unparalleled power is blooming swept across the king-level emperor.

It can be seen to the naked eye that the emperor magic magic power displayed by the emperor-level emperor will be cracked and annihilated, and there is only a thick color of shock in his eyes: "How can it be so powerful?"

Before he recovered, the fist crashed on his head.


A seemingly simple and ordinary punch, but in an instant contains an unknown amount of stalwart power. Layers are stacked, and the effect is instantaneous. Through the head, it bombards the real king's heavenly soul in the Niwan Palace. .

"Do not--"

The king's heavenly soul roared, but it didn't help. The terrifying and invisible stalwart power was invisible and invisible, and destroyed his king's heavenly soul.


The vitality in the king-level emperor's body was extinct, and it was also perished along with Maha Huang.

Kill the king-level emperor in seconds!

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