Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3350: Terran Supreme Present

Ye Chen took these King Pills into his body.

If there is weakness, you can swallow these king pill to restore your strength.

Of course, these emperor pills are just forcibly agglomerated. They are rather rough and cannot be regarded as real pills.

If it is re-refined, supplemented with many precious materials, it can definitely increase the efficacy of the medicine, and can even be refined into a god-defying pill that can bring back to life.


A more terrifying tribulation began to come, and the territory covered was even greater, far better than before.

Ye Chen passively and helplessly endured the baptism of the Heavenly Tribulation. At this moment, the Heavenly Tribulation was raised to a level, and even the Chaos Eucharist that became the king level could be hurt, and his body began to sprawl.

Of course, it can't hurt the root.

Chaos Eucharist is almost immortal and hard to hurt.

It just made him feel a pity that the great kings and emperors of the foreign races were far away from the scope of the tribulation, leaving him helpless, even if they wanted to carry the tribulation to chase them up, they were able to shift the scope as soon as possible. .

Especially when the emperor leaves, Ye Chen, who is better than being promoted to the emperor, is far behind the speed, and the gap is still huge.

The remaining alien army was also taken by the emperor, and could not continue to be destroyed by the tribulation.

"Oh, it's really a group of rats, what else can you do except escape."

Ye Chen shook his head and sighed.


A group of foreign monarchs and emperors cursed in their hearts, if you weren't so mean and ran over with the robbery, ghosts would escape.

Having said that, it is a shame that the dignified alien race, the ancient Chaos Universe, known as the No. 1 Chaos Sea, is being chased down like a dog in the family.

If his eyes could kill people, he would have killed this fighting saint king with his eyes for hundreds of millions of times.

However, they are helpless. Fighting with the holy king is simply too enchanting to rebel against the world. If it is the tribulation of ordinary people, they are not afraid at all, but facing the tribulation of an eternal king, they It was really frightening.

Moreover, the emperor's catastrophe was just so terrifying in the early stage, and it is hard to imagine how terrible it will be in the later stage.

Of course, they also had a sneer, wishing that the more terrifying the king's catastrophe, the better, and it would be best to completely wipe out the fighting saint king, so that the alien ancient universe would reduce a huge threat in the future.

Ye Chen had to cross the robbery in front of the Tenth Grand Emperor Pass, also in order to prevent the foreign powers from taking the opportunity to invade the Tenth Grand Emperor.

So, after a full day and night, the emperor's catastrophe became more and more fierce.

In the later stage, Ye Chen was not only covered in flesh, blood flowed across, and the moment the chaotic holy blood was splashing, he was immediately smashed into ashes by the most terrifying catastrophe, becoming a catastrophe.

Fortunately, after he became the king of the ancient times, his vitality was better than before, and there was the blessing of the tree of life in his body. The moment his injury appeared, he recovered and remained at a perfect and flawless stage.

What is even shocking is that at this time, he still has the heart to sacrifice the shocked Two Dao soldiers, the Great Cauldron of Chaos and the Sealed Gate, which are tempered again and again with endless calamity, and are constantly improving.

At this time, the tenth emperor closed, and the human supreme had already appeared.

What is surprising is that it is not a human emperor, nor a non-phase king, but a strange supreme.

It was an old and frail supreme, with one foot stepping into a coffin, and even his blood seemed weak and rotten, like sunset.

Generally speaking, as long as you step into the supreme realm, your life will directly rise to infinity. The years are inviolable and incorruptible. As long as there is no accident, it will last forever, and the same life of the sun and the moon is not enough to describe.

But it is such a supreme, who is about to die, and his blood is decayed, which is unbelievable.

This shouldn't be.

But the seven kings knew that this decaying human supreme was actually the ancient emperor of the mythical era. After the myth was shattered, he suffered the most terrible damage and fell into a deep sleep, just like the Yan Emperor of the year, sleeping forever.

In recent years, in the battle between the two armies of the heavens and ten thousand domains, they inadvertently broke through a sealed chaotic pure land, only to discover this sleeping supreme human race.

When discovered, the human supreme was still in a deep sleep, and his blood continued to weaken and decay. It was because of the terrible emperor curse.

In the end, the human emperor who came in person was supplemented by the human emperor's blood, and even used the rare tenth-order peerless pill in the mythological relics, and this human supreme was truly restored.

The Emperor Profound God is the name of the supreme human race. Although he recovered from his sleep, his injuries were too serious and the Emperor Curse was still unsolvable, causing his blood to plummet, like decay, old age and physical weakness.

He stood tremblingly at the Tenth Grand Emperor's Gate, as if a gust of wind could blow down, but no one dared to ignore him, even the seven kings around him.

Everyone knows that even if the Emperor Profound God hasn't returned to the peak, he still possesses supreme means.

Seventeen years ago, he even made an effort to easily obliterate the six Primordial Kings of the alien army. This proves that even if he is old and weak, he is still the supreme incomparable!

Seeing all this in his eyes, the Emperor Profound God marveled at the rebellion of the human imperial tower, and sighed with the stability of the realm tower, which also shocked Ye Chen, the eternal emperor's king's terrible calamity.

"What a key person, what a strongest successor to a fighting saint, what a chaos practitioner, what a supreme heavenly arrogant of the eternal path, this fighting saint is truly unparalleled."

The emperor Profound God spoke highly of it, and now his appearance has made the tenth emperor pass completely safe and stable, even if the emperor pass is still open, there is no fear.

There is a supreme emperor sitting in town, but foreign emperors dare not break in.

Even if this is an ancient emperor who has suffered heavy losses, he still possesses the real supreme emperor's might.

One man is the key, but one man is not open!

"Little can return to the tenth emperor's pass to cross the calamity, the chaotic sea is dangerous."

The Great Emperor Profound God spoke. Although he appeared, the alien race also had other Supreme Great Emperors, and even eternal giants. After all, he was not the Supreme Great Emperor of the peak period, and he could not exactly protect Ye Chen's safety in the Chaos Sea.

Although this kind of emperor's catastrophe is terrible, it is very likely to damage the entire tenth emperor pass, but what about it, as long as the fighting holy king is safe and sound, he alone can be worth hundreds of millions, almost representing the entire Pangu universe Hope for the future!

Ye Chen was very grateful, but shook his head and said, "Great Emperor, don't worry."

He knew in his heart that he would naturally not let himself die.

Facing the increasingly fierce emperor's calamity, he, who has long experience, continued to attack, and even confronted the incarnation of the ten heavens and the emperor, and even reached the highest point again and again, and confronted the young emperors of the heavens. Manifest.

Naturally, as the eternal emperor, Ye Chen seems to have surpassed the level of Dzogchen Supreme Tianjiao, far more terrifying than countless times. The young emperor and the incarnation of heaven, who were difficult and difficult to defeat in the past, are no more than this in front of him. It can be the most terrifying. The force passed horizontally and shattered forever.

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