Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3346: Perfect reproduction


Hundreds of thousands of alien troops slammed.

"Friends, please enter the Imperial Pass!"

The seven human kings quickly transmitted voice.

Otherwise, no matter how powerful the perfect man is, he cannot be the opponent of the alien army.

"Want to go?"

The great alien hummed coldly, and the emperor thoughts were endless, coming in an instant, turning into the most terrifying brilliance, surging down the sky.

In front of everyone, the perfect man couldn't bear it at all, so he exploded, his body and spirit disappeared!

"Do not--"

The Human Race powers exclaimed that before they had time to rescue, the perfect man who overpowered the alien race's arrogance was severely killed by the alien emperor.

Boom boom boom boom boom--

At the same time, the three great alien emperors set off, holding the Supreme Emperor's soldiers to attack the Tenth Imperial Pass.


At this time, the people imperial pagoda and the world pagoda that were suppressed at the tenth emperor pass recovered, completely resisting the attacks of the three foreign emperors.

"It has only been a few years since the tower, but it has recovered to this point."

The expressions of the three alien great emperors changed slightly, because they felt the time and space power that was far superior to the past emerges from the tenth emperor gate. That belongs to the time and space emperor, and it must involve the recovery of the realm tower, which is better than the past.

Thinking of everything that happened on the Ancient Origin Road two years ago, it must have a lot to do with it.

With their three alien emperors, there is really nothing they can do.

Only at the supreme level can I truly understand how terrifying the eternal giant is.

Even if it is just a Taoist soldier left behind by the eternal giant, it also possesses power far beyond the supreme. Of course, a complete recovery is needed to achieve this step.

Obviously, today's world tower has recovered to a high level, otherwise it would never be possible to release such a powerful space-time power.

When the tenth emperor closed, seeing the three foreign emperors unable to shake the emperor, he breathed a sigh of relief.

At the same time, I also feel the time and space power released by the imperial world tower in the tenth emperor pass. It is vast and vast, just like the blessing of the long river of years. Otherwise, even if the tenth emperor pass can stop the block of three foreign emperors, it will never It might be so easy.

"Please take out the sky ruler!"

An alien great emperor said in a deep tone. Not long after, from the ancient alien realm, a glorious thunder came to the extreme, with a power that overwhelms the heavens and eternal ages. It is better than the supreme and contains a trace. The invincible power of the eternal giants.

Amazingly, this is an eternal giant's soldier!

"Truncate the sky and break the eternal age!"

An alien emperor yelled, holding the armies of the eternal giants and bombarded the Tenth Imperial Pass.

At the same time, the boundary tower in the Tenth Grand Emperor Pass was stimulated, recovered from the Emperor Pass, appeared on the Tenth Grand Emperor Pass, blooming with boundless brilliance.

Vaguely, there seemed to be a giant tree that formed the heavens and worlds. Its huge tree was beyond imagination. Even the supreme laws of the three alien emperors were very different, as if they could support a chaotic ancient universe.

Every branch and leaf is comparable to the world, and there are more endless worlds derived.

In a trance, there seemed to be heavens and worlds surrounding this tree.

It is indeed the body of the tower-the world ancestor tree!


The world tower recovers on its own, just like the time and space resurrecting the earth, the unparalleled power of time and space emerges, with the power of a giant that far exceeds all, and collides with the sky.


It was comparable to the Great War of the Ancients, which exploded the Chaos Sea, shaking the earth.

The three alien great emperors changed their colors, but they did not expect the realm tower to recover to this point at the critical moment. Obviously, the realm tower divine divine also recovered, showing the infinite space-time means of the time-space great emperor.

Of course, they are not afraid, and the sky-breaking ruler has recovered to the extreme, manifesting the figure of an eternal giant, which is a divine manifestation, imitating the eternal giant, saying that it respects the eternal heavens, and looking at the world tower indifferently. Zheng Zheng makes a sound, the way of heaven can be cut off, without fear of everything.

The eternal giant's soldiers broke out, their power was terrifying, and it stirred the boundless sea of ​​chaos, and its power was more powerful than the Supreme Emperor.

At this time, the 33rd floor of the Human Emperor Pagoda fell under the boundless blue light, suppressing everything, and maintaining the stability of the tenth imperial gate.


Suddenly, the Tianchi moved, bypassing the barrier of the tower, and crashing into the Tenth Grand Emperor's Gate.

Comparable to the blow of an eternal giant, it opened with a direct knock, and the immortal Tianmen was blown away by life.


The powerhouse of the Tenth Grand Emperor's Pass changed color. Although the tower was intercepted for the first time, it was too late, because the three foreign emperors used supreme means to suppress the closing of the Tenth Grand Emperor's Guantian Gate.


Human Emperor Tower broke out!

Vaguely, it seemed that the emperor of the ancients appeared, and the stalwart eternal figure walked out, holding the tower of the emperor, and his power was actually many times stronger, vaguely as if surpassing the supreme.

Holding the imperial pagoda, directly and powerfully bombarded the three great alien emperors.

"Supreme Emperor? No, he is the Great Emperor of Reincarnation!"

The expressions of the three alien emperors changed slightly. The Samsara emperor was an eternal tycoon, far from being comparable.

It can be seen to the naked eye that the imperial pagoda of that person can simply reverse the eternity, collapse time and space, and hit it across the board. The impact caused the three ancient great emperors of the foreign race to retreat violently, causing the boundless chaotic sea to riot and stir boundlessly.

But soon, the three great emperors of the alien race realized that it was not a real human emperor, but a phantom. It seemed to come across time and space, showing the power of some eternal giants, otherwise it would be far more terrifying. Many times in front of me.

Naturally, they were holding the Heaven Ruler in their hands. It was an eternal giant's conqueror, who also awakened from the gods, and was extremely terrifying, attacking the Emperor's Tower on its own.

Cut off the sky ruler vs. the Emperor Tower!

The war of terror broke out here.

The battle between the two giants of the ages is like a battle between the two giants of the ages, crossing the peak of time and space, directly surpassing the boundaries of time and space, and entering the depths of the chaotic sea.

Jieta never left, because it blocked the three great emperors of the alien race, and they checked each other.

However, the emperor's phantom has not been manifested like the Human Emperor Tower, and it has not recovered to the extreme, otherwise the three alien emperors will not necessarily be able to stop the full recovery of the soldiers of the eternal giants.

Similarly, the tower was also blocked, unable to guard the Tenth Imperial Pass. At this moment, if the gap of the Tenth Imperial Pass appeared in front of the endless alien army.


I saw an infinite army of alien races appearing in the Chaos Sea, like a dark torrent, occupying the heavens, and the entire field of vision is not an army of alien races.

Ten people appeared just as the head of the emperor, not to mention the Primordial Monarchs, who were even more terrifying in number, even better than the foreign army that invaded the Pangu universe last time.

They looked indifferently at the opened Tenth Imperial Pass, staring at it with cold light.


Just one word falling represents the arrival of the infinite alien army, vast and boundless, rushing to the tenth imperial gate.


The seven kings looked ugly, but they were also very firm, leading their troops to guard the opened sky gate, even if they knew it was unstoppable, they would never take a step back.

They only hope to make their last contribution and wait for the appearance of the Supreme Human Race to turn the tide.


Suddenly, there was a shocking blast from the Tenth Grand Emperor Pass, as if it could stir the entire Chaos Sea, terrifying.

"this is--"

Everyone focused on the past, only to see a figure rushing out of the tenth emperor's pass, black hair like a waterfall, majestic and unparalleled, so handsome, and the faint mark of the moon appeared on the eyebrows, as if the ancient emperor was in the dust.

His appearance shocked the Chaos Sea battlefield.

Isn't it the perfect man just now?

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