Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3354: Emperor Shi Shaodi

"It's terrible, even karma can't help him!"

The alien super powers in the depths of the starry sky all change color.

"The emperor, why haven't you come yet, otherwise how can you allow this fighting saint to break into the ancient universe of our world so madly!" Someone was anxious.

"Battle Saint King!"

With a loud roar and exploded, the space of the eternal star suddenly saw a terrifying figure rushing out, blooming with the terrifying aura of a super king, who was actually an emperor.

Really speaking, this is only the Sixth Heavenly King, but he was promoted from the Heaven-defying Quasi-Prince, and he is also an emperor. He is blessed by the flawless supreme bloodline. The aura is absolutely comparable to the Seventh Heavenly Super King, and even stronger.

This emperor was far better than the three king-level emperors I met in the Chaos Sea. I don't know how much, but Ye Chen felt a sense of crisis.


I saw this king-level emperor who was covered in rocks rushed straight into the emperor's calamity, without fear at all, and took the initiative to fight against Ye Chen.


The endless sea of ​​calamity light and thunder have exploded, setting off countless waves of heaven and calamity with heavy stormy waves.


Ye Chen shook it hard and exploded the infinite calamity.

Both sides retreated violently.

Ye Chen only felt pain in his fists, because the king-level emperor in front of him was very strong, far better than the emperor and daughter in front of him, especially the rock-like body gave him a special sense of immortality.

"Battle Saint King, my name is Shao Di Shi, who will kill you today!"

The king-level emperor Shi Shaodi shouted, his name represents everything, he wants to prove that Dao became the emperor, and he is also the peak king of the six heavens. He is terribly powerful. The whole body is like an immortal chaos stone. The big hand is like a millstone, falling from the sky. Boom to Ye Chen.

He shook himself close to him, and Ye Chen had never been afraid of anyone, even if the emperor reached the level of the Sixth Heavenly King, he was not afraid, and he raised the Chaos Holy Fist to shook him.

Boom boom boom boom boom--

In the blink of an eye, it was a collision of thousands of tricks, where stone light and chaotic light were splashing and exploding each other.

Ye Chen was a little surprised, because this was the first time he met a peer who could fight his king after he was promoted to the king.

I have to say that this Shi Shaodi is indeed a terribly strong super power.

But Shi Shaodi is undoubtedly more shocked, because he has been in the realm of kings for many years, at the peak of the sixth heaven, and only one line is the super king of the seventh heaven, and he is also promoted as a heavenly quasi-king, and he is also an emperor. Even the Super King of the Seven Heavens is not weak at all, or even strong but not weak, but it is actually unable to defeat the Saint King in the first time.

This is simply incredible.

Ye Chen became more and more courageous. The eternal king's terrifying manifestations are full, even if it is only a new king level, but it is too special. The eternal quasi-king is terribly powerful and comparable to the four heavenly kings. Once promoted, it will be improved. I don’t know how much, terrible. It's ridiculous.

Even if it was the son of the Sixth Heaven Emperor, in the subsequent collision, he actually got the upper hand.


There was another collision, but this time Ye Chen stood in the sky, and Shi Shaodi's fist was twisted, and the flesh and blood on the stone fist showed a fleshy body inside.

Obviously, in the real collision, Ye Chen completely overwhelmed the high-level Shi Shaodi with his physical body.


Shi Shaodi feels incredible and unbelievable. This emperor clan has always been rare, because the race is very special, but the innate physical body is extremely powerful and invincible in the same realm. Even other emperors, emperors, children of the Fairy Dao are hard to match in the same realm. To be capped.

Now it has been overwhelmed by the Fighting Saint King, which is simply incredible.

"Is it impossible?"

Ye Chen was cold in the sun, and the chaotic blood in his body could shake nine days and ten places. It was too terrifying and could tear through the heavens. Then the brilliance flashed, and it hit the heavens and angered Shao Di Shi.

This time, not only repelled Shi Shaodi, but also tore off one of the opponent's arms. The blood bloomed, and every drop was the most precious blood essence, just like the original Hun Yue Emperor.

This emperor clan is very special. The ancient emperor of this clan is similar to Hunyue Emperor and other alternative stone holy spirit proving Dao to become emperor. Therefore, the descendants are mainly stone and are inherently strong and immortal.

But also deliberately embarked on the road of flesh and blood.

With a grasp of Ye Chen's palm, he took away all the essence and blood, and then refined it, causing the weak aura in his body to increase sharply due to the tribulation.

Boom boom boom boom boom--

"Well, it really deserves to be the blood of a king-level emperor, it's really extraordinary."

Ye Chen laughed, his energy increased sharply, and he shot again, killing Shi Shaodi even more embarrassed, covered in blood, and was captured by Ye Chen.

"Do not--"

Shi Shaodi snarled, trying to struggle, but there was no alternative, because Ye Chen became more and more fierce in the battle. In the later stage, even with a manpower pressure, Shi Shaodi was about to be crushed.


The chaotic light suddenly exploded billions of feet, Ye Chen used forbidden supernatural powers, broke all the obstacles of Shi Shaodi, completely exploded, and refined his flesh and blood in the tribulation, restored his body, sublimated, adjusted and returned to the peak state. .


Shi Shaodi hadn't died yet, he was far more powerful than the three king-level emperors and daughters of the Chaos Sea. He didn't fall in the first time, but it wouldn't last long depending on the situation.

If it continues, it will definitely die.


At this time, Shi Shaodi suddenly broke out, and the flesh and blood shone, as if imitating a whole infinite starry sky, turning into a starry sky overlord. The infinite starry sky fell from the sky, and the countless stars rotated, driving the incomparable power to hit Ye morning.

Even if Ye Chen reacted immediately, his figure was blown away.

But after all, he was too strong, he was not injured, he was just caught off guard.

He was amazed, feeling that this vast universe of stars was repelling and squeezing himself, as if he were a stranger.

Even the heavens and all paths are gradually moving away, unable to be mastered by them.

This is how the same thing?

In the vast starry sky, the huge figure of Shi Shaodi emerged, and the emperor's appearance appeared, and it was the thousands of stars that resonated in this vast starry sky. Condescendingly, looking down at Ye Chen, said: "Battle Saint King, this is me Here, I am the ruler of everything. Even if you go against the sky, you will definitely die."

King's realm?

Ye Chenming understood that this was the starry sky that Shi Shaodi controlled.

The Primordial King is also known as the overlord of the universe, because he not only possesses the original world, but can also refine a vast starry sky into his own dominating domain.

In this refined cosmic starry, the Primordial King is the real cosmic overlord, and even the higher-level Primordial King is destined to be suppressed.

Of course, it takes many years to refine the universe and the starry sky. After all, this refinement of the universe and the starry sky, and waiting for the chaotic universe to seize control of the starry sky, is not as easy as imagined.

And in general, in order to make the refining universe and starry sky unbreakable, a steady stream of refining and various reinforcements are required.

As a result, the refining cosmic starry sky could not be transferred, and the starry sky could not be refined in a large amount. As a result, in many cases, the Primordial King could not use this power to dominate the starry sky. This situation is generally rare.

Unfortunately, Ye Chen just entered the starry sky realm refined by Shi Shao Emperor, so he was suppressed by Shi Shao Emperor.

"Fighting Saint King, I am the supreme master of this starry sky, you are to blame!"

In the starry sky realm, Shi Shaodi is the supreme ruler. Once he speaks, he speaks the method, and the power of the infinite starry sky suddenly appears, blasting towards Ye Chen.

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