Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3349: Kill the alien super king

"The terrible calamity that can hurt the Seventh Heaven is nothing more than a mosquito bite to me. It can't even break the body surface. Sure enough, I was promoted to the Primordial King from the Trinity of Eternal Quasi-King, Chaos Cultivator, and Master of the Origin Universe. It's beyond my imagination. I can't judge how strong the Chaos Saint is. The so-called Emperor's Immortal Soldiers are nothing but rotten copper and rotten iron."

Ye Chen muttered to himself that he couldn't judge how powerful he was to be honest.

Because since he was promoted to the Primordial King in all aspects, he was completely promoted to a whole new level.

It is the Primordial King, the Eternal King, and the Chaos King. It can be described as the most special Primordial King.

If the Primordial King is the overlord of the universe, then he is the overlord among the overlords.

It can be said that without the help of foreign objects, he himself is the strongest weapon and can completely crush everything.

"Although the Heavenly Tribulation is still difficult to harm me, the Heavenly Tribulation, as a chaos practitioner and the Dzogchen Supreme Heavenly Pride, is against the sky. Besides, he is still embarking on the path of eternity, and the Origin Universe seems to have to be added this time. In the later stage, the emperor's catastrophe was unthinkable."

Ye Chen raised his head, his eyes looked at the sky to the highest point, as if he was going to penetrate the entire celestial calamity. He naturally saw the tenth-tier heaven, saw the Thunder Light Gate, and saw the Heavenly Palace Immortal Palace...

The truly terrifying robbery has not yet fully appeared.

All this is just the beginning.

"Well, the soldiers will come to block, the water will cover the earth, and now carry the tribulation to deal with some foreign scum."

An indifferent arc was raised at the corner of his mouth, and Ye Chen calmly stepped into the Thunder Sea of ​​Tribulation. After a few flashes, he came to an alien Super King of the Seventh Heaven.

It has to be said that this alien super king is covered in blood and is under the continuous bombardment of the king's catastrophe. Even with the power of the super king, he can't stop it completely, with his skin sprawled, but there is no fatal injury.

Even if the King's Great Tribulation is raised to a level, it only hurts the super king. It is not a serious injury, let alone a fatal kill, it is even more impossible.

"Battle Saint King!"

That alien super king roared, frightened and angry. If it weren't for the fighting holy king, he would never have suffered such a terrible bombardment from the tribulation. The latter, who was a robber, was unharmed, except for shocking the opponent's body. Qiang Wai, also thinks that he is not as good as the catastrophe he is facing, after all, the catastrophe is targeted.

He shot out in anger, showing the terrifying methods of the super king, far better than the Sixth Heaven King by many times.


Regardless of the eruption of the super king's might, he was treated specially by Heavenly Tribulation, because he knew that as long as he successfully killed the fighting king, everything would be solved.

Ye Chen's expressionless face, no sorrow or joy, collided with the Heaven-shaking Hand in the Holy Law of Fighting.


I saw that the super monarch of the alien race was shattered, Ye Chen shattered it, and even slapped it on the opponent's shoulder, piercing it directly, and blood spattered.


The alien super king was horrified, facing a duel, the fighting sage actually injured himself, but he couldn't hurt the opponent.

Even the eternal quasi-king breakthrough should not be so terrifying.

It's a pity that he doesn't know that Ye Chen's most powerful body and spirit are the most powerful. After countless times of strengthening, it is already indescribable how strong it is now.

Even the Emperor's Immortal Soldier is as vulnerable as scrap iron in front of him.

Ye Chen Lei Ting shot, showing the eternal king's surpassing means.

It was just a dozen tricks. All the means of the alien super king were cracked and then swept away. The whole person was cut in half, the origin was severely damaged, and the king's heavenly soul was weak.

"How can you be so powerful, it is impossible for the eternal quasi-king to be promoted."

The alien super king was horrified. Facing the fighting sage king, he felt that he had no resistance. This was simply unimaginable in the past.

"It's just that you don't understand the terrible eternal king."

Ye Chen said indifferently, and he stepped forward with a snap of his finger and flicked it on the center of his eyebrows. With a thud, the center of the eyebrows exploded, and the King Heavenly Soul was also torn apart by the bullet, almost exploding.

At the same time, he used the palm of his hand to transform into a chaotic aperture, sealing the opponent.

There is an extremely terrifying rule of the king looming here, far superior to it, and the super king of the alien race can use hundreds of thousands of the rule of the king to be unable to shake it, and is shocked: "You actually condensed..."

Before the words fell, Ye Chen sealed it in the original universe.


The Thunder Sea of ​​Tribulation Light exploded, and that was Ye Chen passing through the sky. The vast expanse of thunder and ocean was directly cut in half, and the endless Tribulation Light flickered and split in half.

He stepped to the front of another alien super king and dealt with it in the same way.

With a scream, Chaos Supreme Body also appeared, dealing with the third alien super king.

This is what Ye Chen deliberately targeted. Ordinary kings, even the Sixth Heavenly King, he can ignore it, but as long as he reaches the Seventh Heavenly Super King, he will take action while being robbed by Leihai When trapped and greatly suppressed the strength, the Thunder shot, reducing this type of super combat power as much as possible, and solving even more terrifying characters for the Pangu universe.

With two squeaks, two brilliances flew out of Ye Chen, sinking into the deepest part of the tribulation.

Not a long time, Ye Chen suppressed five super kings of foreign races one after another, which was a lot of effort.

At this time, the tribulation continued to strengthen, reaching a more terrifying stage.

Ye Chen also began to show some blood stains and began to suffer, but it was not too serious.

Looking around I see that other alien kings have basically been out of the scope of the king's catastrophe. They are all peerless and powerful aliens above the seventh heaven, but the alien kings below the sixth heaven are much more miserable. Basically, they have been bombarded for more than half of them, and the other half were shot by the peak kings of foreign races, emperors, etc., and sent back, but they also suffered terrible injuries.

In general, this time the king's catastrophe caused the entire army of the foreign race to be wiped out not only by the king, but also by the Emperor of the Primordial Kings. He scored 30 places and suffered extremely heavy losses.

No one expected this.

The flesh and blood of these alien kings were shattered, and the king's heavenly soul was also turned into fragments, gradually annihilated in the catastrophe.

Ye Chen saw in his eyes, he naturally didn't want to waste it in vain. After all, anyone who could exist in the King's Tribulation for so long would be the essence of the Primordial King.

He used the supreme means to condense and condense into one king pill.

In the end, there were more than twenty pieces, each of which contained absolute violent and powerful power, and the rules of the king contained them. Once it broke out, it was enough to cause the king to be severely injured or even killed.

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