Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3370: Who can match!

Even the strongest gods and monsters of the seven super kings did not let Ye Chen suffer much. On the contrary, he became more and more courageous as he fought. He was astonishingly terrifying. The chaotic blood and energy drowned this dazzling law channel and turned into the world's supreme tripod. The furnace must melt everything and turn it into one's own body.

Everyone was silent, including all the gatekeepers of the Immortal Pass, watching for a moment. Who can match such a fighting saint king is too terrifying.

It didn't take a long time for Ye Chen to explode the seven strongest gods and demons at the level of super kings. They exploded strongly and turned into a dazzling rain of light, spreading to every corner of the dazzling passage.

In the depths of the dazzling passage, the same powerful fluctuations are emerging. It seems that after swallowing the rain of light, the strength is condensed, and the seven super king-level strongest gods and demons are once again derived.

"It's interesting, if I'm usually interested in using this to sharpen myself, but now there are more important things to do."

Ye Chen smiled, did not pay any attention to appreciation, used the supreme chaotic means to seize it, and seized all the dazzling light and rain and the rule of the king, and suppressed it in the great chaos cauldron, causing the dazzling passage to not be able to truly breed again.

"Is it over?"

Looking at the shining passage of the unobstructed, he couldn't help feeling a sense of invincibility and solitude in the world. Wanting to come to the blood-stained future, the feeling of the supreme supreme self would be countless times stronger.


Suddenly, the dazzling passage was many times ashamed, with most of its power passing away, and then a terrifying beast appeared in the deepest, swallowing heaven and earth, the heavens and stars looked so small in comparison.

It was a giant swallowing beast, but its power was comparable to the peerless king of the eight heavens. Compared to Ye Chen, he was not weaker at all, and seemed to be stronger to a certain extent.

"The peerless king who is like the eighth heavens, this time the fighting holy king is in trouble." The Emperor Hun Yue looked a little dignified, but it was only that, because he didn't think he could really stop the fighting holy king.

The latter has innumerable cards, the mysterious reincarnation of the great emperor, and several treasures of the emperor's way, even if it is really lost, he will also help.

Facing the Heaven-Swallowing Beast at the level of a peerless king, Ye Chen suddenly laughed, and even laughed up to the sky: "This is a bit interesting, otherwise I would find it too simple."

His laughter seemed to anger the Sky-Swallowing Beast, the Sky-Swallowing Beast roared and shattered the bright passage, with the most terrifying power descending from the sky.

If it weren't for all of this in the shining passage within the Immortal Pass, if it weren't for the suppression of Emperor Hun Yue, the eternal demon would have ran as far as the powers of Pangu Universe.


Ye Chen laughed, and started to take steps. With every step he took, his power increased by one point.

Later, the heyday of the eternal king was no less than the swallowing beast.

Even to some extent, it may be even better.

A gleam of surprise appeared in the eyes of Emperor Hun Yue, this fighting saint king seemed to be stronger than in the realm tower.

Could it be--

When thinking of a certain possibility, he couldn't help taking a breath of cold.

At the same time, a war broke out in the deepest part of Bright Channel.


Ye Chen slammed his fist, instantly crushing the eternity, a monstrous world-destroying energy was released from his fist, vaguely, a great world appeared, and more than one side, densely packed, one layer after another, superimposed on the chaos holy fist , Bombarded.

An indescribable big explosion erupted in the deepest part of the bright passage, and even more terrifying roars, a peerless king-level peak duel was erupting.

Ye Chen confronted the Heaven Swallowing Beast.

Outside the sky pass, in front of the bright passage, except for Emperor Hun Yue, everyone could not see clearly, only knowing that the laws of heaven and earth are boiling, and the big world is about to collapse.


In the end, after a long and loud noise, the eternal explosion exploded and the heavens fell apart.

The brilliant passage that the law had transformed was completely exploded, everything ceased to exist and turned into a pitch-black void, only a stalwart figure standing around the ancient chaos.

He is like an eternal giant who has existed since the beginning of the world, with an immortal sacred body, and his black hair is scattered randomly, shining with blazing chaotic light.

The heaven-swallowing beast of the peerless monarch level was wiped out in ashes, long gone.

Ye Chen stepped forward, striding across time and space, to the real end.

There is light there, proving that this is the real end.


At this time, Qianxun completely killed Kaye Jiuhuang, extinguished his body and spirit, and came to Tianguan.

"Battle Saint King!"

With a move, Emperor Hun Yue brought Qianxun to Ye Chen's side.

Looking at the light at the end, Ye Chen nodded: "Let's go!"

The three crossed the endless sky and stepped to the end. On the other side of the end, there is a mysterious world like light. It is not only vast, but there is a black burial coffin in the middle, which looks very ordinary, like a mortal coffin. No difference, quietly sinking and floating in the center of the world of light, like eternal existence.

"Your Majesty the Great!"

But after seeing the dark burial coffin, all the guards of the Immortal Pass changed their expressions and rushed up, seeming to want to prevent Ye Chen and others from approaching.

That is the supreme **** in the minds of the gatekeepers, not to be profaned!


With a cold snort, the eternal king's infinite heavenly power was released, blocking all these gatekeepers from approaching.

"Friends of Dao, the supreme emperor is sleeping in the coffin, don't disturb his sleep, otherwise you will have to pay the price of regretting your life no matter how strong you are!" There was a great ancient king-level guard who shouted, very excited.

"Don't worry, you care."

Ye Chen was very powerful and domineering, and a chaotic light flicked his hands and blasted the guardian of the Primordial King, severely wounded and vomited blood, almost exploding.

It is not that he is ruthless, but it is said that the emperor in the coffin is suspected to be related to a foreign race, and he has to pay attention to it.

If it is true that the great emperor of the alien race has not been born for thousands of years, and the invasion of the alien army has never been born, he believes that it is very likely to be seriously injured.

If this is the case, he doesn't mind using all means, even if he needs to pay a huge price, he has to kill the great emperor of the foreign race here, and he will never be born.

Ye Chen, Qianxun, and Emperor Hun Yue came to the center of the world of light and surrounded the dark burial coffin.

When he got here, Ye Chen stared at the funeral coffin, but the funeral coffin was so special that he could not really penetrate it.

By his side, Emperor Hun Yue also spoke, indicating to be more careful, as powerful as he could only pierce through one or two vaguely, and a figure was seen lying in the coffin.

"Is this the so-called Sleeping Emperor of the Immortal Pass?"

In Ye Chen's body, the reincarnation body of the emperor awakened in his body, and he was holding the Supreme Emperor's soldier, ready to recover at any time.

He was a master of art and courageous, and went straight to the funeral coffin, Emperor Hun Yue also brought Qianxun to him, and protected him from accidents.

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