Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3353: Karma Sky Sword

"Battle saint king, don't be so arrogant, there is a kind of fight when you are finished with the robbery, you just rely on the power of the robbery, once the robbery is gone, the emperor can crush you thousands of times with one finger." A foreign emperor smiled disdainfully.

It’s just that this radical method is too inferior. Ye Chen saw it through at a glance, and said with disdain: "What if I'm so arrogant? What can I do with the help of the catastrophe, can you do anything about me? King, this holy king can crush you thousands of times with one finger."

In his own way, his own body!

The alien emperor stopped talking, knowing that his tongue skills were not the opponent of the fighting king.

And in fact, he also knew that the fighting sage king was telling the truth. He was the same primordial king, and he was far from the fighting sage king's opponent.

He had to admit this.

Ye Chen didn't bother to continue paying attention to these fools, carrying the vast calamity, and continuing to rush towards the central area of ​​the alien ancient universe.

This time, without relying on the hands of others, he would rely on himself to go to the center of the ancient alien universe and start a one-sided killing, even if there are alien emperors, even giants of the ages, and even the first generation, but he is not afraid to carry The king is not afraid of everything.

Boom boom boom boom boom--

In this way, he alone carried the infinite calamity, shattered countless alien star fields along the way, and even killed infinite alien creatures, and finally rushed into the central territory of the alien ancient universe after half an hour.

The central territory of the ancient alien universe, as far as the center of the Wanyu Region, is actually much larger.

The ancient alien universe did not have the vast upper realm similar to the heavens and domains, but the land of the stars.

But obviously, being located in the central territory is not only the complete ten thousand ways and the consummation of heaven, but also the cultivation environment is far superior to the countless stars in other universes.

Here, Ye Chen could clearly sense the aura of infinite alien races, and there were important races such as emperors and royal families, which were the true mainstay of the entire alien ancient universe.

The Maha Emperor, the Senluo Emperor, the Buddha Emperor... and so on, the familiar atmosphere of the emperor appeared before him.

As long as these emperors and royal families are destroyed, Pangu universe will be safe for at least ten thousand years. After all, it is difficult to condense so many alien forces again, even if it is as strong as the alien ancient universe.

"Hahaha----, grandson of the foreign race, you fight against the uncle Saint King, I am here!"

Ye Chen, who had always been steady, couldn't help his mind flying up. He was rare young, rare arrogant, his voice was rolling, and he didn't know how many star fields were shaking.

Before the emperors, royal clans, and many powerful forces in these star regions came back to their senses, the next moment was endless, and the infinite kings who had flooded the star regions came, directly causing many star regions to be wiped out. It will become soot and cease to exist.

Within a short time, I don't know how many alien creatures were wiped out.

I'm afraid there will be more than 10 billion!


Suddenly, a terrifying Heavenly Sword appeared in the Tribulation, shaped like a galaxy, swept by a billowing flame, and tainted with the most terrible power, as if the grievances of hundreds of millions of creatures were blessed on it and could not be shaken off.

This day the sword fell, and even the most terrifying Jieguang Leihai was split in half, and the young figure of the heavenly supreme retreated, and the young figure of the eternal giant looked at it from a distance, as if she did not want to be contaminated casually. .

"Karma Heavenly Sword!"

Ye Chen knew at a glance what this heavenly sword was, it was a heavenly sword made by karma.

Under normal circumstances, it will not appear in the tribulation at all, but since Ye Chen left the pass, he killed too many alien creatures, causing karma to appear, turning into a terrible heavenly sword, appearing in the tribulation, and must be killed. Ye Chen.

"Hehe, the karma heavenly saber evolved from beheading the alien race is here, but even if karma appears, I want to calm the blood-stained future, how can I be afraid of the mere karma heavenly saber, let alone the alien karma heavenly saber, I have to break it!"

He roared, and the chaotic light all over his body burned, and the most terrifying power bloomed, hitting the karma heavenly sword, displaying the forbidden magical powers of the open universe, and rushing past.

In the loud bang, it seemed that the heavens and the world had exploded, and the infinite calamity light and thunder sea had all collapsed.

Everything fell apart, and nothing lasted.

In the dissipated robbery thunder sea, only a heroic figure was seen flying upside down. It was Ye Chen's figure, covered in blood, staggering constantly.

There was even a terrible wound from left shoulder to right waist on his chest, bones were visible, the chaotic holy blood constantly spewed, showing various visions, almost splitting the whole person in half, and the light of billowing karma was emerging. It is also constantly corroding the wound, causing the wound to be unable to heal.

That was the wound left by the Karma Heavenly Sword. In addition to this one, there were hundreds of wounds, large and small, all over the body, causing the blood in the body to continuously gush.

Even the supreme healing sacred art of Eucharist Regeneration cannot repair the wounded body in the first time.

But it is vaguely visible that in the vast sea of ​​calamity light, the karma heavenly sword was shattered, fell into the sky, and gradually annihilated.

"It's so strong, even the Karma Heavenly Sword can't help but fight the holy king. If someone else is facing the Karma Heavenly Sword in the Emperor's Tribulation, even if the strongest emperor's heir is here, it may not be safe. Spend it!"

In the ancient alien universe, in the depths of the starry sky, many alien superpowers have long been alarmed. A series of horrible figures like mountains and mountains are watching in the distance. It is seen that the karma heavenly sword has also collapsed, and finally resolved the annihilation. The heart trembles.

Such terrifying ability is beyond imagination, not to mention that it is an emperor, not even an eternal giant in his youth.

Ye Chen coughed up blood, blood was constantly emerging from the wounds all over his body, and his karma was eroding.

After all, it destroyed the karma heavenly sword, but because of karma, the karma heavenly sword was as powerful as he would pay the price of blood, which was inevitable.

Karma is far more terrifying than other forces.

Under normal circumstances, even the ancient emperor would not want to be tainted with this because in a sense, karma is also a kind of causal power.

Boom boom boom boom boom--

At the same time, the emperor Supreme and Supreme Immortal in the King’s Tribulation appeared at the same time. There were as many as ten people. They all displayed the magical powers and bombarded him together.


Ye Chen was even more covered in blood, but he sacrificed the Great Chaos Cauldron and the Sealed Gate. He had been with him many times in the Tribulation, and became stronger. At this moment, he was guarding him and resisting. All the attacks of the robbery are passively guarded.

He panted, and began to use the supreme Dafa, swallowing the heavens and the earth, and even capturing the essence of the vast calamity. The holy light on the surface of the body, every pore is like a black hole, bursting with a galaxy, dropping the karma in the body. Resolve and discharge.

At the same time, the original universe within the body releases the power of the universe, rolling out.

Finally, after a short while, with a loud noise, the starry sky exploded and all karma was exploded, and he repaired his wounded body.

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