Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3345: attack!

The king-level emperor died!

Shock the world!

Whether it's the Tenfold Emperor Guan or the alien army, all are shocked!

Even the aloof alien emperor is also shocked!

That is a king-level emperor, not an ordinary primordial king.

It is important to know that once this type of emperor is promoted to the Primordial King, he will almost certainly be promoted from the level of the Heaven-defying Quasi-king, and his life level is much stronger than that of the general Primordial King of the same rank.

Even higher-level other Primordial Kings want to kill the Emperor-level emperors.

But even so, it was still vulnerable. In front of the human perfect man, it was just a punch. Just like the previous emperor Mohehuang, he was hit in the head and then silently shattered the King's Heavenly Soul.

The Emperor Bao, who was guarding the true spirit in his body, didn't respond, because all of these shots were too fast, so that the Emperor couldn't react, and the king-level emperor died.


All of this demonstrates the world-class combat effectiveness of the perfect man, which is far beyond imagination and beyond imagination!

"So strong, he actually killed a king-level emperor in seconds. Even if he killed the opponent by surprise, the power he showed must be too strong to be able to do it."

The seven human kings of the Emperor Guan were shocked. Even their seven veteran princes, their strength is far from ordinary kings, but among them, I am afraid that only the most powerful peerless king can do this.

Standing on the Eighth Layer, with overwhelming strength and far better than the other six Primordial Kings, I don't know how much, so that he can kill a king-level emperor in an instant with absolute strength.

In fact, the peerless king of the human race knew that although the king-level emperor was strong, he was just a new king. It was great to be able to compare with the three-day king. If you want to kill, basically the seventh-level super king can completely do it.

But it is precisely this that makes people shocked by the peerless king. Isn't the perfect man in front of him a super king?

It's just that such a super king is a super power that stuns the world. As the highest super king of the human race, how can he not know the existence of this person?

Is it a super power from the ancient road of origin or from the realm of Taisheng Emperor?

The peerless king of the human race didn't know this, his eyes were staring at the perfect man for an instant, and he didn't want to miss it.



At the same time, the other two other king-level emperors and daughters who had reacted rushed forward like lightning, but they could only watch the emperor-level emperor being killed by the perfect man in front of them, strong and decisive, with absolute strength. Beheaded.


The appearance of the two king-level emperors and goddesses changed drastically, without thinking about them, she turned and left.

Their strength is not much stronger than that of the king-level emperor who was killed. Even he was easily killed in seconds. They really had to face the impossible to resist, and they would definitely die.

"Since you are here, let's go together. The most important thing for your alien family is to be neat and tidy."

The perfect man shook his fist, and a total of one hundred and eight divine dragons appeared on his fist. Each head was accompanied by surging chaotic light. It was like a real chaotic dragon, locked in the sky, and suppressed from all directions. The great emperor-level emperors and daughters suddenly dropped their speed thousands of times, and their actions became as slow as ants.


And it's overwhelming!

The expressions of the powers of the foreign races changed drastically, and many ancient kings wanted to rush to stop them, but it was too late.

In the rear, the alien emperor's expression also changed, but after all he did not make a move, because the emperor's supreme dignity would not stop the confrontation between the younger generation.

"Do not--"

The two king-level emperors and daughters can only watch the flawless fist of the perfect man sweep by, hitting the head one after another, and then the head becomes a mass of paste, and the heavenly soul of the king inside is even more annihilated. gray.



In the blink of an eye, the three king-level emperors and daughters were all killed in a flash!

Shake the entire battlefield!


The perfect man does all of this without the slightest joy, as if everything is taken for granted, just like the Sun Luotian not long ago.

But this time it was the alien army that was silent.

Apart from the silence, what was accompanied was only an unparalleled sense of horror!

The three emperors and daughters!

Three king-level emperors and daughters were killed in seconds!

The spread out will inevitably shake the entire alien ancient universe.

What is the sacred perfect man in front of me?

Not only the alien race, even the Ten-fold Emperor Guan was very confused about the human race side, but it did not prevent them from being excited.

The Alien Tianjiao was strong and domineering, provoked, and killed the super Tianjiao in the Human Divine King Realm and the Quasi-King Realm, making them angry and helpless.

Now that such a perfect young Tianjiao appeared in the human race, he raised his hand and killed four emperors, three of whom were king-level emperors. Such a masterful cultivation level can completely sweep this battlefield.

It's just that they have doubts about the sacred nature of such a perfect young Tianjiao, they have never heard of it.

After all, that perfect temperament is indeed unforgettable, once seen, it is impossible to forget.

The perfect man grabbed the corpses of the four foreign emperors and daughters in the void. With a flash in his hands, a four-stroke battle appeared, and he pierced the corpses of these foreign emperors and emperors. Nailed directly to the Tenth Grand Emperor's Pass, letting its blood flow, and the blood gleaming to the sky, coldly scanning the alien army: "This is the so-called Tianjiao of your alien race? But it is."

In his own way, his own body!


Slap naked!

The alien army looked at the bodies of the four emperors and daughters being nailed to the tenth emperor gate in disgrace. They were angry, choked, and helpless.

Those are the four dignified emperors and emperors, in every realm they are absolutely At this moment, they were nailed to the tenth emperor gate, which is more like a demonstration. Provocative demonstrations against aliens.

"Your Majesty, please go to war. The Pangu Universe Human Race insulted the emperor and daughter of the Ancient Universe in our world. It is a shame and great shame. I ask to go to war immediately to let people know that the Ancient Universe in our world cannot be provoked."

Among the alien army, the Primordial King asked the alien emperor behind.


The alien emperor spoke indifferently.

In an instant, infinite emperor prestige broke out!

At the same time, behind the Infinite Alien Army, two supreme emperor shadows appeared. They were generally unparalleled and boundless, capable of supporting the vast universe!

Moreover, the inexhaustible army of foreign races, like a torrent of dark torrents, attacked and slew towards the Tenth Imperial Pass.

What agreement, what oath, all this is over, it is impossible for the foreign race to stop here, even if Tianjiao is defeated in the battle, or even killed, it will still attack the tenth emperor pass.

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