Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3351: Blast through the sky and enter the ancient alien universe

Of course, in order to target such a terrifying eternal emperor, the emperor’s catastrophe is naturally not too simple, and even the young age manifestation of the strongest emperor, fairy king and other eternal giants, more terrifying than the young emperor, also makes Ye In the morning, he was injured and he saw blood from time to time.

At this point, Ye Chen also knew that everyone who became an eternal tycoon basically succeeded in setting foot on the path of eternity before the supreme, otherwise it would be impossible to be so terrible. They are all true eternal kings, terribly powerful.

Once you set foot on the path of eternity, no matter which state you are in, it can be said to represent true invincibility.

Like the emperor in the early days, the emperor is invincible.

If there is no phase king, it can be called invincible among the kings.

The immortal kings and the strongest emperors are eternal kings, so the fighting power is too terrifying, as strong as Ye Chen who pays blood from time to time and fights hard.

It’s a pity that although Ye Chen sees blood from time to time, he is comparable to the strongest evildoer of the Emperor of Heaven and the Primogens. The quasi-monarch stage exists on the path of eternity. It is like the gap between the strongest young supreme and the higher young supreme, compared to the one in the catastrophe. These immortal kings and the strongest emperors set foot on the path of eternity earlier, and their combat power became stronger.

Even if the eternal giants revealed in the King’s Tribulation can have ten people in their young age, basically no one can resist from the King’s Tribulation, but Ye Chen did it and deduced himself to the peak. The chaotic light exploded, collided with it, and the peak duel.

They tore apart the appearance and spirit of these young immortal kings and the strongest emperor again and again, causing blood and light to splash and falling into madness.

In the peak duel, Ye Chen's understanding of the level of the king became more advanced, and his combat power further improved.

More importantly, with the help of the King's Great Tribulation, he consciously tempered his body, exercised his soul, and sharpened his body, so that his body and spirit were further strengthened, becoming stronger and more perfect.

What's more, there are two accompanying Taoist soldiers, the Great Cauldron of Chaos and the Gate of Seal, who have also penetrated into the Great Tribulation for baptism and brand new sacrifices.

At this time, the most mysterious incarnation of the tenth day appeared, and stepped down, it was another self, the eternal king, who also mastered the chaos avenue, and had no less combat power than himself.

But Ye Chen had never ascended to the tenth layer of the sky, watching from a distance.

Suddenly, he looked at the back of the incarnation of the tenth day, the same thunder light door, a kind of creepy feeling emerged.

Become an eternal king, and still have such a sense of horror, it is conceivable that this time the thunder light gate is definitely not simple, perhaps it hides terrifying things.

At this time, Ye Chen made an amazing choice, turned and left, instead of confronting the most terrible calamity, he rushed towards the alien race with the boundless tribulation.

It has always been a foreign race army coming to knock off Pangu Universe, this time Ye Chen will take the initiative to find the trouble of the foreign race.


The endless tribulations of the king continued, descending from the sky, breaking through the boundless sea of ​​chaos, only the vast and open area appeared.

The two ancient cosmos frontier powerhouses all saw Ye Chen's crazy actions.

"No, stop him!"

The great emperors of the foreign races all changed their colors. They wanted to stop them, but they had no choice, because the tribulations had been better than before. They pushed them horizontally and directly hit the magnificent sky gate on the edge of the ancient alien universe, sending out vibrations and chaos. The loud noise of the sea.

The catastrophe is more than that, hundreds of thousands of terrifying thunders have fallen, and it is the appearance of many legends of the catastrophe, one after another bombarding the border of the alien ancient universe.

The blue smoke is endless, and the border is trembling slightly.

There were also many foreign legions stationed here, but they were also wiped out under the bombardment of the king's catastrophe.


Although the entire Bianhuang Tianguan closed the Tianmen for the first time, it still withstood a terrible blow.

After all, it was the ancient universe of foreign races, the border and wasteland was stable, and it was even more stable than the ten-layer emperor, and it was difficult to shake.

No matter how terrible Ye Chen's emperor's catastrophe is, it is at the level of the emperor.


He coughed up blood at the corner of his mouth, his figure staggered, looking at the still immortal Bianhuang Tianguan, his energy was exhausted.

Far from the sky, there was a sneer. Those were the kings and emperors who survived the alien race. He sneered and looked at Ye Chen: "The fighting saint king, the border and desolate pass of the ancient universe of our world is not the tenth emperor pass of your Pangu universe. Don't say it's you, even if your Human Race Great Emperor comes, no one can shake it, and the eternal giants are not necessarily shakeable."

As the strongest ancient Chaos Universe at the same level as the Primordial Realm, the Border and Desolate Tianguan here is as unbreakable as the immortal Tianguan without the ancient road of origin, and can withstand the knocks of many eternal giants, but it is definitely compared to the tenth imperial gate. More terrible.

You know, there has been an eternal tycoon who personally blessed the Supreme Seal on the Border and Desolate Sky Pass. It is conceivable how unbreakable it is.

The Fighting Saint King may be against the sky, but it is impossible to use the King's Great Tribulation to open the Border Desolate Pass.

"Indeed, it's not wrong at all. It is really impossible to open this called Luangu Tianguan, even if I use the power of the Emperor's Great Tribulation."

Although I don't want to admit it, I have to admit that this is a cruel reality. It is as powerful as a king's catastrophe, and it is hard to do with the alien heavenly pass named Luangu Tianguan.

He sensed the familiar power, and it was the heavenly gate blessed by the ancient emperor of Chaos. There was the imprint of the eternal giant that belonged to him, shining brightly, and the eternal giant mighty force escaped, resisting everything.

"Since the king level is not good, then the eternal catastrophe of the supreme level!"

Ye Chen's expression appeared decisive!


A bottle of blood appeared in his hand, and the most terrifying supreme qi machine looming loomingly, it was a mass of emperor's essence blood.

Opening the bottle, the Emperor Dao Essence Blood Qi machine appeared, and the moment it appeared, the Heavenly Tribulation directly rose to an unknown number of levels, directly rioting at the supreme level.

The boundless sea of ​​chaos between the Pangu universe and the alien ancient universe seemed to explode.

Ye Chen glanced at the bottle painfully, and blasted the emperor's essence blood to Bianhuang Tianguan, almost to the extreme.


The most terrifying supreme-level catastrophe has come, and it surpasses the previous supreme catastrophe.

There are countless supreme levels of taboo sky thunder descending, rushing to the blood of the emperor, and even rushing to the border and desolation.

A blow that shook the sea of ​​chaos appeared visible to the naked eye, countless billions of thunders fell from the sky, and even those humanoid thunders, like the young emperor, like the incarnation of the sky, like the fairy king, The strongest emperor, such as emperor soldiers and immortal soldiers, reached the supreme level in an instant.

It was only aimed at the emperor's blood, not Ye Chen, otherwise, let alone ten of them, even if there were more than one hundred, they would definitely die.

Boom boom boom boom boom--

It is as if the supreme of the heavens shot together, fighting the chaotic ancient sky together.

The eternal immortality is like an alien ancient universe. The barren sky gate also exploded, and a huge gap appeared.

The heavenly gate was empty, and the hundreds of thousands of miles away collapsed, and the impact was extremely huge.

The emperor's essence blood naturally disappeared in the catastrophe, blasted into ashes, which made Ye Chen painful, but also more excited.

"Hahaha——, foreign scumbag, you uncle, I am here!"

Looking up to the sky, he laughed three times, and Ye Chen rushed into the ancient alien universe with the Infinite King Great Tribulation.

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